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All Outputs (197)

Re‐empowering the empowered – the ultimate challenge? (1999)
Journal Article
D'Annunzio-Green, N., & Macandrew, J. (1999). Re‐empowering the empowered – the ultimate challenge?. Personnel Review, 28(3), 258-278.

Evidence to date shows a divergence in the methods and approaches used by
companies to introduce empowerment and indeed a wide debate as to the meaning and
appropriateness of the term itself. The popularity of the concept has led many organisations... Read More about Re‐empowering the empowered – the ultimate challenge?.

Predation: a causal mechanism for variability in intertidal bivalve populations (1999)
Journal Article
Richards, M. G., Huxham, M., & Bryant, A. (1999). Predation: a causal mechanism for variability in intertidal bivalve populations. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 241(2), (159-177). doi:10.1016/s0022-0981(99)00075-1. ISSN 0022-0981

Two caging experiments were conducted on an intertidal mudflat to assess the impact of predation on two species of bivalves; Macoma balthica and Cerastoderma edule. The first caging experiment enclosed the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, carapace width... Read More about Predation: a causal mechanism for variability in intertidal bivalve populations.

Persistence and effects of fenamiphos on native algal populations and enzymatic activities in soil (1999)
Journal Article
Megharaj, M., Singleton, I., Kookana, R., & Naidu, R. (1999). Persistence and effects of fenamiphos on native algal populations and enzymatic activities in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 31(11), 1549-1553.

Fenamiphos is a commonly and widely used nematicide and insecticide in agriculture but information on its effects on microorganisms in soil is scarce. The microbial role in the persistence of fenamiphos in soil was determined by comparing the relativ... Read More about Persistence and effects of fenamiphos on native algal populations and enzymatic activities in soil.

Predator caging experiments: a test of the importance of scale (1999)
Journal Article
Fernandes, T. F., Huxham, M., & Piper, S. R. (1999). Predator caging experiments: a test of the importance of scale. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 241(1), (137-154). doi:10.1016/s0022-0981(99)00076-3. ISSN 0022-0981

The impact of predators is often relative to the spatial scale at which the study is conducted. In this paper we investigated how spatial scale might influence the importance of predation. In doing this we addressed the hypothesis of scale-dependency... Read More about Predator caging experiments: a test of the importance of scale.

Emotion, Science and Rationality: The Case of the Brent Spar (1999)
Journal Article
Huxham, M., & Sumner, D. (1999). Emotion, Science and Rationality: The Case of the Brent Spar. Environmental Values, 8(3), (349-368). doi:10.3197/096327199129341860. ISSN 0963-2719

In June 1995, a campaign by Greenpeace forced the multinational oil company Shell to cancel its planned disposal of a redundant oil installation in the Atlantic. The Brent Spar incident attracted massive publicity and was influential in changing gove... Read More about Emotion, Science and Rationality: The Case of the Brent Spar.

Fitness for purpose in the assessment of learning: students as stakeholders (1999)
Journal Article
Mcdowell, L., & Sambell, K. (1999). Fitness for purpose in the assessment of learning: students as stakeholders. Quality in Higher Education, 5(2), 107-123.

A fitness‐for‐purpose approach to determining the quality of assessment practices in higher education requires the consideration of the perspectives of a range of stakeholders including students. Empirical data from case studies of assessment in prac... Read More about Fitness for purpose in the assessment of learning: students as stakeholders.

Host Attitudes towards Guests in the Homestay Sector (1999)
Journal Article
Lynch, P. A. (1999). Host Attitudes towards Guests in the Homestay Sector. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1(2), 119-144.

This paper reports on an investigation into host attitudes towards guests in one segment of the homestay accommodation sector: host families. In addition to discussion of the main characteristics of hostfamilies, host attitudes to guests are examined... Read More about Host Attitudes towards Guests in the Homestay Sector.

An investigation into the processes responsible for the generation of the spatial pattern of the spionid polychaete pygospio elegans claparede (1999)
Bolam, S. G. An investigation into the processes responsible for the generation of the spatial pattern of the spionid polychaete pygospio elegans claparede. (Thesis). Napier University.

The spionid polychaete Pygospio elegans Claparede (1863) is a small, tube-building opportunist. On the intertidal sandflat Drum Sands, Firth of Forth, Scotland, this species is numerically dominant and forms areas of increased density or 'patches'.... Read More about An investigation into the processes responsible for the generation of the spatial pattern of the spionid polychaete pygospio elegans claparede.

High-resolution image reconstruction from multiple low-resolution images. (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wei, H., & Binnie, D. (1999). High-resolution image reconstruction from multiple low-resolution images. .

In this paper, we demonstrate a digital signal processing (DSP) algorithm for improving spatial resolution of images captured by CMOS cameras. The basic approach is to reconstruct a high resolution (HR) image from a shift-related low resolution (LR)... Read More about High-resolution image reconstruction from multiple low-resolution images..

A scanned layer silicon retina. (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Binnie, D., & Moorhead, B. (1999, July). A scanned layer silicon retina. Paper presented at Seventh IEE Conference on Image Processing and Applications

Reading and resistance: what are activists reading and why? (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Atton, C. (1999, July). Reading and resistance: what are activists reading and why?. Paper presented at Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing Annual Conference, Madison, Wisconsin

Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding (1999)
Journal Article
Mclnnes, R. J. & Stone, D. H. (1999). Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding. Lancet. 354. (9173). 161. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(05)75293-4. ISSN 0140-6736.

Application of a conductive polymer to self-absorbing ferroelectric polymer pyroelectric sensors (1999)
Journal Article
Setiadi, D., He, Z., Hajto, J., & Binnie, T. (1999). Application of a conductive polymer to self-absorbing ferroelectric polymer pyroelectric sensors. Infrared Physics and Technology, 40(4), 267-278.

This paper presents application of a conductive polymer to a self-absorbing pyroelectric sensor. The pyroelectric sensor is a free standing thermal infrared detector. It consists of a conductive polymer (PEDT/PSS) as an absorber layer and front elect... Read More about Application of a conductive polymer to self-absorbing ferroelectric polymer pyroelectric sensors.

Stimulation of specific binding of [3H]-progesterone to bovine luteal cell-surface membranes: specificity of digitonin (1999)
Journal Article
Menzies, G., Howland, K., Rae, M., & Bramley, T. (1999). Stimulation of specific binding of [3H]-progesterone to bovine luteal cell-surface membranes: specificity of digitonin. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 153, 57-69.

Non-genomic actions of progesterone have been described in the ovary, and luteal membranes of several species have been shown to possess specific binding sites for [3H]-progesterone. However, binding of radiolabelled progesterone to luteal membranes... Read More about Stimulation of specific binding of [3H]-progesterone to bovine luteal cell-surface membranes: specificity of digitonin.

Screening for psychiatric illness in the palliative care inpatient setting: a comparison between the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the General Health Questionnaire-12 (1999)
Journal Article
Le Fevre, P., Devereux, J., Smith, S., Lawrie, S. M., & Cornbleet, M. (1999). Screening for psychiatric illness in the palliative care inpatient setting: a comparison between the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the General Health Questionnaire-12. Palliative Medicine, 13(5), 399-407.

The objective of this study was to compare the performance of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) with the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) as a screening instrument for the detection of psychiatric disorders in a palliative... Read More about Screening for psychiatric illness in the palliative care inpatient setting: a comparison between the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the General Health Questionnaire-12.