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Post Nominals Visiting Professor - University of Oxford
Biography  PhD in knowledge transfer within business practice
 Visiting Scholar, University of Oxford - Saïd Business School (2016-2018)
 10 years Senior Management/Operational leader in regulated environment (NHS)
 Honorary Fellow, University of Edinburgh, College of Medicine (2014-2016)
 Management of multi-disciplined project teams (NHS – University of Edinburgh)
 Expert in the identification, analysis, and resolution of diverse operational issues

My main work assembly is comprised of four perspectives;

 Hold a number of management responsible roles within my University
 Appointed to senior roles in NHS Boards
 Managed teams and budgets in large organisation
 Own and lead national projects and change solutions (NHS – Scottish Gov.)
 Manage/lead incident investigations
 Preparation for audits, reviews and quality assurance procedures

Research & Development:
 A demonstrable capability to lead a research programme. (NHS)
 An established track-record of obtaining external funding.
 An ability to communicate at all levels (students, staff, research peers) and by several methods (presentations, papers, lectures, tutorials, research meetings).
 Reputation for scholarship in a number of areas (healthcare & management)
 Development of management strategy theory (University of Oxford)

Teaching & Organisational:
 Driver of executive teaching methods (Executive MBA programme leader)
 Engage with a range of teaching mediums including online and distance learning.
 Supervising PhD students, as well as undergraduate and MSc projects/ Mentoring and giving advice to postdoctoral researchers and academic colleagues/ Carrying out other administrative duties as assigned by the Head of School.

Public & Third Sector:
 Hold a number of significant roles in high profile charitable bodies
 Knowledge of third (service) sector systems and processes including the development, writing and submission of major grant proposals.
Taking a leading role in the development of collaborations with industry and other academic institutions
Research Interests As a lecturer, module leader and programme leader within the school of management, I lead programme delivery of a variety of professional programmes to a wide range of local, national, and international students. Central to this role is leading and managing the design, development and evaluation of undergraduate/postgraduate programmes & modules, participating in the development of appropriate syllabuses, materials and Schemes of Work. I am responsible to the Head of School, for the assessment and supervision of the work based learning curriculum, induction of new staff, mentoring of colleagues and design and delivery new modules, both in the UK and overseas. I am responsible as Programme Leader for managing and collating submissions to programme boards and overseeing delivery of the Executive MBA modules, workshops and associated online forums to ensure all student needs and expectations are met.
A key aspect of this role is managing ongoing research activity relating to; business strategy, good practice, leadership and governance, and to plan, develop and support, local, national and international research collaborations.