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All Outputs (88)

Franchising as a small business development strategy: A qualitative study of operational and "failed" franchisors in the UK (1999)
Journal Article
Kirby, D., & Watson, A. (1999). Franchising as a small business development strategy: A qualitative study of operational and "failed" franchisors in the UK. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 6(4), 341-349.

The study of franchising as a small business growth strategy is only weakly researched and understood. This preliminary, qualitative investigation examines the experiences of 17 operational and five “failed” franchises in the UK, in translating their... Read More about Franchising as a small business development strategy: A qualitative study of operational and "failed" franchisors in the UK.

Electronic Publications: an Agenda for National Libraries and Publishers (1999)
Journal Article
Haynes, D. (1999). Electronic Publications: an Agenda for National Libraries and Publishers. Alexandria, 11(3), 167-179.

A questionnaire survey of national libraries and publishers of electronic materials and their representatives) was conducted in order to identify the most important issues about archiving electronic publications. The purpose of the project was to gai... Read More about Electronic Publications: an Agenda for National Libraries and Publishers.

Gestures and multimodal input (1999)
Journal Article
Keates, S., & Robinson, P. (1999). Gestures and multimodal input. Behaviour and Information Technology, 18(1), 36-44.

For users with motion impairments, the standard keyboard and mouse arrangement for computer access often presents problems. Other approaches have to be adopted to overcome this. In this paper, we will describe the development of a prototype multimoda... Read More about Gestures and multimodal input.

Seeing the wood for the trees: defining the forgotten concept of patient dissatisfaction in the light of patient satisfaction research (1999)
Journal Article
Coyle, J., & Williams, B. (1999). Seeing the wood for the trees: defining the forgotten concept of patient dissatisfaction in the light of patient satisfaction research. Leadership in Health Services, 12(4), 1-9.

Studies of patient satisfaction are regarded by many as the most important way to obtain patients′ views. To date, relatively few studies have focussed specifically on dissatisfaction. Concerns have been expressed about the validity of the concept of... Read More about Seeing the wood for the trees: defining the forgotten concept of patient dissatisfaction in the light of patient satisfaction research.

Developing self‐awareness in the managerial career development process: the value of 360‐degree feedback and the MBTI (1999)
Journal Article
McCarthy, A. M., & Garavan, T. N. (1999). Developing self‐awareness in the managerial career development process: the value of 360‐degree feedback and the MBTI. Journal of European industrial training, 23(9), 437-445.

Proposes that a crucial component of the career development process is what is termed “managerial self‐awareness” (MSA). To‐date relatively little has been written about self‐awareness, particularly in the literature on managerial career development... Read More about Developing self‐awareness in the managerial career development process: the value of 360‐degree feedback and the MBTI.

Beach Litter Sampling Strategies: is there a ‘Best’ Method? (1999)
Journal Article
Velander, K., & Mocogni, M. (1999). Beach Litter Sampling Strategies: is there a ‘Best’ Method?. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 38(12), 1134-1140.

Ten methods for sampling beach litter were tested on 16 beaches located around the Firth of Forth, Scotland in order to ascertain the effectiveness of the various methods. Both fresh and/or accumulated litter were sampled. Some methods were more effe... Read More about Beach Litter Sampling Strategies: is there a ‘Best’ Method?.

Employer transport plans-a case for regulation? (1999)
Journal Article
Rye, T. (1999). Employer transport plans-a case for regulation?. Transport Reviews, 19(1), 13-31.

Employer transport plans (ETPs) are increasingly seen by transport planners as one of potential means to manage the demand for private transport. Such plans seek to reduce trips to work by car by providing, through individual employers, a targeted,... Read More about Employer transport plans-a case for regulation?.

From description to requirements: an activity theoretic perspective. (1999)
Journal Article
Turner, P., Turner, S., & Horton, J. (1999). From description to requirements: an activity theoretic perspective. Proceedings of Group’99, 285-295

This paper demonstrates how activity theoretic concepts
can be used in conjunction with an ethnographically
informed approach to derive requirements on a work
situation. We present a case study based on a series of
collaborative design episodes,... Read More about From description to requirements: an activity theoretic perspective..

The activity of design as revealed by tool usage. (1999)
Journal Article
Smyth, M. (1999). The activity of design as revealed by tool usage. International journal of design sciences & technology = Revue des sciences et techniques de la conception, 7, 11-22

DNA banding pattern polymorphism in vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium and criteria for defining strains. (1999)
Journal Article
Morrison, D., Woodford, N., Barrett, S. P., Sisson, P., & Cookson, B. D. (1999). DNA banding pattern polymorphism in vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium and criteria for defining strains. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 37, 1084-1091

The degree of DNA banding pattern polymorphism exhibited by vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VREM) strains isolated on a renal unit over an 11-month period was investigated. Thirty VREM strains from different patients were analyzed by pulse... Read More about DNA banding pattern polymorphism in vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium and criteria for defining strains..

Women's Stories. (1999)
Journal Article
McHugh, N. (1999). Women's Stories. Midwifery matters / Association of Radical Midwives, 82, 3-3

Political parties, democracy and the new information and communication technologies: theorising the relationships (1999)
Journal Article
Löfgren, K., & Smith, C. F. (1999). Political parties, democracy and the new information and communication technologies: theorising the relationships. Working paper / Faculty of Business, Glasgow Caledonian University,

As a result of the increased public penetration of the Internet and other forms of electronic networks in western liberal democracies there has, for some years now, been a growing academian interest in technologically mediated practices within politi... Read More about Political parties, democracy and the new information and communication technologies: theorising the relationships.

Perspectives on the design of musical auditory interfaces. (1999)
Journal Article
LePlâtre, G., & Brewster, S. A. (1999). Perspectives on the design of musical auditory interfaces. CASYS, 4, 227-239

This paper addresses the issue of music as a communication medium in auditory humancomputer
interfaces. So far, psychoacoustics has had a great influence on the
development of auditory interfaces, directly and through music cognition. We suggest
t... Read More about Perspectives on the design of musical auditory interfaces..

Scheduling chicken catching - an investigation into the success of a genetic algorithm on a real world scheduling problem. (1999)
Journal Article
Hart, E., Ross, P., & Nelson, J. (1999). Scheduling chicken catching - an investigation into the success of a genetic algorithm on a real world scheduling problem. Annals of Operations Research, 92, 363-380.

Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are a class of evolutionary algorithms that have been successfully
applied to scheduling problems, in particular job-shop and flow-shop type problems
where a number of theoretical benchmarks exist. This work applies a genet... Read More about Scheduling chicken catching - an investigation into the success of a genetic algorithm on a real world scheduling problem..

Computer-aided identification of polychaetes. (1999)
Journal Article
Gibson, P., Robson, E., & Armitage, A. (1999). Computer-aided identification of polychaetes. Newsletter of the Porcupine Marine Natural History Society, 2,

Matching partners: tools for social browsing that take people as texts. (1999)
Journal Article
Davenport, E. (1999). Matching partners: tools for social browsing that take people as texts. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Research, 24, 1-16

The paper describes an emerging research agenda, and some of the preliminary conceptualisations for social browsers than can assist group members who may wish to accomplish tasks together, but are unaware of each other. It is likely that the problem... Read More about Matching partners: tools for social browsing that take people as texts..