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All Outputs (1047)

Design and Evaluation of Memory Efficient Data Structure Scheme for Energy Drainage Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks (2024)
Journal Article
Bhatti, D. S., Saleem, S., Ali, Z., Park, T., Suh, B., Kamran, A., Buchanan, W. J., & Kim, K. (2024). Design and Evaluation of Memory Efficient Data Structure Scheme for Energy Drainage Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Access, 12, 41499-41516.

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are deployed on a large scale and require protection from malicious energy drainage attacks, particularly those directed at the routing layer. The complexity increases during critical operations like cluster head select... Read More about Design and Evaluation of Memory Efficient Data Structure Scheme for Energy Drainage Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks.

An examination of how voluntary international netball officials view and experience well-being (2024)
Journal Article
Barrow, C. J., Westbury, T., Cunningham, I., & Mascarenhas, D. (in press). An examination of how voluntary international netball officials view and experience well-being. Managing Sport and Leisure,

Research aim
The purpose of this research was to explore the views and experiences of international volunteer netball officials about their well-being and its contributing factors.

Research methods
A qualitative methodology, involving semi-struc... Read More about An examination of how voluntary international netball officials view and experience well-being.

A single bout of vigorous intensity exercise enhances the efficacy of rituximab against human chronic lymphocytic leukaemia B-cells ex vivo (2024)
Journal Article
Collier-Bain, H. D., Emery, A., Causer, A. J., Brown, F. F., Oliver, R., Dutton, D., Crowe, J., Augustine, D., Graby, J., Leach, S., Eddy, R., Rothschild-Rodriguez, D., Gray, J. C., Cragg, M. S., Cleary, K. L., Moore, S., Murray, J., Turner, J. E., & Campbell, J. P. (2024). A single bout of vigorous intensity exercise enhances the efficacy of rituximab against human chronic lymphocytic leukaemia B-cells ex vivo. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 118, 468-479.

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is characterised by the clonal proliferation and accumulation of mature B-cells and is often treated with rituximab, an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody immunotherapy. Rituximab often fails to induce stringent disease... Read More about A single bout of vigorous intensity exercise enhances the efficacy of rituximab against human chronic lymphocytic leukaemia B-cells ex vivo.

Cluster-based oversampling with area extraction from representative points for class imbalance learning (2024)
Journal Article
Farou, Z., Wang, Y., & Horváth, T. (2024). Cluster-based oversampling with area extraction from representative points for class imbalance learning. Intelligent Systems with Applications, 22, Article 200357.

Class imbalance learning is challenging in various domains where training datasets exhibit disproportionate samples in a specific class. Resampling methods have been used to adjust the class distribution, but they often have limitations for small dis... Read More about Cluster-based oversampling with area extraction from representative points for class imbalance learning.

Prevalence and correlates of ICD-11 prolonged grief disorder among adults living in Ukraine during the war with Russia (2024)
Journal Article
Redican, E., Hyland, P., Shevlin, M., Martsenkovskyi, D., Karatzias, T., & Ben-Ezra, M. (2024). Prevalence and correlates of ICD-11 prolonged grief disorder among adults living in Ukraine during the war with Russia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 149(5), 425-435.

Background: Although high rates of bereavement are evident in war-affected populations, no study has investigated the prevalence and correlates of probable ICD-11 Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) under these circumstances.

Methods: Participants we... Read More about Prevalence and correlates of ICD-11 prolonged grief disorder among adults living in Ukraine during the war with Russia.

Effects of Exercise Training Response on Quality of Life and Cardiovascular Risk Factor Profiles in People With Coronary Artery Disease: Insights From the HIIT or MISS UK Trial (2024)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Powell, R., Begg, B., Birkett, S. T., Nichols, S., Ennis, S., Banerjee, P., Shave, R., & McGregor, G. (2024). Effects of Exercise Training Response on Quality of Life and Cardiovascular Risk Factor Profiles in People With Coronary Artery Disease: Insights From the HIIT or MISS UK Trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 105(8), 1464-1470.

The objective of this study was to compare the characteristics of responders and nonresponders to 8 weeks of exercise training, to determine differences in key cardiovascular disease outcomes in people with coronary artery disease (CAD). This was und... Read More about Effects of Exercise Training Response on Quality of Life and Cardiovascular Risk Factor Profiles in People With Coronary Artery Disease: Insights From the HIIT or MISS UK Trial.

Stratified coalitions and political individualisation: a structural analysis of organisations and their affiliates in Irish climate politics (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wagner, P. (2024, March). Stratified coalitions and political individualisation: a structural analysis of organisations and their affiliates in Irish climate politics. Presented at CPN-CSS Network Conference 2024, Online

Coalitions that engage in political advocacy are constituted by organisations, which are made up of individuals and organisational sub-units. Comparing the coalition-building behaviour of organisations to the equivalent behaviours of their constituen... Read More about Stratified coalitions and political individualisation: a structural analysis of organisations and their affiliates in Irish climate politics.