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Prof Johnson Zhang's Outputs (92)

Determination of shear strength of timber joists by torsion testing. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khokhar, A. M., Zhang, H., & Ridley-Ellis, D. (2009, October). Determination of shear strength of timber joists by torsion testing

This paper presents an experimental investigation in which the torsion testing approach was employed to evaluate the shear strength of Sitka spruce and Norway spruce joists. Rectangular
structural size specimens of lengths ranging from 1.0 m to 3.6... Read More about Determination of shear strength of timber joists by torsion testing..

Space-Time Finite Element Dynamic Analysis of Transfer Plate Structures in Tall Buildings (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kuang, J., & Zhang, H. (2009, September). Space-Time Finite Element Dynamic Analysis of Transfer Plate Structures in Tall Buildings. Presented at Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing

A new space-time finite element formulation for dynamic analysis of transfer plates is presented. The method is based on an unconventional Hamilton variational principle and a special technique in time domain interpolation is employed. For the simple... Read More about Space-Time Finite Element Dynamic Analysis of Transfer Plate Structures in Tall Buildings.

A semi-analytical method for plate and grid structures (2008)
Journal Article
Kuang, J. S., & Zhang, H. (2008). A semi-analytical method for plate and grid structures. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering and Computational Mechanics, 161(3), 121-128.

In current design practice, analysis of plate and grid structures in civil engineering, such as waffle slabs, ribbed plates and slab-girder bridges, is based largely on code-specified approximate methods, and deflections of these systems are rarely e... Read More about A semi-analytical method for plate and grid structures.

Eight-node membrane element with drilling degrees of freedom for analysis of in-plane stiffness of thick floor plates (2008)
Journal Article
Zhang, H., & Kuang, J. S. (2008). Eight-node membrane element with drilling degrees of freedom for analysis of in-plane stiffness of thick floor plates. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 76(13), 2117-2136.

The development of eight-node arbitrary quadrilateral membrane elements with drilling degrees of freedom is presented using the compatible displacement interpolation within the element. The element is considered to develop specifically for analysing... Read More about Eight-node membrane element with drilling degrees of freedom for analysis of in-plane stiffness of thick floor plates.

Determining the Shear Modulus of Sitka Spruce from Torsion Tests (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khokhar, A., Zhang, H., Ridley-Ellis, D., & Moore, J. (2008, June). Determining the Shear Modulus of Sitka Spruce from Torsion Tests. Presented at WCTE2008:10th World Conference on Timber Engineering

This paper presents details of the experimental method, and preliminary results from, a series of torsion tests undertaken to evaluate the shear modulus of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) timber. Direct torsion tests were used to determine the variat... Read More about Determining the Shear Modulus of Sitka Spruce from Torsion Tests.

Timber Plate Dynamics with Space-Time Finite Element (2006)
Journal Article
Zhang, H., Ridley-Ellis, D., & Hapca, A. I. (2006). Timber Plate Dynamics with Space-Time Finite Element. Timber Engineering,

A new space-time finite element formulation for dynamic analysis of timber plates is presented. The method is based on an unconventional Hamilton variational principle and a special technique in time domain interpolation is employed. For the simple c... Read More about Timber Plate Dynamics with Space-Time Finite Element.

Eight-node Reissner–Mindlin plate element based on boundary interpolation using Timoshenko beam function (2006)
Journal Article
Zhang, H., & Kuang, J. S. (2007). Eight-node Reissner–Mindlin plate element based on boundary interpolation using Timoshenko beam function. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 69(7), 1345-1373.

A new eight-node Reissner-Mindlin plate element is developed with a special interpolation within the element. This special interpolation is an extension of the element boundary interpolation that employs Timoshenko beam function for the boundary segm... Read More about Eight-node Reissner–Mindlin plate element based on boundary interpolation using Timoshenko beam function.

A stiffened plate analogy for plate-and -beam structures (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kuang, J. S., & Zhang, J. H. (2006, June). A stiffened plate analogy for plate-and -beam structures. Presented at Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering

The current design practice of plate-and-grid structures in buildings, such as waffle slabs and ribbed plates, is relied largely on code-specified approximate methods, and the deflection of the system is rarely evaluated owing to the complexity of ca... Read More about A stiffened plate analogy for plate-and -beam structures.

Analysis of Stiffened Plates: An Effective Semi-Analytical Method (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kuang, J., & Zhang, H. (2003, September). Analysis of Stiffened Plates: An Effective Semi-Analytical Method. Presented at Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing

During the past three decades, a large amount of research results on the analysis and design of stiffened plates has been reported. Most of the methods used in the analyses include finite element [1,2,3], finite strip [4,5,6] and boundary element [7,... Read More about Analysis of Stiffened Plates: An Effective Semi-Analytical Method.

Unconventional Hamilton-type variational principle in phase space and symplectic algorithm. (2003)
Journal Article
Luo, E., Huang, W., & Zhang, J. (2003). Unconventional Hamilton-type variational principle in phase space and symplectic algorithm. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 46, 248-258.

By a novel approach proposed by Luo, the unconventional Hamilton-type variational principle in phase space for elastodynamics of multidegree-of-freedom system is established in this paper. It not only can fully characterize the initial-value problem... Read More about Unconventional Hamilton-type variational principle in phase space and symplectic algorithm..

The Impact and Modelling of Concentrated Butt-Joints on Vertically Laminated Bamboo-Timber Hybrid Bio-Flitch Beams
Preprint / Working Paper
Zhang, H., Gharavi, N., Wong, S. H., Deng, Y., Bahadori-Jahromi, A., Limkatanyu, S., Qiao, Y., & Kuang, J. The Impact and Modelling of Concentrated Butt-Joints on Vertically Laminated Bamboo-Timber Hybrid Bio-Flitch Beams

This paper presents the experimental and analytical studies to investigate the impact of concentrated laminated bamboo butt-joints on the flexural properties of vertically laminated bamboo-timber hybrid beams (VLHBs, or flitch beam). The experimental... Read More about The Impact and Modelling of Concentrated Butt-Joints on Vertically Laminated Bamboo-Timber Hybrid Bio-Flitch Beams.

Evaluate equivalent-sectional shear modulus for laminated glass beams using in torsion tests and photogrammetry method
Preprint / Working Paper
Uheida, K., Deng, Y., Zhang, H., Galuppi, L., Gao, J., Xie, L., Huang, S., Qin, X., Wong, S. H. F., Guo, J., Zhang, G., & Mohamed, A. Evaluate equivalent-sectional shear modulus for laminated glass beams using in torsion tests and photogrammetry method

This paper proposes a concise concept for quantifying the shear/torsional stiffness of the laminated glass beams experimentally by introducing the Equivalent-Sectional Shear Modulus (ESSM), that is directly measured from the torque and sectional-rota... Read More about Evaluate equivalent-sectional shear modulus for laminated glass beams using in torsion tests and photogrammetry method.