Maternal docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation and infant visual development
Malcolm, C. A. Maternal docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation and infant visual development. (Thesis). Glasgow Caledonian University.
All Outputs (18)
Midwives’ knowledge and understanding of issues affecting the care of pregnant women with an RhD negative blood type. (2002)
Harkness, M. Midwives’ knowledge and understanding of issues affecting the care of pregnant women with an RhD negative blood type. (Thesis). University of Glasgow.
Palynological contribution to aerobiological studies in South-East Scotland. (2002)
Caulton, E. Palynological contribution to aerobiological studies in South-East Scotland. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. pollens and, more recently, spores, which occur in the rooftop airstream over
Edinburgh have been monitored and the data analysed, since 1988. The thesis
describes the developing organisation, methodologies and resources which underpin
th... Read More about Palynological contribution to aerobiological studies in South-East Scotland..
Life cycle assessment of aluminium-clad timber windows. (2002)
Asif, M. Life cycle assessment of aluminium-clad timber windows. (Thesis). Napier University. the last century a temperature rise of 0.6 C m global climate and the affiliated greenhouse effects have inflicted enormous impacts in the form of natural catastrophes, economical losses, health problems and seasonal disorder. If human activitie... Read More about Life cycle assessment of aluminium-clad timber windows..
Load transfer mechanism in punched metal plate timber connections. (2002)
Abdulrahman, N. A. H. Load transfer mechanism in punched metal plate timber connections. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. load capacity of the punched metal plate timber joints is established,
in general, by empirical means as a result of destructive testing in accordance with relevant national standards. The basis of tests is tensile or compressive loading applied... Read More about Load transfer mechanism in punched metal plate timber connections..
Daylighting performance of tubular solar light pipes: measurement, modelling and validation. (2002)
Zhang, X. Daylighting performance of tubular solar light pipes: measurement, modelling and validation. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. innovation of natural daylighting light pipe took place more than twenty years ago. Since then its
daylighting performance has been reported in a number of studies. To date, however, no mathematical
method that includes the effect of straight-r... Read More about Daylighting performance of tubular solar light pipes: measurement, modelling and validation..
The congruence of quality values in higher education. (2002)
Telford, A. R. The congruence of quality values in higher education. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. education and more specifically University education is being called to account
more and more. It follows therefore that the Universities must present information on the
quality of service which they provide as perceived by their customers a... Read More about The congruence of quality values in higher education..
An investigation of factors associated with traffic accident and casualty risk in Scotland. (2002)
White, D. I. An investigation of factors associated with traffic accident and casualty risk in Scotland. (Thesis). Napier University. investigation was conducted to identify factors associated with traffic accident involvement and traffic casualty involvement of road users in Scotland. This was
done to determine to what extent accident and casualty involvement are related, and... Read More about An investigation of factors associated with traffic accident and casualty risk in Scotland..
Barriers to participation in learning for mid-career managers in the Scottish life assurance industry. (2002)
McCracken, M. G. Barriers to participation in learning for mid-career managers in the Scottish life assurance industry. (Thesis). Napier University. Life Assurance industry has been through a period of rapid change as a consequence of increased competition, which is resulting in the need for structural re-organisation.
The mid-career manager is arguably the most affected by these changes as... Read More about Barriers to participation in learning for mid-career managers in the Scottish life assurance industry..
The home workshop: a method for investigating the home. (2002)
Baillie, L. The home workshop: a method for investigating the home. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.
BIOMATE: Development of Custom-Designed Bioluminescent Sensors for Toxicity Testing (2002)
Wiles, S. BIOMATE: Development of Custom-Designed Bioluminescent Sensors for Toxicity Testing. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. microbial biosensors have become increasingly used in toxicity testing due to their apparent ease of use and potential to rapidly report on toxic events, as evidenced by the widespread implementation of such systems as the Microtox® fi... Read More about BIOMATE: Development of Custom-Designed Bioluminescent Sensors for Toxicity Testing.
A study of the powder processing, tribological performance and metallurgy of Aluminium-based, discontinuously reinforced metal matrix composites (2002)
Mitchell, C. A. A study of the powder processing, tribological performance and metallurgy of Aluminium-based, discontinuously reinforced metal matrix composites. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. principal objectives of the research reported in this thesis are: to determine the effect that sinter time has on the metallurgical behaviour of alumina-reinforced aluminium-606lmatrix composites; compare and assess the wear resistance of alumina... Read More about A study of the powder processing, tribological performance and metallurgy of Aluminium-based, discontinuously reinforced metal matrix composites.
The new Scottish politics of information: governance and information technology in the devolved Scotland. (2002)
Griffin, P. The new Scottish politics of information: governance and information technology in the devolved Scotland. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. thesis provides an analysis of the new Scottish politics of information. It examines the implications of information communication technologies (ICTs) for the reformation of Scottish politics within the new historical Scottish moment of devoluti... Read More about The new Scottish politics of information: governance and information technology in the devolved Scotland..
Modelling the environmental Impacts of suspended Mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) farming. (2002)
Chamberlain, J. Modelling the environmental Impacts of suspended Mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) farming. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. potential impacts of marine aquaculture operations on the environment are
reviewed. The reported effects of suspended mussel farms on the benthic
environment are examined and the potential impacts discussed. A framework to
assess the impacts o... Read More about Modelling the environmental Impacts of suspended Mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) farming..
Interactive multimedia and learning: realising the benefits. (2002)
Cairncross, S. Interactive multimedia and learning: realising the benefits. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. multimedia has the potential to create high quality learning environments
that actively engage the learner. For example it can combine explanation with
illustrative examples, on-line assessment with feedback and provide opportunities to... Read More about Interactive multimedia and learning: realising the benefits..
Malaysian cinema and negotiations with modernity: film and anthropology. (2002)
Gray, G. T. Malaysian cinema and negotiations with modernity: film and anthropology. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. thesis examines Malaysian cinema in the context of the various processes and
discourses of modernity. Analysing the processes of modernity which Malaysians
are engaged with provides a crucial theme by which to demonstrate how various
socio-po... Read More about Malaysian cinema and negotiations with modernity: film and anthropology..
Accurate quantification of the proton NMR spectra of human brain metabolites. (2002)
Bruce, S. D. Accurate quantification of the proton NMR spectra of human brain metabolites. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) can give chemically specific information about
biological tissue and has become an active area of research in human metabolism in health
and disease. In particular, the (1)H MKS modality is suited to studies of... Read More about Accurate quantification of the proton NMR spectra of human brain metabolites..
Managing complex taxonomic data in an object-oriented database. (2002)
Raguenaud, C. Managing complex taxonomic data in an object-oriented database. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. thesis addresses the problem of multiple overlapping classifications in object-oriented databases through the example of plant taxonomy. These multiple overlapping classifications are independent simple classifications that share information (no... Read More about Managing complex taxonomic data in an object-oriented database..