Using cursor measures to determine appropriate computer input assistance for motion-impaired users
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clarkson, P., Hwang, F., Keates, S., Langdon, P., & Clarkson, P. J. (2002, October). Using cursor measures to determine appropriate computer input assistance for motion-impaired users. Presented at Conference Proceedings. Second Joint EMBS-BMES Conference 2002 24th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Houston, TX, USA
People with motion-impairments can often have difficulty with accurate control of standard pointing devices for computer input. The nature of the difficulties may vary, so to be most effective, methods of assisting cursor control must be suited to ea... Read More about Using cursor measures to determine appropriate computer input assistance for motion-impaired users.