Administrative and political embeddedness: how to improve the institutional environments dealing with the management and implementation of EU Structural and Investment Funds? The experience of new member states
Book Chapter
Surubaru, C. (2016). Administrative and political embeddedness: how to improve the institutional environments dealing with the management and implementation of EU Structural and Investment Funds? The experience of new member states. In J. Bachtler, P. Berkowitz, S. Hardy, & T. Muravska (Eds.), EU Cohesion Policy: Reassessing performance and direction (171-185). Routledge.
Time and time again, administrative capacity has been identified as a key feature of the successful management and implementation of EU funds. This chapter investigates the extent to which domestic governance interferes with the development of admini... Read More about Administrative and political embeddedness: how to improve the institutional environments dealing with the management and implementation of EU Structural and Investment Funds? The experience of new member states.