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Dr Kevin Sim's Outputs (26)

Automated Algorithm Selection: from Feature-Based to Feature-Free Approaches (2023)
Journal Article
Alissa, M., Sim, K., & Hart, E. (2023). Automated Algorithm Selection: from Feature-Based to Feature-Free Approaches. Journal of Heuristics, 29(1), 1-38.

We propose a novel technique for algorithm-selection, applicable to optimisation domains in which there is implicit sequential information encapsulated in the data, e.g., in online bin-packing. Specifically we train two types of recurrent neural netw... Read More about Automated Algorithm Selection: from Feature-Based to Feature-Free Approaches.

Evolutionary Approaches to Improving the Layouts of Instance-Spaces (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sim, K., & Hart, E. (2022, September). Evolutionary Approaches to Improving the Layouts of Instance-Spaces. Presented at 17th International Conference, PPSN 2022, Dortmund, Germany

We propose two new methods for evolving the layout of an instance-space. Specifically we design three different fitness metrics that seek to: (i) reward layouts which place instances won by the same solver close in the space; (ii) reward layouts that... Read More about Evolutionary Approaches to Improving the Layouts of Instance-Spaces.

Minimising line segments in linear diagrams is NP-hard (2022)
Journal Article
Chapman, P., Sim, K., & Hao Chen, H. (2022). Minimising line segments in linear diagrams is NP-hard. Journal of Computer Languages, 71, Article 101136.

Linear diagrams have been shown to be an effective method of representing set-based data. Moreover, a number of guidelines have been proven to improve the efficacy of linear diagrams. One of these guidelines is to minimise the number of line segments... Read More about Minimising line segments in linear diagrams is NP-hard.

A Neural Approach to Generation of Constructive Heuristics (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alissa, M., Sim, K., & Hart, E. (2021, June). A Neural Approach to Generation of Constructive Heuristics. Presented at IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2021, Kraków, Poland (online)

Both algorithm-selection methods and hyper-heuristic methods rely on a pool of complementary heuristics. Improving the pool with new heuristics can improve performance, however, designing new heuristics can be challenging. Methods such as genetic pro... Read More about A Neural Approach to Generation of Constructive Heuristics.

Drawing Algorithms For Linear Diagrams (Supplementary) (2020)
Chapman, P., & Sim, K. (2021). Drawing Algorithms For Linear Diagrams (Supplementary). [Data].

This folder contains the material to go with the article:

Peter Chapman, Kevin Sim, Huanghao Chen (2021) Drawing Algorithms for Linear Diagrams.

The code, the benchmark set of diagrams, the dataset of algorithms applied to the benchmark set, an... Read More about Drawing Algorithms For Linear Diagrams (Supplementary).

A Deep Learning Approach to Predicting Solutions in Streaming Optimisation Domains (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alissa, M., Sim, K., & Hart, E. (2020, July). A Deep Learning Approach to Predicting Solutions in Streaming Optimisation Domains. Presented at GECCO ’20, Cancún, Mexico

In the field of combinatorial optimisation, per-instance algorithm selection still remains a challenging problem, particularly with respect to streaming problems such as packing or scheduling. Typical approaches involve training a model to predict th... Read More about A Deep Learning Approach to Predicting Solutions in Streaming Optimisation Domains.

Algorithm selection using deep learning without feature extraction (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alissa, M., Sim, K., & Hart, E. (2019, July). Algorithm selection using deep learning without feature extraction. Presented at Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference (GECCO) 2019, Prague, Czech Republic

We propose a novel technique for algorithm-selection which adopts a deep-learning approach, specifically a Recurrent-Neural Network with Long-Short-Term-Memory (RNN-LSTM). In contrast to the majority of work in algorithm-selection, the approach does... Read More about Algorithm selection using deep learning without feature extraction.

Applications of Evolutionary Computation (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
(2018, April). Applications of Evolutionary Computation. Presented at 21st International Conference, EvoApplications 2018, Parma, Italy

This book constitutes the refereed conference proceedings of the 21st International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, EvoApplications 2018, held in Parma, Italy, in April 2018, collocated with the Evo* 2018 events EuroGP, Ev... Read More about Applications of Evolutionary Computation.

Use of machine learning techniques to model wind damage to forests (2018)
Journal Article
Hart, E., Sim, K., Kamimura, K., Meredieu, C., Guyon, D., & Gardiner, B. (2019). Use of machine learning techniques to model wind damage to forests. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 265, 16-29.

This paper tested the ability of machine learning techniques, namely artificial neural networks and random forests, to predict the individual trees within a forest most at risk of damage in storms. Models based on these techniques were developed i... Read More about Use of machine learning techniques to model wind damage to forests.

A new rich vehicle routing problem model and benchmark resource (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sim, K., Hart, E., Urquhart, N. B., & Pigden, T. (2015, September). A new rich vehicle routing problem model and benchmark resource. Presented at International Conference on Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems, EUROGEN-2015, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

We describe a new rich VRP model that captures many real-world constraints, following a recently proposed taxonomy that addresses both scenario and problem physical characteristics. The model is used to generate 4800 new instances of rich VRPs which... Read More about A new rich vehicle routing problem model and benchmark resource.

Applications of Evolutionary Computation (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
(2017, April). Applications of Evolutionary Computation. Presented at EvoApplications: European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The two volumes LNCS 10199 and 10200 constitute the refereed conference proceedings of the 20th European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, EvoApplications 2017, held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in April 2017, colocated wi... Read More about Applications of Evolutionary Computation.

Applications of Evolutionary Computation (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
(2017, April). Applications of Evolutionary Computation. Presented at EvoApplications: European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The two volumes LNCS 10199 and 10200 constitute the refereed conference proceedings of the 20th European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, EvoApplications 2017, held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in April 2017, collocated w... Read More about Applications of Evolutionary Computation.

A hybrid method for feature construction and selection to improve wind-damage prediction in the forestry sector (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hart, E., Sim, K., Gardiner, B., & Kamimura, K. (2017, July). A hybrid method for feature construction and selection to improve wind-damage prediction in the forestry sector. Presented at Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference on - GECCO '17

Catastrophic damage to forests resulting from major storms has resulted in serious timber and financial losses within the sector across Europe in the recent past. Developing risk assessment methods is thus one of the keys to finding forest management... Read More about A hybrid method for feature construction and selection to improve wind-damage prediction in the forestry sector.

On Constructing Ensembles for Combinatorial Optimisation (2017)
Journal Article
Hart, E., & Sim, K. (2018). On Constructing Ensembles for Combinatorial Optimisation. Evolutionary Computation, 26(1), 67-87.

Although the use of ensemble methods in machine-learning is ubiquitous due to their proven ability to outperform their constituent algorithms, ensembles of optimisation algorithms have received relatively little attention. Existing approaches lag beh... Read More about On Constructing Ensembles for Combinatorial Optimisation.

A hyper-heuristic ensemble method for static job-shop scheduling. (2016)
Journal Article
Hart, E., & Sim, K. (2016). A hyper-heuristic ensemble method for static job-shop scheduling. Evolutionary Computation, 24(4), 609-635.

We describe a new hyper-heuristic method NELLI-GP for solving job-shop scheduling problems (JSSP) that evolves an ensemble of heuristics. The ensemble adopts a divide-and-conquer approach in which each heuristic solves a unique subset of the instance... Read More about A hyper-heuristic ensemble method for static job-shop scheduling..

Genetic Programming (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Machado, P., Heywood, M. I., McDermott, J., Castelli, M., García-Sánchez, P., Burelli, P., Risi, S., & Sim, K. (2015, April). Genetic Programming

The 18th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP) took place during
April 8–10, 2015. Copenhagen, Denmark was the setting, and the Nationalmuseet was
the venue. EuroGP is the only conference exclusively devoted to the evolutionary
gener... Read More about Genetic Programming.

A Novel Heuristic Generator for JSSP Using a Tree-Based Representation of Dispatching Rules (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sim, K., & Hart, E. (2015, July). A Novel Heuristic Generator for JSSP Using a Tree-Based Representation of Dispatching Rules. Presented at Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference - GECCO Companion '15

A previously described hyper-heuristic framework named
NELLI is adapted for the classic Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) and used to find ensembles of reusable heuristics that cooperate to cover the heuristic search space. A new heuristic generato... Read More about A Novel Heuristic Generator for JSSP Using a Tree-Based Representation of Dispatching Rules.

A research agenda for metaheuristic standardization. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hart, E., & Sim, K. (2015, June). A research agenda for metaheuristic standardization. Paper presented at 11th Metaheuristics International Conference

We propose that the development of standardized, explicit, machine-readable descriptions of metaheuris- tics will greatly advance scientific progress in the field. In particular, we advocate a purely functional description of metaheuristics — separat... Read More about A research agenda for metaheuristic standardization..

A Lifelong Learning Hyper-heuristic Method for Bin Packing (2015)
Journal Article
Hart, E., Sim, K., & Paechter, B. (2015). A Lifelong Learning Hyper-heuristic Method for Bin Packing. Evolutionary Computation, 23(1), 37-67.

We describe a novel Hyper-heuristic system which continuously learns over time to solve a combinatorial optimisation problem. The system continuously generates new heuristics and samples problems from its environment; representative problems and heur... Read More about A Lifelong Learning Hyper-heuristic Method for Bin Packing.

On the life-long learning capabilities of a NELLI*: a hyper-heuristic optimisation system. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hart, E., & Sim, K. (2014, September). On the life-long learning capabilities of a NELLI*: a hyper-heuristic optimisation system

Real-world applications of optimisation techniques place more importance on finding approaches that result in acceptable quality solutions in a short time-frame and can provide robust solutions, capable of being modified in response to changes in the... Read More about On the life-long learning capabilities of a NELLI*: a hyper-heuristic optimisation system..