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Performance Evaluation of Virtualization with Cloud Computing (2010)
Pelletingeas, C. Performance Evaluation of Virtualization with Cloud Computing. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Cloud computing has been the subject of many researches. Researches shows that cloud computing permit to reduce hardware cost, reduce the energy consumption and allow a more efficient use of servers. Nowadays lot of servers are used inefficiently bec... Read More about Performance Evaluation of Virtualization with Cloud Computing.

Representation and Decision Making in the Immune System (2010)
McEwan, C. Representation and Decision Making in the Immune System. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The immune system has long been attributed cognitive capacities such as "recognition" of pathogenic agents; "memory" of previous infections; "regulation" of a cavalry of detector and effector cells; and "adaptation" to a changing environment and evo... Read More about Representation and Decision Making in the Immune System.

Investigation of the applicability of the SOLO taxonomy in the qualitative content analysis of asynchronous online discussion. (2010)
Mainka, C. Investigation of the applicability of the SOLO taxonomy in the qualitative content analysis of asynchronous online discussion. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Despite a growing research base in support of higher order thinking processes fostered in asynchronous online dialogue, the research community seems far from a consensus that would unequivocally anchor a higher level of understanding with asynchronou... Read More about Investigation of the applicability of the SOLO taxonomy in the qualitative content analysis of asynchronous online discussion..

Oh, what a tangled web we weave: experiences of doing ‘multiple perspectives’ research in families (2010)
Journal Article
Harden, J., Backett-Milburn, K., Hill, M., & MacLean, A. (2010). Oh, what a tangled web we weave: experiences of doing ‘multiple perspectives’ research in families. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 13(5), 441-452.

It is not uncommon to explore the views of parents and children in qualitative research with families. Yet the implications and challenges of a multiple perspective approach often remain at a relatively taken‐for‐granted level. In this article we dra... Read More about Oh, what a tangled web we weave: experiences of doing ‘multiple perspectives’ research in families.

The binding ability of alpha-1-acid glycoprotein as a mechanism of resistance to methadone. (2010)
Behan, J. L. The binding ability of alpha-1-acid glycoprotein as a mechanism of resistance to methadone. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Dependence on heroin and other opioids represents a considerable problem worldwide. There is a continual need to improve therapy and/ or find more efficacious alternatives if these issues are to be addressed. The most commonly implemented pharmacol... Read More about The binding ability of alpha-1-acid glycoprotein as a mechanism of resistance to methadone..

Zines (2010)
Book Chapter
Atton, C. (2010). Zines. In J. D. H. Downing (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media (565-567). SAGE Publications

Anarchist media. (2010)
Book Chapter
Atton, C. (2010). Anarchist media. In J. D. H. Downing (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media (43-48). SAGE Publications

Alternative Media. (2010)
Book Chapter
Atton, C. (2010). Alternative Media. In J. D. H. Downing (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media (15-20). SAGE Publications

Resightings of humpback whales in Hawaiian waters over spans of 10-32 years: Site fidelity, sex ratios, calving rates, female demographics, and the dynamics of social and behavioral roles of individuals (2010)
Journal Article
Herman, L. M., Pack, A. A., Rose, K., Craig, A., Herman, E. Y. K., Hakala, S., & Milette, A. (2011). Resightings of humpback whales in Hawaiian waters over spans of 10-32 years: Site fidelity, sex ratios, calving rates, female demographics, and the dynamics of social and behavioral roles of individuals. Marine Mammal Science, 27(4), 736-768.

From a database of approximately 5,000 Hawaiian humpback whales identified photographically between 1976 and 2010, we extracted 71 males and 39 females having resighting spans of 10 or more years, from first to most recent sighting. Findings include... Read More about Resightings of humpback whales in Hawaiian waters over spans of 10-32 years: Site fidelity, sex ratios, calving rates, female demographics, and the dynamics of social and behavioral roles of individuals.

Learning to work collaboratively: Nurses' views of their pre-registration interprofessional education and its impact on practice (2010)
Journal Article
Derbyshire, J., & Machin, A. (2011). Learning to work collaboratively: Nurses' views of their pre-registration interprofessional education and its impact on practice. Nurse Education in Practice, 11(4), 239-244.

One of the challenges of contemporary health care is the need for health and social care professionals to work differently to meet the complex needs of patients/clients. However it cannot be assumed that these professionals have been prepared with th... Read More about Learning to work collaboratively: Nurses' views of their pre-registration interprofessional education and its impact on practice.

First steps towards cross-national transfer in integrating mobility management and land use planning in the EU and Switzerland (2010)
Journal Article
Rye, T., Welsch, J., Plevnik, A., & de Tommasi, R. (2011). First steps towards cross-national transfer in integrating mobility management and land use planning in the EU and Switzerland. Transport Policy, 18(3), 533-543.

This paper is based on research carried out in an EU Framework project, concerning the better integration of mobility management (MM) with land use planning. The objective of the paper is to analyse how, and how far, policies in this field of action... Read More about First steps towards cross-national transfer in integrating mobility management and land use planning in the EU and Switzerland.

An experimental study of the effects of resilient bars on plate vibration (2010)
Journal Article
Su, S., Smith, S., & Fairfield, C. (2011). An experimental study of the effects of resilient bars on plate vibration. Applied Acoustics, 72(4), 241-247.

Resilient bars can provide a low-cost, effective improvement to sound insulation performance. They are commonly used in timber-framed floor/ceiling assemblies in North America and Europe. Resilient bars are often modelled as springs isolating the two... Read More about An experimental study of the effects of resilient bars on plate vibration.

Unconventional competition- drawing lessons from the military (2010)
Journal Article
Ojiako, G., Johnson, J., Chipulu, M., & Marshall, A. (2010). Unconventional competition- drawing lessons from the military. Prometheus, 28(4), 327-342.

We explore aspects of unconventional competition between firms. In particular, we address two critical questions. The first is: what happens when firms decide to compete outside the rules and frameworks of conventional competition? In other words, ho... Read More about Unconventional competition- drawing lessons from the military.

Zur Wirkung von Neukunden-Promotions auf Bestandskunden (2010)
Journal Article
Woisetschläger, D., Evanschitzky, H., & Backhaus, C. (2011). Zur Wirkung von Neukunden-Promotions auf Bestandskunden. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 81, 183-204.

Neukundenverträge werden häufig mit wesentlich attraktiveren Konditionen ausgestaltet als Vertragsangebote für Bestandskunden. Dabei scheinen Neukunden-Promotions zwar grundsätzlich geeignet, die Kaufbereitschaft potenzieller Kunden zu steigern, even... Read More about Zur Wirkung von Neukunden-Promotions auf Bestandskunden.

An occupational perspective on participatory action research. (2010)
Book Chapter
Bryant, W., McKay, E., Beresford, P., & Vacher, G. (2010). An occupational perspective on participatory action research. In F. Kronenberg, N. Pollard, & D. Sakellariou (Eds.), Occupational Therapies without Borders - Volume 2: Towards an ecology of occupation-based practices (365-375). (2nd)

Soundscape mapping: comparing listening experiences (2010)
McGregor, I. Soundscape mapping: comparing listening experiences. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The perceived auditory environment is an increasingly important part of people’s everyday interactive experiences. While sound design is an established discipline in media such as video games and cinema, this is not the case in Human-Computer Interac... Read More about Soundscape mapping: comparing listening experiences.

"I did not realize so many options are available": Cognitive authority, search engines, emerging adults, and mental health (2010)
Journal Article
Neal, D. M., Campbell, A. J., Williams, L. Y., Liu, Y., & Nussbaumer, D. (2011). "I did not realize so many options are available": Cognitive authority, search engines, emerging adults, and mental health. Library and Information Science Research, 33(1), 25-33.

Approximately one in five people in developed countries such as Canada and Australia will experience mental illness during their lifespan, and this statistic may be even higher for people between the ages of 18 and 25. Due to widespread stigma and ot... Read More about "I did not realize so many options are available": Cognitive authority, search engines, emerging adults, and mental health.