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Dr Jennifer Murray's Outputs (5)

Are consistent juror decisions related to fast and frugal decision making? Investigating the relationship between juror consistency, decision speed and cue utilisation (2017)
Journal Article
Curley, L. J., Murray, J., MacLean, R., & Laybourn, P. (2017). Are consistent juror decisions related to fast and frugal decision making? Investigating the relationship between juror consistency, decision speed and cue utilisation. Medicine, Science and the Law, 57(4), 211-219.

To establish whether more consistent/accurate juror decision making is related to faster decision making processes which use fewer cues, i.e. fast and frugal heuristic processes. A correlational design was implemented, with the co-variables: consiste... Read More about Are consistent juror decisions related to fast and frugal decision making? Investigating the relationship between juror consistency, decision speed and cue utilisation.

Heuristics: The good, the bad, and the biased. What value can bias have for decision makers? (2017)
Journal Article
Curley, L. J., Murray, J., & MacLean, R. (2017). Heuristics: The good, the bad, and the biased. What value can bias have for decision makers?. the Quarterly, 41-44

This discussion paper will look at heuristics (rule of thumb techniques for decision making), (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974) and their potential value. Typically, heuristics have been viewed negatively (Gigerenzer & Goldstein, 1996), with research sugges... Read More about Heuristics: The good, the bad, and the biased. What value can bias have for decision makers?.

Investigation of visual aspects of developmental dyslexia in children (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Piotrowska, B., Murray, J., Willis, A., & Kerridge, J. Investigation of visual aspects of developmental dyslexia in children

Developmental dyslexia is a disorder characterised by difficulties with reading, despite adequate intelligence and education. Phonological deficits are often indicated as the primary cause of dyslexia. Because a range of lower-level perceptual, atten... Read More about Investigation of visual aspects of developmental dyslexia in children.

The relationship between the Big 5 personality traits and eyewitness recognition (2017)
Journal Article
Curley, L., MacLean, R., & Murray, J. (2017). The relationship between the Big 5 personality traits and eyewitness recognition. Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis, 13(2), 57-72

The aim of the current research was to identify which, if any, personality traits are related to recognition in an eyewitness task. A correlational design was used with the co-variables being personality traits and correct (false) recognition. Eight... Read More about The relationship between the Big 5 personality traits and eyewitness recognition.

Risk Factors for Suicide and Suicidal Behavior Relevant to Emergency Health Care Settings: A Systematic Review of Post-2007 Reviews (2017)
Journal Article
McClatchey, K., Murray, J., Rowat, A., & Chouliara, Z. (2017). Risk Factors for Suicide and Suicidal Behavior Relevant to Emergency Health Care Settings: A Systematic Review of Post-2007 Reviews. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 47(6), 729-745.

Suicide is a global public health problem and with recent economic and societal changes, there may be emerging risk factors unrecognised by healthcare professionals. The aim of this systematic review is to update existing suicide risk factor literatu... Read More about Risk Factors for Suicide and Suicidal Behavior Relevant to Emergency Health Care Settings: A Systematic Review of Post-2007 Reviews.