On The Role of Dialogue Models in the Age of Large Language Models
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wells, S., & Snaith, M. (2023, December). On The Role of Dialogue Models in the Age of Large Language Models. Presented at CMNA 2023: Computational Models of Natural Argument 2023, Online
All Outputs (1437)
An investigation of the rotation patterns of international association meetings and events (2024)
Journal Article
Lockstone-Binney, L., Robertson, M., Drake, C., & Le, J. D. (2024). An investigation of the rotation patterns of international association meetings and events. Event Management, 28(3), 351-363. https://doi.org/10.3727/152599523X17025088793829International association meeting and events (IAMEs) are a significant specialist segment of the business events sector. Noting the lack of longitudinal research available to confirm how these events rotate globally, regionally and over time, this st... Read More about An investigation of the rotation patterns of international association meetings and events.
The value of livestock abortion surveillance in Tanzania: identifying disease priorities and informing interventions (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper
Lankester, F., Kibona, T. J., Allan, K. J., de Glanville, W., Buza, J. J., Katzer, F., Halliday, J. E., Mmbaga, B. T., Wheelhouse, N., Innes, E. A., Thomas, K., Nyasebwa, O. M., Swai, E., Claxton, J. R., & Cleaveland, S. The value of livestock abortion surveillance in Tanzania: identifying disease priorities and informing interventionsBackground: Lack of reliable data on the aetiology of livestock diseases, especially in Africa, is a major factor constraining the design of effective livestock health interventions to improve livelihoods, food security and public health.
Rationa... Read More about The value of livestock abortion surveillance in Tanzania: identifying disease priorities and informing interventions.
Tri-Band Endfire Antenna Array with Wide Angles of Beam-Scanning Capability for 5G mmWave Mobile Communication (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zidour, A., Ayad, M., Alibakhshikenari, M., Basherlou, H. J., Parchin, N. O., & See, C. H. (2023, November). Tri-Band Endfire Antenna Array with Wide Angles of Beam-Scanning Capability for 5G mmWave Mobile Communication. Presented at 2023 IEEE TechDefense, Rome, ItalyIn this paper, a novel multiband phased array antenna with endfire radiation pattern is designed at millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequency bands for 5G mobile applications. The proposed antenna element is a compact quasi-Yagi with a modified dipole drive... Read More about Tri-Band Endfire Antenna Array with Wide Angles of Beam-Scanning Capability for 5G mmWave Mobile Communication.
Sub 6 GHz Smartphone Antenna with Dual-Band Monopole Resonators for 5G Communications (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jahanbakhsh Basherlou, H., Parchin, N. O., Alibakhshikenari, M., & See, C. H. (2023, November). Sub 6 GHz Smartphone Antenna with Dual-Band Monopole Resonators for 5G Communications. Presented at 2023 IEEE TechDefense, Rome, ItalyThis study represents the schematic and fundamental features of a new MIMO antenna with low-profile elements and suitable characteristics for future cellular communications. Two rows of low-profile hook-shaped ring-monopole antennas with discrete-fed... Read More about Sub 6 GHz Smartphone Antenna with Dual-Band Monopole Resonators for 5G Communications.
An Efficient Computational Analysis and Modelling of Transferred Aerodynamic Loading on Direct-Drive System of 5 MW Wind Turbine and Results Driven Optimisation for a Sustainable Generator Structure (2024)
Journal Article
Szatkowski, S., Jaen-Sola, P., & Oterkus, E. (in press). An Efficient Computational Analysis and Modelling of Transferred Aerodynamic Loading on Direct-Drive System of 5 MW Wind Turbine and Results Driven Optimisation for a Sustainable Generator Structure. Sustainability, 16(2), Article 545. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16020545The study presents an efficient computational investigation on the behaviour of the direct-drive system integrated into the offshore 5 MW NREL wind turbine model under demanding aerodynamic loading conditions with the aim of optimising and developing... Read More about An Efficient Computational Analysis and Modelling of Transferred Aerodynamic Loading on Direct-Drive System of 5 MW Wind Turbine and Results Driven Optimisation for a Sustainable Generator Structure.
Practicalities of promoting practice‐based learning in end of life care for care home staff: Lessons from “online” supportive conversations and reflection sessions (2024)
Journal Article
Hockley, J., Watson, J., Johnston, L., & Shenkin, S. D. (2024). Practicalities of promoting practice‐based learning in end of life care for care home staff: Lessons from “online” supportive conversations and reflection sessions. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 19(1), Article e12598. https://doi.org/10.1111/opn.12598Introduction: Deaths in care homes and “at home” are anticipated to account for a third of UK deaths by 2040. Currently, palliative and end of life care are not part of statutory training in care homes. Reflective practice is a tool that can facilita... Read More about Practicalities of promoting practice‐based learning in end of life care for care home staff: Lessons from “online” supportive conversations and reflection sessions.
Exploring parents’ experiences and holistic needs following late miscarriage: a narrative systematic review (2024)
Journal Article
Giannatiempo, F., Hollins Martin, C., Patterson, J., & Welsh, N. (online). Exploring parents’ experiences and holistic needs following late miscarriage: a narrative systematic review. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, https://doi.org/10.1080/02646838.2023.2297905Up to 2% of all pregnancies result in pregnancy loss between 14 + 0 and 23 + 6 weeks’ gestation, which is defined as ‘late miscarriage’. Lack of consensus about definition of viability paired with existing multiple definitions of perinatal loss make... Read More about Exploring parents’ experiences and holistic needs following late miscarriage: a narrative systematic review.
Are Users of Digital Archives Ready for the AI Era? Obstacles to the Application of Computational Research Methods and New Opportunities (2024)
Journal Article
Jaillant, L., & Aske, K. (2024). Are Users of Digital Archives Ready for the AI Era? Obstacles to the Application of Computational Research Methods and New Opportunities. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 16(4), Article 87. https://doi.org/10.1145/3631125Innovative technologies are improving the accessibility, preservation and searchability of born-digital and digitised records. In particular, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is opening new opportunities for archivists and researchers. However, the expe... Read More about Are Users of Digital Archives Ready for the AI Era? Obstacles to the Application of Computational Research Methods and New Opportunities.
Detention of children and adolescents under mental health legislation: a scoping review of prevalence, risk factors, and legal frameworks (2024)
Journal Article
Schölin, L., Tucker, Z., Chopra, A., Borschmann, R., & McKay, C. (2024). Detention of children and adolescents under mental health legislation: a scoping review of prevalence, risk factors, and legal frameworks. BMC Pediatrics, 24(1), Article 12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12887-023-04464-6Background: For individuals with severe mental illness, involuntary assessment and/or treatment (hereafter detention) can be a necessary intervention to support recovery and may even be lifesaving. Despite this, little is known about how often these... Read More about Detention of children and adolescents under mental health legislation: a scoping review of prevalence, risk factors, and legal frameworks.
EMDR v. other psychological therapies for PTSD: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Wright, S. L., Karyotaki, E., Cuijpers, P., Bisson, J., Papola, D., Witteveen, A., Suliman, S., Spies, G., Ahmadi, K., Capezzani, L., Carletto, S., Karatzias, T., Kullack, C., Laugharne, J., Lee, C. W., Nijdam, M. J., Olff, M., Ostacoli, L., Seedat, S., & Sijbrandij, M. (2024). EMDR v. other psychological therapies for PTSD: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine, 54(8), 1580-1588. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0033291723003446Background
This systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis (IPDMA) examined the overall effectiveness of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in reducing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, achieving r... Read More about EMDR v. other psychological therapies for PTSD: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis.
Data-Driven Intelligence Can Revolutionize Today’s Cybersecurity World: A Position Paper (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sarker, I. H., Janicke, H., Maglaras, L., & Camtepe, S. (2023, October). Data-Driven Intelligence Can Revolutionize Today’s Cybersecurity World: A Position Paper. Presented at Third International Conference, ARTIIS 2023, Madrid, SpainAs cyber threats evolve and grow progressively more sophisticated, cyber security is becoming a more significant concern in today’s digital era. Traditional security measures tend to be insufficient to defend against these persistent and dynamic thre... Read More about Data-Driven Intelligence Can Revolutionize Today’s Cybersecurity World: A Position Paper.
Description of the Baseline Audiologic Characteristics of the Participants Enrolled in the Aging and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders Study (2024)
Journal Article
Sanchez, V. A., Arnold, M. L., Betz, J. F., Reed, N. S., Faucette, S., Anderson, E., Burgard, S., Coresh, J., Deal, J. A., Eddins, A. C., Goman, A. M., Glynn, N. W., Gravens-Mueller, L., Hampton, J., Hayden, K. M., Huang, A. R., Liou, K., Mitchell, C. M., Mosley, T. H., Neil, H. N., …for the ACHIEVE Collaborative Study. (2024). Description of the Baseline Audiologic Characteristics of the Participants Enrolled in the Aging and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders Study. American Journal of Audiology, 33(1), 122-138. https://doi.org/10.1044/2023_aja-23-00066Purpose:
The Aging and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders (ACHIEVE) study is a randomized clinical trial designed to determine the effects of a best-practice hearing intervention versus a successful aging health education control intervention on... Read More about Description of the Baseline Audiologic Characteristics of the Participants Enrolled in the Aging and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders Study.
Understanding for whom, under what conditions, and how an integrated approach to atrial fibrillation service delivery works: a realist review (2024)
Journal Article
Pearsons, A., Hanson, C., Hendriks, J. M., & Neubeck, L. (2024). Understanding for whom, under what conditions, and how an integrated approach to atrial fibrillation service delivery works: a realist review. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 23(4), 323-336. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurjcn/zvad093Aims
To understand for whom, under what conditions, and how an integrated approach to atrial fibrillation service delivery works (or does not work).
Methods and Results
A realist review of integrated approaches to atrial fibrillation service d... Read More about Understanding for whom, under what conditions, and how an integrated approach to atrial fibrillation service delivery works: a realist review.
The Aesthetics of Listening: Material-Discursive Exploration of Verbatim Testimony and Augmented Reality (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Morrison, J., & Stewart, F. (2024, May). The Aesthetics of Listening: Material-Discursive Exploration of Verbatim Testimony and Augmented Reality. Presented at Cumulus Budapest 2024: P/References of Design, Budapest, HungaryThis paper introduces a novel approach combining augmented reality (AR) and verbatim testimony to create sensory engagements with data as interactive digital artefacts. The project aims to supplement existing research by communicating how aspects of... Read More about The Aesthetics of Listening: Material-Discursive Exploration of Verbatim Testimony and Augmented Reality.
Firm-level pollution and membership of emission trading schemes (2024)
Journal Article
Adamolekun, G., Adedoyin, F. F., & Siganos, A. (2024). Firm-level pollution and membership of emission trading schemes. Journal of Environmental Management, 351, Article 119970. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119970Several firms have joined emission trading schemes in response to the call for corporate climate action. Using a comprehensive international data set on corporate membership of emission trading schemes (ETSs), we find that members of the scheme emit... Read More about Firm-level pollution and membership of emission trading schemes.
Evolving Behavior Allocations in Robot Swarms (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hallauer, S., Nitschke, G., & Hart, E. (2023, December). Evolving Behavior Allocations in Robot Swarms. Presented at IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2023), Mexico City, MexicoBehavioral diversity is known to benefit problem-solving in biological social systems such as insect colonies and human societies, as well as in artificial distributed systems including large-scale software and swarm-robotics systems. We investigate... Read More about Evolving Behavior Allocations in Robot Swarms.