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Learning from limited datasets: Implications for Natural Language Generation and Human-Robot Interaction

Belakova, Jekaterina; Gkatzia, Dimitra


Jekaterina Belakova


One of the most natural ways for human robot communication is through spoken language. Training human-robot interaction systems require access to large datasets which are expensive to obtain and labour intensive. In this paper, we describe an approach for learning from minimal data, using as a toy example language understanding in spoken dialogue systems. Understanding of spoken language is crucial because it has implications for natural language generation, i.e. correctly understanding a user’s utterance will lead to choosing the right response/action. Finally, we discuss implications for Natural Language Generation in Human-Robot Interaction.


Belakova, J., & Gkatzia, D. (2018, November). Learning from limited datasets: Implications for Natural Language Generation and Human-Robot Interaction. Presented at Workshop on NLG for Human–Robot Interaction, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Workshop on NLG for Human–Robot Interaction
Start Date Nov 8, 2018
Publication Date 2018
Deposit Date Apr 21, 2020
Publicly Available Date Apr 21, 2020
Publisher Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
Pages 8-11
Book Title Proceedings of the Workshop on NLG for Human–Robot Interaction
Public URL


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