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Dr Catherine Mahoney's Recognition (29)

Deaths at Home During the Pandemic - Steering Group meeting 26 August 2021

Description We would be delighted to invite you to speak to our Bereavement Steering Group virtual meeting about this on Thursday 26th August if you might be available? The meeting runs from 10:00 to 12:00 via Microsoft Teams. Your slot would ideally be around 25/30 minutes including Q&As, and you are very welcome to stay for the whole meeting or just for your own session.

You can find out a bit more about our work in our Bereavement Annual Report 2020-21 and I’ve included a bit of background about the role and composition of the group below to give some context on the audience and their priorities:-

Role of the Steering Group
The role of the Steering Group is to provide expert consultancy and direction to inform priority setting and outcomes across the workstream, for example in relation to:
 the development of a comprehensive educational resources toolkit to facilitate implementation of the frameworks (to include the NES Support around Death website,, mobile app, case based discussions, exam questions, animated films)
 the development of multi-professional bereavement education to reflect integrated health and care services
 the development and delivery of two grief and bereavement training frameworks (initial framework for medics, then subsequent development of a multi-professional version)
 the ongoing development of the extant evidence base to support the development of grief and bereavement education work (e.g. literature reviews and online surveys)
 Provide strategic influence to inform the grief and bereavement agenda across NHSScotland focussing predominantly on educational solutions for the workforce

Steering Group Membership
Membership includes representation both internal and external to NES. External membership will include representatives from:
• Scottish Government (Bereavement Policy Lead)
• Death Certification Review Service
• Scottish Deans Medical Group
• Directors of Medical Education Group
• Scottish Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
• General Medical Council
• Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care
• Scottish Care CEO (also Chair of the Bereavement Charter for Scotland Group)
• NHS Board Strategic Lead/ Bereavement Coordinator – on a rotational basis

Please do let me know if you might be interested in/have capacity to speak to this group and I can provide further information.
Affiliated Organisations NHS Education for Scotland
Org Units School of Health and Social Care

Scottish Care Homes Conference 2019

Description Member of the conference organising committee
Affiliated Organisations Queen Margaret University
University of Edinburgh

Scottish Care Homes Conference 2021

Description Lead organising committee
Affiliated Organisations Queen Margaret University
University of Edinburgh

Well prepared? Conceptualising race, racism and antiracism in mental health nurse education in Scotland

Description Abstract
This doctoral research starts with the fundamental racial realist contention that racism exists, and that it exists in the structures of our social institutions. Growing bodies of evidence attest to workers’ and patients’ experiences of racism at the hands of our healthcare system (Kapadia et al, 2022; Kmietowicz et al, 2019; Likupe & Archibong, 2013). Mental health, as a distinct field of practice, education, and service is no exception (Barnett et al, 2019; Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, 2021). The material, experiential effects of racism are clear.

Yet, U.K. nursing literature tells us little about how nurses conceptualise and understand issues of race and racism. Nor has the formative role of nurse education been examined. This presents a significant research gap. Without this research, the extent to which nurse education challenges, contributes to, or reinforces the racism that manifests in the healthcare system – through the knowledge it (re)produces – will remain unknown.

Responding to this gap, this research critically examines how stakeholders involved in mental health nurse education (MHNE) in Scotland understand and promulgate the concepts of race and racism. The contention here is that how we conceptualise race and racism, and how we frame our anti-racist agendas, requires a critical understanding of how these social problematics are perpetuated, as well as how significant we consider them to be (Scott, 2012; Shafi & Nagdee, 2022). In particular, attention is given to exploring how the knowledge and values (re)produced in MHNE allows or inhibits students to think critically about the deployment of ‘race’. This includes the capacity to challenge cultures of racism in practice and to be(come) antiracist. The focus of this study is directed by three interrelated research questions: 1) (How) are race and racism conceptualised and understood in pre-registration mental health nurse education (MHNE) in Scotland?; 2) What are the knowledge and values (re)produced in MHNE that have a bearing on how race, racism and antiracism are understood?; and 3) (How) can bringing MHNE in conversation with contemporary racism scholarship illuminate opportunities for progressing antiracism in MHNE curriculum and pedagogy?

In meeting these aims, this study will examine MHNE ‘in the round’. As reflected in the study’s design, the study samples from multiple institutions that offer pre-registration mental health nursing programmes in Scotland. Equally, it will engage with multiple constitutive stakeholders including those who deliver MHNE (the educators), those who receive MHNE (the students), as well as incorporating MHNE’s key agenda documents (the standards and curricula). Methodologically, the research is influenced by Critical Social Research (CSR) (Harvey, 1990; 2022), with qualitative data collection methods being employed (interviews, focus groups, and documentary analysis). Data analysis will draw upon discursive analytic methods and, crucially, the data will be interpreted through synthesis with contemporary race/racism theory.

In the analysis of the collected samples, the emphasis will not be on individual insights, but on what these accounts, collectively and across institutions, tell us about how MHNE positions, understands, and promulgates ideas around race and racism.
Affiliated Organisations Sheffield Hallam University
Research Areas Critical studies
Human rights
Social justice
Research Themes Culture and Communities
Research Centres/Groups Population and Public Health Research Group
Org Units School of Health and Social Care

Exploring care home mealtime experience: perspectives during the COVID-19 infectious disease outbreak'
2020 - 2024

Description Aim
To explore the influence that infectious disease outbreaks have on care homes’ mealtime structure and residents’ dining experience.

Main question
What influence do infectious disease outbreaks have on care homes’ mealtime structure and residents’ dining experiences?
Affiliated Organisations University of Edinburgh
Org Units School of Health and Social Care

External Examiner Royal College of Surgeons Ireland

Description Nominated External Examiner for PGDip in Sexual Assault and Forensic Nurse Examination programme and MSc/PGDip/PG Cert Care of the Surgical Patient at the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland.
Org Units School of Health and Social Care

Performing for Real

Description As the use of drama in the education of
healthcare professionals becomes more
widely accepted, its relationship to the
more established practice of simulationbased
learning merits further examination.
Though these two pedagogic approaches
stem from different disciplinary contexts,
the practices share core features.
Chiefly that they immerse participants
in simulated situations, inviting them to
experience, embody, and perform desirable
behaviours. A particular benefit of both
drama-based approaches and simulation
is that they enhance awareness of and
reflection on professional practices.
Mapping the overlaps and intersections
between simulation and drama-based
learning is of immediate relevance to
healthcare professional educators and
drama practitioners. Collaborations
between these sectors are bringing
new strategies and approaches to
healthcare professional education
and are to encompass a greater variety
of learning approaches.
This event is for educators, practitioners,
researchers, users of healthcare services
and students in healthcare and in
drama who want to find out more about
current and developing practice in the
field. It features live and livestreamed
presentations and performances
showcasing simulation and drama-based
initiatives. This is the inaugural event of a
working group dedicated to promoting the
value of performance-based approaches to
healthcare professional education.
Affiliated Organisations Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Kings College London
Research Areas Education
Healthcare Services
Research Themes Health
AI and Technologies
Research Centres/Groups Centre for Higher Education Research
Org Units School of Health and Social Care

Colleague Recognition Awards 2024

Description nominated in the Learning and Teaching and Leadership Excellence categories, outcome June 2024.
Affiliated Organisations Edinburgh Napier University
Org Units School of Health and Social Care

Student Nursing Times Awards (SNTA) 2020 - Teaching Innovation of the Year; Dramatic Effect: authentic learning through co-production of drama
2019 - 2020

Description Nominated for Educational Innovation of the Year by the Nursing Times Awards. Panel has met and judging in process. Awards ceremony is in November 2020.

Dear Catherine,
Congratulations! We are delighted to inform you that your entry for Dramatic Effect: authentic learning through co-production of drama from Edinburgh Napier University has been shortlisted in the Teaching Innovation of the Year category.

The judges had a tough job scoring and have commended the high-quality of this year’s entries, to be shortlisted is a fantastic achievement!
Research Areas Education
Human rights
Research Themes Health
Research Centres/Groups Population and Public Health Research Group

Ho Ghent University Belgium International Week - Establishing a European Research Network to Promote Nurses Health and Wellbeing

Description Through U!REKA a network has been established that includes researchers across partner institutions with a shared interest in the health of healthcare professionals across Europe. The aim of this session was to expand the scale and scope of our network to ensure that it can realise impact.
Research Areas Governance
Research Themes Health
Research Centres/Groups Population and Public Health Research Group

Holyrood Policy Event: On the Nations Plate; Improving Nutrition in Scotlands Hospitals - 'What About the Workforce?'

Description Holyrood Policy Events inform and debate policy and practice from the Scottish Government. This event was debating improvements in the provision of food and fluids for patients and staff in the NHS in Scotland. I was invited to talk about my experiences as a Lecturer/Practitioner in Nutrition with NHS England and about my research as a member of the Nurses Lives Research Programme which indicates a high incidence of obesity in Nurses in Scotland.
Affiliated Organisations The Scottish Government
Research Themes Health
Research Centres/Groups Population and Public Health Research Group

Research Nurse Staff Development Forum NHS Fife - 'Demistifying Research for Health and Social Care Practitioners'; enabling accessibility and understanding of research and evidence based practice using innovative educational approaches

Description Due to my expertise educating health and social care practitioners about the research process and evidence based practice, I was invited to speak at the Research Nurse Staff Development Forum for NHS Fife in 2028. My presentation 'Demystifying Research for Healthcare Practitioners' explored and evaluated my pedagogical approaches to ensuring research is made accessible to professional practitioners.
Affiliated Organisations NHS Fife
Research Areas Education
Research Themes Health
Research Centres/Groups Population and Public Health Research Group

Practice Education Forum NHS Lothian - Partnership in Bachelor of Nursing Curriculum Development

Description During my role as Lead for Curriculum Development and as part of the evaluation of the pre-registration Bachelor of Nursing Programme I was invited to share evaluation findings and gather innovation for future curricula with professional stakeholders in NHS Lothian.
Affiliated Organisations NHS Lothian
Research Areas Public health
Neurological disease
Research Themes Health
Research Centres/Groups Population and Public Health Research Group
Org Units School of Health and Social Care

Mentor and Reviewer for Edinburgh Napier University ENRoute Scheme for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy

Description Mentor and review internal applications for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy within Edinburgh Napier University. To date I have successfully mentored 3 colleagues in the School of Health and Social Care in their Senior Fellow Applications
Affiliated Organisations Edinburgh Napier University
Org Units University

Academic Reviewer for Journal of Advanced Nursing

Description Regular peer review for leading international academic nursing journal
Org Units School of Health and Social Care

Department for Education Fully Qualified Teacher