Studies on zinc phthalocyanine ZnPc thin films for photovoltaic applications
Senthilarasu, S. Studies on zinc phthalocyanine ZnPc thin films for photovoltaic applications. (Thesis). Bharathiar University, India
All Outputs (19)
News photography image retrieval practices: Locus of control in two contexts (2006)
Pennington, D. News photography image retrieval practices: Locus of control in two contexts. (Thesis). University of North TexasThis is the first known study to explore the image retrieval preferences of news photographers and news photo editors in work contexts. Survey participants (n=102) provided opinions regarding 11 photograph searching methods. The quantitative survey d... Read More about News photography image retrieval practices: Locus of control in two contexts.
Contextual understandings of hospitality managementdevelopment - a realist approach (2006)
Watson, S. Contextual understandings of hospitality managementdevelopment - a realist approach. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. aim of my thesis is to demonstrate how my research aids the academic understanding of the sub-disciplinary field of hospitality management development. I evaluate the extent to which the unique features of the UK hospitality industry and the char... Read More about Contextual understandings of hospitality managementdevelopment - a realist approach.
The efffect of elastomeric bearing degradation on bridge dynamic response. (2006)
Swan, I. P. The efffect of elastomeric bearing degradation on bridge dynamic response. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. dynamic response of highway bridges is a topic that has been thoroughly researched over
many years. However, understanding of how the dynamic response of bridges is affected by the
performance of their bearings over an extended period of time i... Read More about The efffect of elastomeric bearing degradation on bridge dynamic response..
Driving as You Feel: A Psychological Investigation of the Novice Driver Problem. (2006)
Kinnear, N. A. D. Driving as You Feel: A Psychological Investigation of the Novice Driver Problem. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. current thesis aimed to explore the novice driver problem from a psychological perspective. The ultimate aim was to enhance knowledge and understanding which may advise how to improve novice driver safety. The novice driver problem is a worldwide... Read More about Driving as You Feel: A Psychological Investigation of the Novice Driver Problem..
The development of transversely stress-laminated timber arch bridges for pedestrian and minor vehicle use. (2006)
Freedman, G. J. H. The development of transversely stress-laminated timber arch bridges for pedestrian and minor vehicle use. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.
Condition monitoring of hydraulic systems using neural network for data analysis (2006)
Yu, F. Condition monitoring of hydraulic systems using neural network for data analysis. (Thesis). Napier University. monitoring of engineering processes or equipment has become of paramount importance as there is a growing need for improved performance, reliability, safety and more efficient maintenance. Condition monitoring in railway industry as a whole... Read More about Condition monitoring of hydraulic systems using neural network for data analysis.
Modelling the effects of road pricing (2006)
Stewart, K. Modelling the effects of road pricing. (Thesis). Napier University. classical road tolling problem is to toll network links such that under the principles of Wardropian User Equilibrium (UE) assignment, a System Optimising (SO) flow pattern is obtained. Such toll sets are however non-unique and further optimisati... Read More about Modelling the effects of road pricing.
Metaheuristics for university course timetabling. (2006)
Lewis, R. M. R. Metaheuristics for university course timetabling. (Thesis). Napier University. work presented in this thesis concerns the problem of timetabling at universities – particularly course-timetabling, and examines the various ways in which metaheuristic techniques might be applied to these sorts of problems. Using a popular benc... Read More about Metaheuristics for university course timetabling..
Supporting school career education with an online community. (2006)
Jeffery, G. Supporting school career education with an online community. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. thesisi s an analysisi f a participatory action researchp roject, involving
several interventions with school students in a series of iterative stages, exploring
ways to take school student career education out of the confines of the schools... Read More about Supporting school career education with an online community..
Algorithms in computer-aided design of VLSI circuits. (2006)
Yang, M. Algorithms in computer-aided design of VLSI circuits. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. the increased complexity of Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits,
Computer Aided Design (CAD) plays an even more important role. Top-down
design methodology and layout of VLSI are reviewed. Moreover, previously
published algorithms in... Read More about Algorithms in computer-aided design of VLSI circuits..
Towards a fusion of western classical/contemporary and traditional Scots bagpipe composition techniques: "Manntaireachd". (2006)
Davidson, L. Towards a fusion of western classical/contemporary and traditional Scots bagpipe composition techniques: "Manntaireachd". (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. body of research that this document accompanies and which forms a folio
of compositions has sought to develop a new type of music utilising elements
from both the western art music and bagpiping 1 traditions.
The orchestral2 medium is combined... Read More about Towards a fusion of western classical/contemporary and traditional Scots bagpipe composition techniques: "Manntaireachd"..
Future strategy for higher education with specific reference to Scottish universities. (2006)
Muthaya, K. Future strategy for higher education with specific reference to Scottish universities. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. developed economies are now considered to be entering the growth phase of
knowledge-based economic activity. The universities are increasingly seen as a
critical vehicle for knowledge creation and knowledge transfer in order to produce
educate... Read More about Future strategy for higher education with specific reference to Scottish universities..
Modelling hourly and daily diffuse solar radiation using world-wide database. (2006)
Munawwar, S. Modelling hourly and daily diffuse solar radiation using world-wide database. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.
Development and evaluation of composite insulated beams. (2006)
Bahadori-Jahromi, A. Development and evaluation of composite insulated beams. (Thesis). Napier University. in supplies of old growth wood coupled with increased demand for structural timber by the construction industry led to creation of engineered timber products (EWPs) comprising wood waste. The author designed, fabricated and tested composite i... Read More about Development and evaluation of composite insulated beams..
Improved quality control procedures and models for solar radiation using a world-wide database. (2006)
Younes, S. Improved quality control procedures and models for solar radiation using a world-wide database. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. thesis deals with- various aspects of broadband horizontal solar
irradiance. Quality control of measured datasets are identified and analysed. It
was found that solar irradiance datasets may contain significant errors. These
sources of errors... Read More about Improved quality control procedures and models for solar radiation using a world-wide database..
Interactive visualisation tools for supporting taxonomists working practice. (2006)
Cannon, A. Interactive visualisation tools for supporting taxonomists working practice. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. necessity for scientists and others to use consistent terminology has recently been
regarded as fundamental to advancing scientific research, particularly where data from
disparate sources must be shared, compared or integrated. One area where... Read More about Interactive visualisation tools for supporting taxonomists working practice..
(In)tangib/es: Sociocultural references in the design process milieu. (2006)
Strickfaden, M. (In)tangib/es: Sociocultural references in the design process milieu. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. thesis broadly engages with the design process and design education, but focuses
particularly on sociocultural and (in)tangible references that are communicated verbally,
visually and textually within the design environment. With the aim of de... Read More about (In)tangib/es: Sociocultural references in the design process milieu..
A qualitative and quantitative study of registered and student nurses' educational experiences, knowledge and attitudes regarding sleep promotion in hospital. (2006)
McIntosh, A. E. A qualitative and quantitative study of registered and student nurses' educational experiences, knowledge and attitudes regarding sleep promotion in hospital. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. The literature shows that nurses have an important role to play in sleep
promotion. There is a lack of literature which has set out to investigate what nurses
know or feel about sleep promotion or how they are prepared for this role.... Read More about A qualitative and quantitative study of registered and student nurses' educational experiences, knowledge and attitudes regarding sleep promotion in hospital..