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Dr Taulant Guma's Outputs (4)

Turning citizens into immigrants: state practices of welfare ‘cancellations’ and document retention among EU nationals living in Glasgow (2018)
Journal Article
Guma, T. (2018). Turning citizens into immigrants: state practices of welfare ‘cancellations’ and document retention among EU nationals living in Glasgow. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(13), 2647-2663.

This article examines the everyday experiences of welfare provision among EU migrants living in Glasgow, demonstrating how the process of restricting the rights of EU citizens has occurred well before Brexit. It is based on 12 months of ethnographic... Read More about Turning citizens into immigrants: state practices of welfare ‘cancellations’ and document retention among EU nationals living in Glasgow.

“Where are we going to go now?” European Union migrants' experiences of hostility, anxiety, and (non-)belonging during Brexit: EU migration, belonging and Brexit (2018)
Journal Article
Guma, T., & Dafydd Jones, R. (2019). “Where are we going to go now?” European Union migrants' experiences of hostility, anxiety, and (non-)belonging during Brexit: EU migration, belonging and Brexit. Population, Space and Place, 25(1), Article e2198.

This paper examines the impact of the 2016 European Union (EU) referendum and its aftermath from the perspective of European migrants living in Wales. Drawing on interviews conducted with EU nationals in 2016 and 2017, the article highlights various... Read More about “Where are we going to go now?” European Union migrants' experiences of hostility, anxiety, and (non-)belonging during Brexit: EU migration, belonging and Brexit.

Exploring potentialities of (Health)care in Glasgow and beyond: Negotiations of social security among Czech-and Slovak-speaking migrants. (2018)
Journal Article
Guma, T. (2018). Exploring potentialities of (Health)care in Glasgow and beyond: Negotiations of social security among Czech-and Slovak-speaking migrants. Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 7(1), 73-90.

This paper draws on an anthropological perspective on social security to explore the complex ways in which Czech-and Slovak-speaking migrants living in Glasgow negotiated their healthcare concerns and built security in the city and beyond. It is base... Read More about Exploring potentialities of (Health)care in Glasgow and beyond: Negotiations of social security among Czech-and Slovak-speaking migrants..

The making of a ‘risk population’: categorisations of Roma and ethnic boundary-making among Czech- and Slovak-speaking migrants in Glasgow (2018)
Journal Article
Guma, T. (2018). The making of a ‘risk population’: categorisations of Roma and ethnic boundary-making among Czech- and Slovak-speaking migrants in Glasgow. Identities, 26(6), 668-687.

This paper critically examines the processes of categorisation of Roma migrants in Glasgow, contributing to debates on the (unsuccessful) attempts of the EU and individual European states to tackle the social exclusion of various Roma populations liv... Read More about The making of a ‘risk population’: categorisations of Roma and ethnic boundary-making among Czech- and Slovak-speaking migrants in Glasgow.