Dr Linda Gilpin
Biography | Having gained a BSc Hons Biology, a PhD and five years postdoctoral research experience from Queen's University, Belfast, I moved to Edinburgh Napier University in 1998. As a Lecturer in Aquatic Biology I am involved in teaching from 1st year to MSc level with a focus on practical laboratory and field skills. In 2004 I became leader of MSc Aquatic Ecosystem Management programme, however in 2011 this programme was withdrawn and I took over leadership of the continuing MSc programmes: MSc Wildlife Biology and Conservation and MSc Ecotourism. I have co-supervised six PhD students and examined eight. Research Interests I have over 25years of research experience in aspects of primary productivity, nutrient dynamics and eutrophication. Biological oceanographic cruises in the Atlantic, Indian and Southern Oceans led to the study of foodweb interactions within the pelagic microplankton using an experimental mesocosm approach in order to gain insights into the potential effects of human activity on nearshore waters. Primary production in the intertidal region by microphytobenthos, seagrasses and mangals is a current area of interest. Teaching and Learning I teach across all years and am leader for a variety of modules including Scientific Enquiry, Population and Community Ecology, Marine Biology, Advance in Aquatic Sciences, Scientific Methods and Research Project. I became a Member of the Institute of Learning and Teaching in 2002 and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2007. In 2012 I was an external subject expert on the re-approval panel assessing the BSc (Hons) Marine Science degree at the University of the Highlands and Islands. |
Research Interests | I have over 25years of research experience in aspects of primary productivity, nutrient dynamics and eutrophication. Biological oceanographic cruises in the Atlantic, Indian and Southern Oceans led to the study of foodweb interactions within the pelagic microplankton using an experimental mesocosm approach in order to gain insights into the potential effects of human activity on nearshore waters. Primary production in the intertidal region by microphytobenthos, seagrasses and mangals is a current area of interest. |
Teaching and Learning | I teach across all years and am leader for a variety of modules including Scientific Enquiry, Population and Community Ecology, Marine Biology, Advance in Aquatic Sciences, Scientific Methods and Research Project. I became a Member of the Institute of Learning and Teaching in 2002 and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2007. In 2012 I was an external subject expert on the re-approval panel assessing the BSc (Hons) Marine Science degree at the University of the Highlands and Islands. |