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Supervisions (5)


Level Doctorate
Student Ms Sana Bilgrami
Status Current
Part Time Yes
Years 2024
Project Title Marginal perspectives: a diasporic body of cinematic works
Awarding Institution Edinburgh Napier University
Director of Studies Kerstin Stutterheim
Additional Supervisor Kirsten MacLeod

PhD Creative Industries

Level Doctorate
Student Nelson Correia
Status Current
Part Time No
Years 2021
Project Title Film Bang: Communities of Practice, Cross Media Interconnections, and Sectoral Growth within Scotland's Film and Television Industries
Project Description This research project investigates the historical evolution of the film and television workforce in Scotland by looking into the career paths and strategies for career sustainability of local freelance crew personnel over the last 45 years. Throughout this period the Scottish screen sector has gone through significant changes in terms of scope, production activity and economic value, and the local freelance workforce has proved to be a key element in the development and success of the sector. However, little is known about the career strategies of individuals who managed to forge their path into the job market over the years, especially when it comes to those working in technical and craft roles. The research draws on data from the 'Film Bang' directory of Scottish-based freelance crew personnel, published from 1976 to date, archival materials, and a series of oral history interviews with selected freelancers. Overall, it is hoped that by uncovering the stories of these professionals it may be possible to gain new insights into the sector and help with the preservation of Scotland’s screen culture heritage. This is a collaborative PhD research project involving Edinburgh Napier University, the University of Edinburgh and the National Library of Scotland Moving Image Archive. The project was awarded an Applied Collaborative Research Studentship (ARCS) by the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities (SGSAH).
Awarding Institution Edinburgh Napier University
Director of Studies Alistair Scott
Second Supervisor Kirsten MacLeod


Level Doctorate
Student Cara Bamford
Status Current
Part Time No
Years 2021
Project Title Community Media in Lockdown: How social change during the COVID-19 pandemic affects strategies of distribution and impact for female-identifying community based media
Awarding Institution Edinburgh Napier University
Director of Studies Kirsten MacLeod
Second Supervisor Alistair Scott

PhD - check status

Level Doctorate
Student Dr James Blake
Status Withdrawn
Part Time Yes
Years 2020
Project Title Interaction and participation: Investigating the impact of mobile technologies on screen-based industries and audiences
Awarding Institution Edinburgh Napier University
Second Supervisor Kirsten MacLeod

PhD - check status

Level Doctorate
Student Wesam Basabain
Status Withdrawn
Part Time No
Years 2020
Project Title Instagram & Snapchat Use: Cultural norms of self-presentation and personal branding among Saudi women athletes
Awarding Institution Edinburgh Napier University
Director of Studies Kirsten MacLeod
Second Supervisor Tony Westbury