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Dr Bruce Ryan's Outputs (19)

Selected poems: Lorna Lloyd (2022)
Ryan, B., & Hall, H. (Eds.). (2022). Selected poems: Lorna Lloyd. Edinburgh Napier University

This volume comprises 37 poems by Lorna Lloyd (1914-1942) arranged by date of composition: 1928-1930 (11); early 1930s (11); mid to late 1930s (10); early 1940s (5). It was produced as an output of the AHRC Creative Informatics 'Platform to platform'... Read More about Selected poems: Lorna Lloyd.

From a network model to a model network: strategies for network development to narrow the LIS research–practice gap (2022)
Journal Article
Hall, H., Ryan, B. M., Salzano, R., & Stephen, K. (2023). From a network model to a model network: strategies for network development to narrow the LIS research–practice gap. Journal of Documentation, 79(3), 757-783.

The purpose of the empirical study was to examine whether strategies shown to work well in one model of network development for library and information science (LIS) practitioners and researchers could be applied successfully in the developm... Read More about From a network model to a model network: strategies for network development to narrow the LIS research–practice gap.

The creative use of digitised archives: case study of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the War’ podcast series (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ryan, B., Hall, H., Wilson, M., & Berger, J. (2022, September). The creative use of digitised archives: case study of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the War’ podcast series. Presented at The BBC at 100 Symposium, National Science and Media Museum, Bradford

The roundtable discussion is concerned with the creative use of digitised archives in the work undertaken for the AHRC Creative Informatics funded Platform to Platform project. This centres on the exploitation, augmentation, and exhibition of a set o... Read More about The creative use of digitised archives: case study of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the War’ podcast series.

Digital options: an assessment of audience engagement with a digitised archive set transformed from online text and images to audio format (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022, August). Digital options: an assessment of audience engagement with a digitised archive set transformed from online text and images to audio format. Paper presented at Archives and Records Association Annual Conference 2022, Chester, UK

We report the findings of a research project funded by the AHRC, with support of the BBC, British Library, and a community museum. This exploits, augments, and exhibits a set of existing archive data by transforming a young woman’s personal testimony... Read More about Digital options: an assessment of audience engagement with a digitised archive set transformed from online text and images to audio format.

Information literacy impact framework: Final project report (2022)
Cruickshank, P., Ryan, B., & Milosheva, M. (2022). Information literacy impact framework: Final project report

This report presents findings from a review of literature reporting on information literacy (IL) impact. It is intended to deliver considerations towards a framework for impactful IL interventions, including development of parameters to guide impact... Read More about Information literacy impact framework: Final project report.

E06 - 'Diary of the war' episode 6 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E06 - 'Diary of the war' episode 6. [Podcast]

This is episode 6 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers mid-May to early August 1940.

E05 - 'Diary of the war' episode 5 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E05 - 'Diary of the war' episode 5. [Podcast]

This is episode 5 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers April and early May 1940.

E01 - 'Diary of the war' episode 1 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E01 - 'Diary of the war' episode 1. [Podcast]

This is episode 1 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers early September 1939.

E02 - 'Diary of the war' episode 2 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E02 - 'Diary of the war' episode 2. [Podcast]

This is episode 2 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers mid- to late September 1939.

E03 - 'Diary of the war' episode 3 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E03 - 'Diary of the war' episode 3. [Podcast]

This is episode 3 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers October to November 1939.

E12 - 'Lorna Lloyd's Poetry' Episode 4 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E12 - 'Lorna Lloyd's Poetry' Episode 4. [Podcast]

This is episode 4 of Lorna Lloyd’s poetry, a bonus episode of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’. This episode features Lorna’s poetry from the early 1940s.

E07 - 'Diary of the war' episode 7 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E07 - 'Diary of the war' episode 7. [Podcast]

This is episode 7 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers mid-August to mid-December 1940.

E08 - 'Diary of the war' episode 8 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E08 - 'Diary of the war' episode 8. [Podcast]

This is episode 8 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers late December 1940 to February 1942.

E09 - 'Lorna Lloyd's Poetry' Episode 1 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E09 - 'Lorna Lloyd's Poetry' Episode 1. [Podcast]

This is episode 1 of Lorna Lloyd’s poetry, a bonus episode of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’. This episode features Lorna’s poetry from 1928 to 1930.

E10 - 'Lorna Lloyd's Poetry' Episode 2 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E10 - 'Lorna Lloyd's Poetry' Episode 2. [Podcast]

This is episode 2 of Lorna Lloyd’s poetry, a bonus episode of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’. This episode features Lorna’s poetry from the early 1930s.

E11 - 'Lorna Lloyd's Poetry' Episode 3 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E11 - 'Lorna Lloyd's Poetry' Episode 3. [Podcast]

This is episode 3 of Lorna Lloyd’s poetry, a bonus episode of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’. This episode features Lorna’s poetry from the mid- to late 1930s.

E04 - 'Diary of the war' episode 4 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E04 - 'Diary of the war' episode 4. [Podcast]

This is episode 4 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers December 1939 to March 1940.

Evaluation Of Inequalities Of Access In UK Online Digital Collections: A Systematic Review (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Brazier, D., Ryan, B., & Gooding, P. (2022, April). Evaluation Of Inequalities Of Access In UK Online Digital Collections: A Systematic Review. Paper presented at ASIST 24-Hour Global Conference, Online

This paper presents the results of a systematic literature review into how UK Cultural Heritage Institutions (CHIs) deal with issues of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). In recent years, researchers have addressed the fragmented nature of Cul... Read More about Evaluation Of Inequalities Of Access In UK Online Digital Collections: A Systematic Review.