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Dr Sharron Vass' Recognition (23)

Linking Cell Migration and Angiogenesis in Zebrafish, University of Glasgow

Enhancement Themes, Heriot Watt

An Afternoon of Science, Public Engagement Event, Edinburgh Napier University

Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy

UKAT Annual Conference

University of Edinburgh - Medical School Careers Day

Member of British Society for Cell Biology

Monster Confidence - STEM Promotion, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh

Soapbox Science - Public Engagement Event, The Mound, Edinburgh

Winner - 3 Minute Thesis, School of Applied Sciences, Edinburgh Napier University

Beatson International Cancer Conference, Glasgow

Taking the Sticky out of Cohesion, University of Dundee

From Flies to Fish (via humans), Centre for Cardiovascular Research, University of Edinburgh

Co- Chair, Little France Post-Doctoral Society

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Pump-Priming Award, BHF

Linking Cell Migration and Angiogenesis in Zebrafish, University of Sheffield

Imaging Vascular Development and Cell Migration in Zebrafish, Karolinska Institute, Sweden