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Prof Elizabeth Anne McKay's Outputs (41)

A scoping review of time-use research in occupational therapy and occupational science (2014)
Journal Article
Hunt, E., & McKay, E. A. (2015). A scoping review of time-use research in occupational therapy and occupational science. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 22(1), 1-12.

Background: Time use is a defining interest within occupational therapy and occupational science. This is evident through the range of contributions to the disciplinary knowledge base. Indeed it has been suggested that time-use methods are amongst th... Read More about A scoping review of time-use research in occupational therapy and occupational science.

Time Use and Daily Activities of Late Adolescents in Contemporary Ireland (2013)
Journal Article
Hunt, E., McKay, E., Fitzgerald, A., & Perry, I. (2014). Time Use and Daily Activities of Late Adolescents in Contemporary Ireland. Journal of Occupational Science, 21(1), 42-64.

An occupational perspective of public health embraces a holistic view of the lifestyles of groups of people and how lifestyles influence health (Hocking, 2011). Adolescents, as a defined population group, are being positioned at the centre of global... Read More about Time Use and Daily Activities of Late Adolescents in Contemporary Ireland.

"What she told us made the world of difference": carers’ perspectives on a hospice at home service. (2013)
Journal Article
McKay, E. A., Taylor, A. E., & Armstrong, C. (2013). "What she told us made the world of difference": carers’ perspectives on a hospice at home service. Journal of Palliative Care, 29(3), 170-177

This paper explores the expectations and needs of current and bereaved carers whose relatives received care at home from a palliative care team. Aim: A hospice at home service was established in 2006 to provide patients with care in their own homes.... Read More about "What she told us made the world of difference": carers’ perspectives on a hospice at home service..

Exploring the Impact of Sleep Apnoea on Daily Life and Occupational Engagement (2012)
Journal Article
O'Donoghue, N., & McKay, E. A. (2012). Exploring the Impact of Sleep Apnoea on Daily Life and Occupational Engagement. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(11), 509-516.

Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) has significant implications for a person’s health, wellbeing and occupational engagement, but has received almost no attention from occupational therapists.
Method: This qualitative study used semi-struc... Read More about Exploring the Impact of Sleep Apnoea on Daily Life and Occupational Engagement.

Using population-level time use datasets to advance knowledge of human activity, participation and health (2012)
Journal Article
Hunt, E., & McKay, E. A. (2012). Using population-level time use datasets to advance knowledge of human activity, participation and health. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(10), 478-480.

Time use is of enduring interest to occupational therapists and occupational scientists. However, occupational researchers have yet to exploit fully the potential of large population-level time use datasets. A brief overview of the historical develop... Read More about Using population-level time use datasets to advance knowledge of human activity, participation and health.

Revisiting 1:1 and 2:1 clinical placement models: Student and clinical educator perspectives (2012)
Journal Article
O'Connor, A., Cahill, M., & McKay, E. A. (2012). Revisiting 1:1 and 2:1 clinical placement models: Student and clinical educator perspectives. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 59(4), 276-283.

Aim: A recent systematic review suggests that more comparative research is required on the effectiveness of clinical placement models. This study explored perspectives of clinical educators and students who had participated in both the 1:1 (one stude... Read More about Revisiting 1:1 and 2:1 clinical placement models: Student and clinical educator perspectives.

Profile, practice and perspectives of occupational therapists in community mental health teams in Ireland (2010)
Journal Article
O'Connell, J. E., & McKay, E. A. (2010). Profile, practice and perspectives of occupational therapists in community mental health teams in Ireland. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(5), 219-228.

The Mental Health Commission (2006a) and the Department of Health and Children (2006) have identified a gap in the knowledge relating to the interventions carried out by mental health workers in community mental health teams (CMHTs) in Ireland. The p... Read More about Profile, practice and perspectives of occupational therapists in community mental health teams in Ireland.

‘Rip That Book up, I've Changed’: Unveiling the Experiences of Women Living with and Surviving Enduring Mental Illness (2010)
Journal Article
McKay, E. A. (2010). ‘Rip That Book up, I've Changed’: Unveiling the Experiences of Women Living with and Surviving Enduring Mental Illness. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(3), 96-105.

The lives of women with an enduring mental illness have been little researched within occupational therapy. This study explored the experiences of five women living with enduring mental illness in their communities. The women were interviewed over a... Read More about ‘Rip That Book up, I've Changed’: Unveiling the Experiences of Women Living with and Surviving Enduring Mental Illness.

The modernisation of mental health day services: participatory action research exploring social networking. (2010)
Journal Article
Bryant, W., Vacher, G., Beresford, P., & McKay, E. (2010). The modernisation of mental health day services: participatory action research exploring social networking. Mental Health Review Journal, 15(3), 11-21.

The modernisation of mental health day services has been shaped by concerns about the social exclusion of people with enduring mental health problems. Initiatives have emphasised the use of mainstream facilities and an individualised approach. In con... Read More about The modernisation of mental health day services: participatory action research exploring social networking..

Perspectives of day and accommodation services for people with enduring mental illness (2009)
Journal Article
Bryant, W., Craik, C., & McKay, E. (2009). Perspectives of day and accommodation services for people with enduring mental illness. Journal of Mental Health, 14(2), 109-120.

Background: This qualitative study analysed user, carer and staff perspectives on day and accommodation services for people with enduring mental illness in the London Borough of Hillingdon.
Method: Twelve focus groups, attended by 95 participants, w... Read More about Perspectives of day and accommodation services for people with enduring mental illness.

Practising reflection: a medical humanities approach to occupational therapist education (2009)
Journal Article
Murray, R., McKay, E., Thompson, S., & Donald, M. (2009). Practising reflection: a medical humanities approach to occupational therapist education. Medical Teacher, 22(3), 276-281.

The importance of active learning, reflective practice and continuing professional development (CPD) for health professionals is well established in the literature. What is open to question is how these goals are achieved; how reflective practice can... Read More about Practising reflection: a medical humanities approach to occupational therapist education.

The recognition and adoption of the recovery approach by occupational therapists in acute psychiatric settings in Ireland. (2009)
Journal Article
Hurley, E., & McKay, E. A. (2009). The recognition and adoption of the recovery approach by occupational therapists in acute psychiatric settings in Ireland. The Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, 37,

This qualitative study aimed to establish how occupational therapists have implemented Recovery principles in acute psychiatric hospitals in Ireland. Recovery can be defined as a "deeply personal, unique process of changing one's attitudes, values, f... Read More about The recognition and adoption of the recovery approach by occupational therapists in acute psychiatric settings in Ireland..

What's cooking? Theory and practice in the kitchen. (2005)
Journal Article
Bryant, W., & McKay, E. A. (2005). What's cooking? Theory and practice in the kitchen. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(2), 67-74.

Occupational therapists are challenged to demonstrate how their practice is informed by evidence of effectiveness. In the absence of evidence from scientific investigation, theories are used to frame judgements about clinical situations. This paper e... Read More about What's cooking? Theory and practice in the kitchen..

Living in a glasshouse: exploring occupational alienation. (2004)
Journal Article
Bryant, W., Craik, C., & McKay, E. A. (2004). Living in a glasshouse: exploring occupational alienation. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(5), 282-289.

Background. Community mental health care has shifted focus from resettlement to empowerment, reflecting a wider agenda for social inclusion. Purpose. This study evaluated mental health day services from the perspectives of thirty-nine clients. Method... Read More about Living in a glasshouse: exploring occupational alienation..

Evaluating the community dependency index in a social services context. (2004)
Journal Article
Stubbs, R., Atwal, A., & Mckay, E. (2004). Evaluating the community dependency index in a social services context. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 11(6), 281-286.

In the UK, current health-care policy has outlined the importance of evidence-based practice. Within social services, the need for evidence of efficacy of occupational therapists’ practice in social services is often raised. This article discusses th... Read More about Evaluating the community dependency index in a social services context..

An exploration of addictive behaviours from an occupational perspective. (2003)
Journal Article
Helbig, K., & McKay, E. (2003). An exploration of addictive behaviours from an occupational perspective. Journal of Occupational Science, 10(3), 140-145.

Addictive behaviours are known to negatively influence the health and well‐being of both individuals and society, but addiction has seldom been viewed from an occupational perspective. This article is a preliminary step towards developing such a pers... Read More about An exploration of addictive behaviours from an occupational perspective..

Consultant therapists: recognising and developing expertise. (2003)
Journal Article
Craik, C., & McKay, E. A. (2003). Consultant therapists: recognising and developing expertise. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66(6), 281-283.

The introduction of consultant therapists provides an unprecedented opportunity for the occupational therapy profession and for individual therapists. The literature on clinical reasoning suggests the characteristics of experts, which may be a useful... Read More about Consultant therapists: recognising and developing expertise..

Occupational Therapists' perspectives of the needs of women in medium secure units. (2001)
Journal Article
Baker, S., & McKay, E. A. (2001). Occupational Therapists' perspectives of the needs of women in medium secure units. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 64(9), 441-448.

The Department of Health and Home Office (1992) formally acknowledged women in forensic provision as being a vulnerable group, with neglected needs in terms of care and treatment. It also clearly identified a role for occupational therapy in meeting... Read More about Occupational Therapists' perspectives of the needs of women in medium secure units..

Occupation: reaffirming its place in our practice. (2000)
Journal Article
McKay, E., & Molineux, M. (2000). Occupation: reaffirming its place in our practice. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63(5), 241-242.

The original impetus for the development of this workshop was the strong belief held by the facilitators that while occupation is central to occupational therapy philosophy, much practice is not occupationally focused. As a result this workshop was d... Read More about Occupation: reaffirming its place in our practice..