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Prof G Florida-James' Outputs (4)

The effects of marathon running on expression of the complement regulatory proteins CD55 (DAF) and CD59 (MACIF) on red blood cells (2006)
Journal Article
Simpson, R. J., Florida-James, G. D., Whyte, G. P., Middleton, N., Shave, R., George, K., & Guy, K. (2007). The effects of marathon running on expression of the complement regulatory proteins CD55 (DAF) and CD59 (MACIF) on red blood cells. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 99(2), 201-204.

Exercise is known to result in the haemolysis of red blood cells (RBCs). Although mechanical stressors such as footstrike and an increased velocity of blood flow may be involved, the biological mechanisms that underpin RBC haemolysis remain elusive.... Read More about The effects of marathon running on expression of the complement regulatory proteins CD55 (DAF) and CD59 (MACIF) on red blood cells.

Physiological variables and performance markers of serving soldiers from two “elite” units of the British Army (2006)
Journal Article
Simpson, R. J., Gray, S. C., & Florida-James, G. D. (2006). Physiological variables and performance markers of serving soldiers from two “elite” units of the British Army. Journal of Sports Sciences, 24(6), 597-604.

The aim of this study was to compare selected physiological variables and performance markers of soldiers from two “elite” units of the British Army. Ten soldiers from each of the two units were recruited for this study (n = 20). All participants com... Read More about Physiological variables and performance markers of serving soldiers from two “elite” units of the British Army.

Lymphocyte Phenotype Alterations, Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines and Acute Phase Proteins Following Repeated Bouts of Mountainous Hill-Running: 2278 (2006)
Journal Article
Simpson, R. J., Guy, K., Whyte, G. P., Middleton, N., Black, J. R., Ross, J. A., Shave, R., & Florida-James, G. D. (2006). Lymphocyte Phenotype Alterations, Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines and Acute Phase Proteins Following Repeated Bouts of Mountainous Hill-Running: 2278. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(Supplement), S412???S413.

No abstract available.

The effects of intensive, moderate and downhill treadmill running on human blood lymphocytes expressing the adhesion/activation molecules CD54 (ICAM-1), CD18 (β2 integrin) and CD53 (2006)
Journal Article
Simpson, R. J., Florida-James, G., Whyte, G. P., & Guy, K. (2006). The effects of intensive, moderate and downhill treadmill running on human blood lymphocytes expressing the adhesion/activation molecules CD54 (ICAM-1), CD18 (β2 integrin) and CD53. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 97(1), 109-121.

This study examined the effects of intensive, moderate and downhill treadmill running on blood lymphocyte expression of adhesion/activation (AA) molecules. Trained subjects completed three treadmill-running protocols of identical duration: (1) an int... Read More about The effects of intensive, moderate and downhill treadmill running on human blood lymphocytes expressing the adhesion/activation molecules CD54 (ICAM-1), CD18 (β2 integrin) and CD53.