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Biography David is a Lecturer within the Applied Informatics Group. He gained his PhD in information science from Northumbria University investigating the information interactions of English as second language users in an e-Governmental context.
This was preceded by a BSc (hons) in Applied Computing from Newcastle College and a MSc from Northumbria University in Business Information Systems Management with a dissertation on the effects privacy concerns have on perceived acceptance and use of the 'Internet of Things'.

He has research interests in interactive information retrieval, information behaviours and literacy and user experience with a particular focus on the impact digitalisation of services has on equality of access.
Research Interests Information Interactions,
User Experience,
Human Computer Interaction
Teaching and Learning Applied Informatics Subject Lead for Learning and Teaching;
Former Programme Leader for BSc Web Design and Development;
Module Leader for:
CSI08103 "Information Interactions, CSI11103 "Advanced Information Interactions", SOC10102 "60 credit Honours Dissertation", SOC10404 "60 credit Honours Dissertation GA"
ResearcherID Z-2240-2019