A Tale of Two Supervisors.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McHugh, N., Edwards, N., & Leap, N. (2012, June). A Tale of Two Supervisors. Presented at Midwifery Supervision Today
All Outputs (1039)
A model checking based approach to automatic test suite generation for testing web services and BPEL. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhao, H., Sun, J., & Liu, X. (2012, December). A model checking based approach to automatic test suite generation for testing web services and BPELWith the rapid increase of Web Service applications, the reliability of web service and service composition has drawn particular attention from researchers and industries. Many methods for testing and verifying the reliability have been discussed, ho... Read More about A model checking based approach to automatic test suite generation for testing web services and BPEL..
Dynamic evolution of service architecture in mobile cloud applications. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhao, H., Sun, J., & Liu, X. (2012, April). Dynamic evolution of service architecture in mobile cloud applications. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2012, Port, Portugal
Software reuse in the emerging cloud computing era. (2012)
Yang, H., & Liu, X. (2012). Software reuse in the emerging cloud computing era. IGI Global Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-4666-0897-9With the rapid development of computing hardware, high-speed network, web programming, distributed and parallel computing, and other technologies, cloud computing has recently emerged as a commercial reality. Software Reuse in the Emerging Cloud Comp... Read More about Software reuse in the emerging cloud computing era..
A new analytical model for multi-hop cognitive radio networks (2012)
Journal Article
Wu, Y., Min, G., & Al-Dubai, A. (2012). A new analytical model for multi-hop cognitive radio networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 11, 1643-1648. https://doi.org/10.1109/TWC.2012.030812.111106The cognitive radio (CR) is an emerging technique for increasing the utilisation of communication resources by allowing the unlicensed users to employ the under-utilised spectrum. In this paper, a new analytical performance model is developed to eval... Read More about A new analytical model for multi-hop cognitive radio networks.
The effect of pasture restriction on dry matter intake by foraging donkeys in the UK. (2012)
Book Chapter
Wood, S. J., Smith, D., Morriss, C. J., & Cuddeford, D. (2012). The effect of pasture restriction on dry matter intake by foraging donkeys in the UK. In M. Saastamoinen, M. J. Fradinho, A. S. Santos, & N. Miraglia (Eds.), Forages and grazing in horse nutrition (163-176). Wageningen Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-755-4_17Good pasture management on equine operations is essential to maintaining the productivity and value of the pasture as well as providing the proper nutrients and environment to grow a healthy horse. The objective of this paper is to provide an overvie... Read More about The effect of pasture restriction on dry matter intake by foraging donkeys in the UK..
Carte blanche to exclude women with intellectual disabilities? [Rapid Response] (2012)
Journal Article
Willis, D. (2012). Carte blanche to exclude women with intellectual disabilities? [Rapid Response]. BMJ, 345,
Emerging Markets: VFBOP 2.0 and the Effect of Co-Venturing. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Williams, J., & Omar, M. (2012, July). Emerging Markets: VFBOP 2.0 and the Effect of Co-Venturing. Presented at Marketing: catching the technology wave -Academy of Marketing Conference 2012Emerging markets are diverse and can require separate market entry and market development strategies. This paper will look at these opportunities through the lenses of four concepts: the Bottom of the Pyramid (Prahalad & Hart, 2002; London & Hart, 20... Read More about Emerging Markets: VFBOP 2.0 and the Effect of Co-Venturing..
Disseminating learning. (2012)
Book Chapter
Wigan, M., & Legacy, C. (2012). Disseminating learning. In N. Low (Ed.), Transforming urban transport: the ethics, politics and practices of sustainable mobility. RoutledgeCentral to achieving sustainable transport are the processes of dissemination of learning and engagement with the public necessary to generate the motive force to transform transport. Dissemination has usually been considered to be a task undertaken... Read More about Disseminating learning..
The role of information contestability in evidence based policy in planning and transport. (2012)
Book Chapter
Wigan, M. (2012). The role of information contestability in evidence based policy in planning and transport. In H. Geerlings, Y. Shiftan, & D. Stead (Eds.), Transition towards sustainable mobility: the role of instruments, Individual and Institutions (217-230). Ashgate PublishingMany of the processes of strategic planning and transport have long been based on slow changing environments where much of the operational investment could reasonably be undertaken on the basis that, if the present was well understood, the projection... Read More about The role of information contestability in evidence based policy in planning and transport..
Submission to the inquiry into potential reforms of National Security Legislation. (2012)
Preprint / Working Paper
Wigan, M. Submission to the inquiry into potential reforms of National Security Legislation
Smart meter technology tradeoffs. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wigan, M. (2012, October). Smart meter technology tradeoffsSmart meters have become a matter of concern for
many populations, although the technology is as always
politically neutral. The focus on electricity rather than all
metered services, water, gas and electricity is one aspect of this
public concer... Read More about Smart meter technology tradeoffs..
Privacy policies for smart metering in Victoria: consultation response to the Emergency Services Commission. (2012)
Wigan, M. (2012). Privacy policies for smart metering in Victoria: consultation response to the Emergency Services Commission. Australia: Victoria Parliament
Contestability, democracy and trust in the anti-terror age (2012)
Journal Article
Wigan, M. (2012). Contestability, democracy and trust in the anti-terror age. IEEE technology & society magazine, 31, 26-32. https://doi.org/10.1109/MTS.2012.2185730Checks and balances in government are always difficult to resolve, and as both societal and governmental complexity have increased, the degree to which expertise and policy reside within government has declined. The rise of evidence-based approaches... Read More about Contestability, democracy and trust in the anti-terror age.
An Investigation into changes in the phytoplankton community in Loch Creran, a Scottish sea loch (2012)
Whyte, C. T. An Investigation into changes in the phytoplankton community in Loch Creran, a Scottish sea loch. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/5696Short term and irregular sampling in Loch Creran over recent decades suggested that changes may be occurring in the phytoplankton community in the loch. This study sought to confirm this suggestion. After instigating a regular sampling regime during... Read More about An Investigation into changes in the phytoplankton community in Loch Creran, a Scottish sea loch.
Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and physiology: study guide and colouring workbook (3rd edition) Polish translation (2012)
Waugh, A., & Grant, A. (2012). Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and physiology: study guide and colouring workbook (3rd edition) Polish translation. Elsevier Urban Partner
Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and phsyiology in health and illness. (11th edition) Dutch translation (2012)
Waugh, A., & Grant, A. (2012). Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and phsyiology in health and illness. (11th edition) Dutch translation. Elsevier-Churchill Livingstone
Ross and Wilson : Anatomy and physiology in health and illness. (11th edition) Korean translation (2012)
Waugh, A., & Grant, A. (2012). Ross and Wilson : Anatomy and physiology in health and illness. (11th edition) Korean translation. Elsevier Korea LCC
Ross and Wilson : Anatomy and phsyiology in health and illness. (11th edition Polish ) (2012)
Waugh, A., & Grant, A. (2012). Ross and Wilson : Anatomy and phsyiology in health and illness. (11th edition Polish ). Elsevier Urban PartnerRoss and Wilson has been the number one choice for over a million students since it first published, over 50 years ago. One of the worlds most popular textbooks of anatomy and physiology, it introduces the structure and functions of the human body an... Read More about Ross and Wilson : Anatomy and phsyiology in health and illness. (11th edition Polish ).
Ross and Wilson : Anatomy and Physiology in health and illness. (10th edition Indonesian ) (2012)
Waugh, A., & Grant, A. (2012). Ross and Wilson : Anatomy and Physiology in health and illness. (10th edition Indonesian ). Elsevier-ChurchillRoss and Wilson has been the number one choice for over a million students since it first published, over 50 years ago. One of the world’s most popular textbooks of anatomy and physiology, it introduces the structure and functions of the human body a... Read More about Ross and Wilson : Anatomy and Physiology in health and illness. (10th edition Indonesian ).