GLOBE Conference - Certificate of Excellence in Paper Reviewing
Dr Jacqueline Brodie's Recognition (53)
Guest Speaker - QAA Enhancement Themes Conference - Round table Speaker - Workshop
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research
Organising Member - Charity Board Iniatitive Launch Events - Queen Margaret, Edinburgh and Edinburgh Napier Universities
QAA 13th Enhancement Themes Conference -Reviewer/Presenter
Institute For Small Business Conference - Reviewer/ Presenter
2nd QAA International Enhancement in Higher Education Conference
3rd QAA International Enhancement in Higher Education Conference - Presenter/reviewer
CABS Learning Teaching Student Experience Conference
Journal of Hospital and Medical Management
The International Journal of Management Education
Industry and Higher Education
Editor - Teaching Fellow Journal - Edinburgh Napier University
Member of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI).
BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT
Prince 2 Practitioner
Guest Speaker - HEA Video - SFHEA and Mentoring
Media endorsement of STEPS "The Informed Trustee"
Invited Speaker - ENU Business School Public Engagement Awareness Event
Guest speaker EY Foundation - Governance Webinar for Social Entrepreneurs