The Sunny Sides of Summits: Influence of aspect on diversity, distribution and leaf size of plant species in an alpine environment.
Jay Mackinnon's Recognition (12)
An analysis of the risks and benefits associated with the medicinal use of borage (Borago officinalis)
Is Traditional Use of Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) Borne Out By Modern Research?
The Sunny Sides of Summits: Influence of aspect on diversity, distribution and leaf size of plant species in an alpine environment
Can Involvement in Research Create Educational Opportunities for Students?
24-hour urine samples and timed plasma samples as biomarkers of high intakes of soy isoflavones
Is phyto-oestrogen exposure beneficial in breast cancer patients?
Further development of a biomarker of isoflavone intake
Using biomarkers to assess phytoestrogen intake in breast cancer patients during a dietary intervention study
Are phytoestrogens beneficial in breast cancer patients? Use of a newly validated biomarker to assess phytoestrogen intake in women with breast cancer and controls.
Isoflavone content of soy-based beverages and desserts
County Recorder for Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (VC84, West Lothian)