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Dr Kevin Sim's News (3)

Prof. Emma Hart and Dr Kevin Sim win Bronze Award in International Humies competition for work on predicting wind damage in Forestry
Jul 19, 2018

Summary The Annual Humies prize is awarded at the International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation for human-competitive results that have been produced by any form of genetic and evolutionary computation.

Prof. Hart and Dr Sim were awarded the Bronze Medal in Kyoto, Japan for work on improving computational models to predict damage to individual trees in forests during a storm
People Emma Hart
Kevin Sim

CAVES researchers have 3 papers accepted at GECCO 2017
Jul 15, 2017

Summary Members of the CAVES research group have 3 papers accepted at the world's leading conference on Evolutionary Computing. GECCO 2017 will be held in Berlin from 15-19th July 2017.

Accepted papers are:

Real World Applications Track:

Evolving Solution Choice and Decision Support for a Real-World Optimisation Problem. Neil Urquhart and Achille Fonzone

A Hybrid Method for Feature Construction and Selection to Improve Wind-Damage Prediction in the Forestry Sector. Emma Hart, Kevin Sim, Barry Gardiner, Kana Kamimura

Complex Systems TracK
An Investigation of Environmental Influence on the Benefits of Adaptation Mechanisms in Evolutionary Swarm Robotics. Andreas Steyven, Emma Hart, Ben Paechter
People Neil Urquhart
Emma Hart
Kevin Sim
Andreas Steyven
Ben Paechter
Org Units School of Computing
School of Computing Engineering and the Built Environment
Research Areas Optimisation and learning
Themes AI and Technologies
Research Centres/Groups Centre for Algorithms, Visualisation and Evolving Systems

Conference Success for members of Bio-Inspired Special Interest group
Jul 18, 2016

Summary Update! Success for members of Bio-Inspired Special Interest Group.
People Emma Hart
Kevin Sim