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Dr Ashleigh Logan-McFarlane's Recognition (24)

Invited Panel Chair Netnocon 2023 University of Salford Manchester

Description Professor Robert Kozinets (founder of netnography) invited me to chair the panel titled: "Algorithmic and Market Culture: Studies Utilizing a More-than-human Approach" at the Netnocon conference at the University of Salford (Manchester, UK0 in July 2023.
Affiliated Organisations University of Salford
Research Areas Marketing
Research Themes AI and Technologies
Research Centres/Groups Centre for Arts, Media and Culture
Org Units Business School

Workshop Chair Technovisualities

Description This interactive in-person workshop unpacked the role of visual research in the digital realm. Participants were selected via peer-review process. Professor Robert Kozinets (founder of the research method netnography) and Dr Ulrike Gretzel (Director of Research netnografica), Dr Fatema Kawaf (founder of screencast videography) and Dr Ashleigh McFarlane (digital culture researcher) shared their research experiences and expertise to develop and support the visually informed projects presented on the day. The event was part of the Academy of Marketing Visual Methods SIG and co-funded by the University of Greenwich.
Affiliated Organisations University of Greenwich
Research Areas Marketing
Research Themes AI and Technologies
Research Centres/Groups Tourism Research Centre
Org Units Business School

Eco-Friendly Parenting, Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas (CODI), The Edinburgh Fringe (August).

Org Units Business School

Academy of Marketing Visual Methods Special Interest Group (SIG) Co-Chair

Org Units Business School

#50+ Fashion Instagram Influencers: Cognitive age and Aesthetic Digital Labours

Description McFarlane, A. (2022) #50+ Fashion Instagram Influencers: Cognitive age and Aesthetic Digital Labours, Invited Speaker at The Market of Influencers, Consumer Culture, Society and the Law Conference, Lund University, Sweden.
Affiliated Organisations LUNDS UNIVERSITET
Research Areas Marketing
Research Themes Culture and Communities
Org Units Business School

Conference Chair and Organisation Lead: ‘Future Visualities’ Visual Methods and Ethnography in Interdisciplinary Research Symposium Edinburgh Napier University

Description The Visual Methods and Ethnography (VM&E) in Interdisciplinary Research Symposium is a one-day event designed to unite visual and ethnographic researchers by sharing cutting-edge interdisciplinary visual and ethnographic methods, including analogue and digital techniques. The symposium will take place at the Craiglockhart Campus at Edinburgh Napier University on Wednesday June 1st, 2022. We welcome anyone with an interest in Visual Methods.

VM&E methods are continually advancing and need to evolve to capture the complexities of our ever-changing world. Methods such as art-based and arts-informed research, (visual) ethnography, (digital) visual techniques, creative and participative research, academic film-making, rich picture-building, photo-elicitation, semiotics, visual analysis and screencasting videography draw from disciplines including: anthropology, sociology, marketing, consumer research, tourism, intercultural communications, linguistics, the Arts, media studies and other areas. Our symposium offers a space to discuss and debate how we might advance and develop new approaches that capture these complexities.
Research Areas Tourism
Festivals and Events
Research Themes Culture and Communities
Research Centres/Groups Tourism Research Centre
Org Units Business School

Workshop Chair Academy of Marketing Visual Methods

Description Visual Methods in Marketing and Consumer Research: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The power of visual enables us to empathetically comprehend human experience affording us unique ‘sensory ways of knowing’ and compelling resonant representations. Images, drawings, collages, memes, videos, screencasts, animations and films are amongst the most popular visual tools used in marketing and consumer research today, yet, the discussions around the practice of doing research visually in the field remain limited.

In this workshop we aim to extend the discussion we had started in our AM2021 workshop (The power of visual methods in understanding the ‘new normal’) focusing on the opportunities afforded to us by visual methods in understanding experiences and phenomena during and post initial covid19 lockdowns. In addition to the opportunities, there was a clear need to extend the discussion to the less glamorous side of visual research. The challenges we face conducting and publishing visual research from data collection and the lengthy ethical approvals required, to the messy processes and unfamiliar territory of certain types of visual analysis (e.g. video analysis including issues of multimodality, affordances, and so on) to
the arbitrary rules around the worth of a visual in a research paper and the limits imposed on using visuals, copyright matters – particularly when discovered at the point of publishing.
Research Areas Marketing
Research Themes AI and Technologies

Creative Sparks

Description The 'Creative Sparks' programme is part of the Beltane public engagement network. It brings together researchers and artists to create impactful and engaging experiences for the public.
Working together with a theatre production artist and a multi-disciplinary team of researchers from across each of the four Edinburgh universities, we developed a creative brief for an immersive, theatrical somatic experience titled: "Future Makers: A platform for re-imagining the world we want".
Research Areas Ethics and sustainability
Research Themes Culture and Communities
Research Centres/Groups Tourism Research Centre

ESRC +1 Nostalgic Celebrity Culture: Dynamics between Past and Present within Consumer Culture
2011 - 2015

Description Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC+ 1) doctoral funding. Grant Number 1107458, University of Strathclyde.
Org Units Business School

Key member of the Academy of Marketing Visual Methods SIG advisory board

Description The Academy of Marketing Visual Methods Special Interest Group (SIG) aims to foster a dialogue to expand knowledge on visual and videographic research methodologies and issues among academics, business people and other groupings as appropriate. As a key member of the SIG, I organise and facilitate key visual methods training events and workshops. The purpose of these workshops is to disseminate research findings, theoretical contributions, and successful business practices among members.
Research Areas Marketing
Research Themes AI and Technologies

Workshop Chair Academy of Marketing Visual Methods

Description As we battle a global pandemic, staying at home and existing in
the digital realm is a necessity. In this new normal, our everyday activities have shifted to an online form. From shopping to working,
schools and universities, farewells and birthday parties; the very concept of living and socializing is dependent on digital connection. This fast-paced, data-rich, dynamic, social and visual world requires new ways of thinking. The epistemological gap in our understanding of these digital experiences is often a result of textual and static research methods which are not equipped to capture the nuances of highly visual, dynamic environments.
The prevalence of visual imagery in the ‘new normal’ calls for more thinking and discussions around the application of visual research methods to understand digital and digitally mediated experiences. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together those who are working with the visual: as a form of data, a methodological approach or, a way of communicating research output; to identify best practices and challenges of foregrounding the visual in Marketing and Consumer Research.
Research Areas Marketing
Research Themes AI and Technologies

Membership of the Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) Network

Org Units Business School

Membership of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR)

Org Units Business School

Channel 4 Super Shoppers (6th April 2018 aired June 2018) An interview with Anna Richardson on the impact of UK Supermarket chain product pricing and positioning strategies on shopper behaviours.

Description Logan-McFarlane, A. (2018) Channel 4 Super Shoppers (6th April 2018 aired June 2018) An interview with Anna Richardson on the impact of UK Supermarket chain product pricing and positioning strategies on shopper behaviours.
Org Units Business School

Pearson Education

Description Review core textbooks in Marketing Management such as Goworeck H. and P. McGoldrick (2015) Retail Marketing Management: Principles & Practice.
Org Units Business School

FHEA Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Org Units Business School

External PhD examiner University of Manchester Faculty of Science and Engineering

Description External examiner for Shuang Zhou doctoral thesis titled:
How Opinion Leaders Persuade Consumers: Fashion Opinion Leaders' Narrative Strategies for Creating eWOM on Social Media
Org Units Business School