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Stefan Lehneke's Outputs (4)

Timber properties of species with potential for wider planting in Great Britain (2024)
Price, A., Ridley-Ellis, D., Adams, S., Lehneke, S., Ash, A., & Macdonald, E. (2024). Timber properties of species with potential for wider planting in Great Britain. Forest Research

Diversifying the range of tree species planted in Great Britain is an important goal in adapting to climate change and increasing the resilience of British forests. The wood properties and utilisation potential of less widely planted species are impo... Read More about Timber properties of species with potential for wider planting in Great Britain.

Some thresholds for grading British grown spruce to optimised strength classes using longitudinal resonance (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ridley-Ellis, D., Adams, S., & Lehneke, S. (2018, August). Some thresholds for grading British grown spruce to optimised strength classes using longitudinal resonance. Presented at World Conference on Timber Engineering, Seoul, Republic of Korea

The main commercial species in the UK and Ireland is Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), which is graded in combination with a small amount of Norway spruce (P. abies). It is typically graded to the European strength class C16, but actually has superior... Read More about Some thresholds for grading British grown spruce to optimised strength classes using longitudinal resonance.

Thinking beyond the usual strength grades – with examples of British spruce and larch (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ridley-Ellis, D., Adams, S., & Lehneke, S. (2016, August). Thinking beyond the usual strength grades – with examples of British spruce and larch. Presented at World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2016)

This paper summarises the processes and normative requirements involved in grading of structural timber, and outlines a number of areas in which matters may be improved, so as to make better use of the true properties of the timber resource used. The... Read More about Thinking beyond the usual strength grades – with examples of British spruce and larch.

Within- and between-stand variation in selected properties of Sitka spruce sawn timber in the UK: implications for segregation and grade recovery (2013)
Journal Article
Moore, J. R., Lyon, A. J., Searles, G. J., Lehneke, S. A., & Ridley-Ellis, D. (2013). Within- and between-stand variation in selected properties of Sitka spruce sawn timber in the UK: implications for segregation and grade recovery. Annals of Forest Science, 70, 403-415.


Information on wood properties variation is needed by forest growers and timber processors to best utilise the available forest resource and to guide future management.


This study aims to quantify the variation in selected proper... Read More about Within- and between-stand variation in selected properties of Sitka spruce sawn timber in the UK: implications for segregation and grade recovery.