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Zero-Liquid Discharge Desalination of Hypersaline Shale Gas Wastewater: Challenges and Future Directions (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Onishi, V. C., Reyes-Labarta, J. A., & Caballero, J. A. (2017, November). Zero-Liquid Discharge Desalination of Hypersaline Shale Gas Wastewater: Challenges and Future Directions. Presented at EMCEI: Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration, Sousse, Tunisia

Unconventional natural gas extraction from tight shale reservoirs, or “shale gas”, has recently emerged as an attractive energy resource to face the rising worldwide demand.

Effect of hydrogen content on the double oxide film defects and properties of aluminium castings: A review (2018)
Journal Article
El-Sayed, M. A., Shyha, I., & Basuny, F. H. (2018). Effect of hydrogen content on the double oxide film defects and properties of aluminium castings: A review. Journal of Engineering Technology, 6, 225-244

Entrapped double oxide films are known to be the most detrimental defects in cast aluminium alloys. In addition, hydrogen dissolved in the aluminium melt was suggested to pass into the defects to expand them and cause hydrogen porosity. This paper pr... Read More about Effect of hydrogen content on the double oxide film defects and properties of aluminium castings: A review.

The generalised singular perturbation approximation for bounded real and positive real control systems (2018)
Journal Article
Guiver, C. (2019). The generalised singular perturbation approximation for bounded real and positive real control systems. Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 9(2), 313-350.

The generalised singular perturbation approximation (GSPA) is considered as a model reduction scheme for bounded real and positive real linear control systems. The GSPA is a state-space approach to truncation with the defining property that the trans... Read More about The generalised singular perturbation approximation for bounded real and positive real control systems.

The Promise and Perils of Sensitive Consumer Data: A Relational Exchange Perspective (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Haji, I., Dose, D., & Backhaus, C. (2018, December). The Promise and Perils of Sensitive Consumer Data: A Relational Exchange Perspective. Paper presented at Thought Leaders’ Conference on Privacy in Marketing

To cope with growing market demands, retailers increasingly collect and utilize consumer data in order to provide personalized shopping experiences to their consumers and to increase marketing returns (e.g., Schumann et al., 2014). Personalizing reta... Read More about The Promise and Perils of Sensitive Consumer Data: A Relational Exchange Perspective.

Gastric Tones: A Study in Sound (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Holmes, P. (2017, November). Gastric Tones: A Study in Sound. Presented at Cumulus Conference, Bangalore

In this installation, the artist manipulates the speed and duration of the sounds made by his digestive tract before, during, and after the consumption of a meal. Gordon (1993) discovered hidden performative meaning within moving images subjected to... Read More about Gastric Tones: A Study in Sound.

Scoping exercise to inform the development of an education strategy for Children's Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) (2018)
Malcolm, C., & McGirr, D. (2018). Scoping exercise to inform the development of an education strategy for Children's Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS). Edinburgh: Children's Hospices Across Scotland

This report presents findings from a scoping project examining current evidence relating to the provision of education across the United Kingdom (UK) and internationally. The overall aim of the project was to inform the development of an evidence bas... Read More about Scoping exercise to inform the development of an education strategy for Children's Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS).

The NHS and Health Law Post Brexit: Views from Stakeholders and the Devolved Jurisdictions (2018)
McHale, J. V., Speakman, E. M., Hervey, T. K., & Flear, M. (2018). The NHS and Health Law Post Brexit: Views from Stakeholders and the Devolved Jurisdictions. ESRC

The NHS has played an important role in the Brexit debate since the referendum and the big red bus. This report, from a ESRC UK in a Changing Europe project “Health Law outside the EU: immediate, intermediate and long term impacts”, considers the imp... Read More about The NHS and Health Law Post Brexit: Views from Stakeholders and the Devolved Jurisdictions.

Metadata, Ethics and Trust (2018)
Journal Article
Haynes, D. (2018). Metadata, Ethics and Trust. Catalogue & Index, 2-6

Abstract not available.

Institutional Perspectives Shaping Trust Relationships among Women Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Omeihe, K., Saud Khan, M., Ahmed Dakhan, S., & Amoako, I. (2018, June). Institutional Perspectives Shaping Trust Relationships among Women Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries. Presented at BABSON BCERC 2018 Conference, Waterford, Ireland

Principal Topics:
There is a growing concern that entrepreneurial behaviour has to be understood in the context in which it occurs. This includes the institutional context in which the entrepreneur operates (Welter and Smallbone, 2011; Martinelli, 2... Read More about Institutional Perspectives Shaping Trust Relationships among Women Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries.

All We Need Is Trust: Trust In West African Cross Border Networks (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Omeihe, K. O., Gustafsson, V., Amoako, I. O., & Saud Khan, M. (2018, September). All We Need Is Trust: Trust In West African Cross Border Networks. Presented at 2018 British Academy of Management Conference, Bristol, UK

This paper aims to develop an understanding of trust in cross border trade networks dominating West African markets. To date most of the literature on trust and network relationships reveal a paucity of studies about West African traders. This paper... Read More about All We Need Is Trust: Trust In West African Cross Border Networks.

Scottish Government Consultation Response: Review of Part I of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and Creation of a Family Justice Modernisation Strategy (2018)
Barnes Macfarlane, L.-A. (2018). Scottish Government Consultation Response: Review of Part I of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and Creation of a Family Justice Modernisation Strategy

Response to the Scottish Government Consultation: Review of Part I of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and Creation of a Family Justice Modernisation Strategy.

Response 687675062 by Dr Lesley-Anne Barnes Macfarlane, Edinburgh Napier University (Ch... Read More about Scottish Government Consultation Response: Review of Part I of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and Creation of a Family Justice Modernisation Strategy.

Entry on Frederick William Robinson (2018)
Book Chapter
Schwan, A. (2018). Entry on Frederick William Robinson. In K. A. Morrison (Ed.), Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction (201-202). McFarland & Company

This is a biographical author entry in literary companion.

Multi-Port Power Conversion Systems for the More Electric Aircraft (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gu, C., Zhang, H., Buticchi, G., Sala, G., Galassini, A., Papadopoulos, S., & Degano, M. (2018, October). Multi-Port Power Conversion Systems for the More Electric Aircraft. Presented at IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Washington, DC

In the framework of the More Electric Aircraft (MEA), weight reduction and energy efficiency constitute the key figures. In addition to these requirements, the safety and the continuity of operation is of critical importance. These sets of desired fe... Read More about Multi-Port Power Conversion Systems for the More Electric Aircraft.

Preface (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ren, J., Hussain, A., Zheng, J., Liu, C.-L., Luo, B., Zhao, H., & Zhao, X. (2018, July). Preface. Presented at 9th International Conference, BICS 2018, Xi’an, China

Learning from limited datasets: Implications for Natural Language Generation and Human-Robot Interaction (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Belakova, J., & Gkatzia, D. (2018, November). Learning from limited datasets: Implications for Natural Language Generation and Human-Robot Interaction. Presented at Workshop on NLG for Human–Robot Interaction, Tilburg, The Netherlands

One of the most natural ways for human robot communication is through spoken language. Training human-robot interaction systems require access to large datasets which are expensive to obtain and labour intensive. In this paper, we des... Read More about Learning from limited datasets: Implications for Natural Language Generation and Human-Robot Interaction.

Proceedings of the Workshop on NLG for Human–Robot Interaction (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
(2018, November). Proceedings of the Workshop on NLG for Human–Robot Interaction. Presented at Workshop on NLG for Human–Robot Interaction, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Ellen Foster, M., H. Buschmeier, & D. Gkatzia (Eds.) (2018). Proceedings of the Workshop on NLG for Human–Robot Interaction.

Determination of ankle and metatarsophalangeal stiffness during walking and jogging (2018)
Journal Article
Mager, F., Richards, J., Hennies, M., Dötzel, E., Chohan, A., Mbuli, A., & Capanni, F. (2018). Determination of ankle and metatarsophalangeal stiffness during walking and jogging. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 34(6), 448-453.

Forefoot stiffness has been shown to influence joint biomechanics. However, little or no data exist on metatarsophalangeal stiffness. Twenty-four healthy rearfoot strike runners were recruited from a staff and student population at the University of... Read More about Determination of ankle and metatarsophalangeal stiffness during walking and jogging.

System and method for management of confidential data (2018)
Buchanan, B., Lo, O., Macfarlane, R., Penrose, P., & Ramsay, B. (2018). System and method for management of confidential data. GB2561176A

This application is for a method of data management to identify confidential digital content on a database by first receiving a management request 302 from a system 304 to carry out data management operations. These include the identification of data... Read More about System and method for management of confidential data.