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All Outputs (602)

An exploratory study of innovation effectiveness measurement between Australian and Thai SMEs (2006)
Journal Article
Sawang, S., Unsworth, K., & Sorbello, T. (2006). An exploratory study of innovation effectiveness measurement between Australian and Thai SMEs. International Journal of Organisational Behaviour, 12(1), 110-125

The advantages of using a balanced approach to measurement of overall organisational performance are well-known. We examined the effects of a balanced approach in the more specific domain of measuring innovation effectiveness in 144 small to mediumsi... Read More about An exploratory study of innovation effectiveness measurement between Australian and Thai SMEs.

Design and evaluation of automotive head-up display interface for low visibility conditions (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Charissis, V., & Papanastasiou, S. (2006, August). Design and evaluation of automotive head-up display interface for low visibility conditions. Presented at Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP 2006), Palma De Mallorca, Spain

This paper introduces a novel design approach for an auto motive full-windshield Head-Up Display (HUD) interface which aims to improve the driver’s spatial awareness and response times (RTs) under low visibility conditions. The proposed HUD design ai... Read More about Design and evaluation of automotive head-up display interface for low visibility conditions.

Human-machine collaboration through vehicle head up display interface (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Charissis, V., & Papanastasiou, S. (2006, September). Human-machine collaboration through vehicle head up display interface. Presented at EAM’06 European Annual Conference on Human Decision-Making and Manual Control, Valenciennes, France

This paper introduces a novel design for an automotive full-windshieldHead-Up Display (HUD) interface which aims to improve the driver’sspatial awareness and response times under low visibility conditions. Wehave further designed and implemented a wo... Read More about Human-machine collaboration through vehicle head up display interface.

Enhancing driver’s vision with the use of prototype automotive head-up display interface (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Charissis, V., & Anderson, P. (2006, July). Enhancing driver’s vision with the use of prototype automotive head-up display interface. Presented at Vision In Vehicles (VIV 2006), Dublin

Driving is a complex task largely dependent on vision as the predominant channel of information. Considering the wealth of visual cues available in a vehicle, it becomes crucial to manage the frequency of information provided to the driver. Notably,... Read More about Enhancing driver’s vision with the use of prototype automotive head-up display interface.

Exploring the ad hoc network requirements of an automotive Head-Up Display Interface (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Charissis, V., & Papanastasiou, S. (2006, July). Exploring the ad hoc network requirements of an automotive Head-Up Display Interface. Presented at 5th International Conference on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP’06, Patras, Greece

Windshield Head-Up Displays (HUDs) have become a focal point of research in the automotive industry, bearing the promise of augmenting spatial awareness and reducing the driver's reaction time. Such systems would require the deployment of sensory equ... Read More about Exploring the ad hoc network requirements of an automotive Head-Up Display Interface.

News photography image retrieval practices: Locus of control in two contexts (2006)
Pennington, D. News photography image retrieval practices: Locus of control in two contexts. (Thesis). University of North Texas

This is the first known study to explore the image retrieval preferences of news photographers and news photo editors in work contexts. Survey participants (n=102) provided opinions regarding 11 photograph searching methods. The quantitative survey d... Read More about News photography image retrieval practices: Locus of control in two contexts.

Use of gannets to monitor prey availability in the northeast Atlantic Ocean: colony size, diet and foraging behaviour (2006)
Book Chapter
Hamer, K. C., Lewis, S., Wanless, S., Phillips, R. A., Sherratt, T. N., Humphreys, E. M., Hennicke, J., & Garthe, S. (2006). Use of gannets to monitor prey availability in the northeast Atlantic Ocean: colony size, diet and foraging behaviour. In I. L. Boyd, S. Wanless, & C. J. Camphuysen (Eds.), Top Predators in Marine Ecosystems: Their Role in Monitoring and Management (236-248). Cambridge University Press.

Large seabirds such as northern gannets Morus bassanus have very flexible time–activity budgets; this means that changes in variables such as foraging-trip duration could provide a rapid indicator of changes in food supply, an indicator that could no... Read More about Use of gannets to monitor prey availability in the northeast Atlantic Ocean: colony size, diet and foraging behaviour.

Fault tolerance and network integrity measures: the case of computer-based systems (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Andras, P., Idowu, O., & Periorellis, P. (2006, April). Fault tolerance and network integrity measures: the case of computer-based systems. Presented at AISB'06: Network Analysis in Natural Sciences and Engineering, Bristol

Fault tolerance is a key aspect of the dependability of complex computer-based systems. Fault tolerance may be difficult to measure directly in complex real world systems, and we propose here to measure it in terms of integrity preservation of the sy... Read More about Fault tolerance and network integrity measures: the case of computer-based systems.

The language of cortical dynamics (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Andras, P. (2006, September). The language of cortical dynamics. Presented at Second International Symposium, CompLife 2006, Cambridge

Cortical dynamics can be recorded in various ways. Theoretical works suggest that analyzing the dynamics of recorded activities might reveal the workings of the underlying neural system. Here we describe the extraction of an activity pattern language... Read More about The language of cortical dynamics.

Faults, errors and failures in communications: a systems theory perspective on organisational structure (2006)
Book Chapter
Andras, P., & Charlton, B. (2006). Faults, errors and failures in communications: a systems theory perspective on organisational structure. In D. Besnard, C. Gacek, & C. B. Jones (Eds.), Structure for Dependability: Computer-Based Systems from an Interdisciplinary Perspective (189-213). Springer.

Abstract communications systems theory may be a valuable tool for the description, prediction and control of organizations. An organization is conceptualized as an abstract system of inter-human communications; humans are the main organization 'commu... Read More about Faults, errors and failures in communications: a systems theory perspective on organisational structure.

A pilot study of dual diagnosis training in prisons (2006)
Journal Article
Hughes, E. (2006). A pilot study of dual diagnosis training in prisons. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 1(4), 5-14.

People with dual diagnosis have complex needs and vulnerabilities that may lead to incarceration in prisons. Mental health and substance use services in prisons should have the capabilities to address their needs while incarcerated and facilitate the... Read More about A pilot study of dual diagnosis training in prisons.

A Distributed Router's Modeling and Implementation (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chrysoulas, C., Haleplidis, E., Kostopoulos, G., Denazis, S., & Koufopavlou, O. (2006, June). A Distributed Router's Modeling and Implementation. Presented at CSNDSP 2006, 5th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, June 19-21., Patras University Conference Centre, Patras, Greece

Modeling comes to a necessity when there is something new to be developed and there is a need to specify in exact detail a specific architecture. This paper describes a model of a Distributed Router's Architecture specifically suited for the IST proj... Read More about A Distributed Router's Modeling and Implementation.

A Modern Contested Terrain: Mobile Phones at Work (2006)
Journal Article
Batchelor, L., & Townsend, K. (2006). A Modern Contested Terrain: Mobile Phones at Work. Employment Relations Record, 6(1), 65-72

We can see technology change the private lives of people and also in their working lives. But what happens when these two worlds collide? This paper explores the way labour and management are grappling with the issue of mobile phone technology in the... Read More about A Modern Contested Terrain: Mobile Phones at Work.

Writing Home: Martin Walser's Ein fliehendes Pferd as Anti-Tourist Literature (2006)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, J. (2006). Writing Home: Martin Walser's Ein fliehendes Pferd as Anti-Tourist Literature. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 4(3), 177-193.

This paper examines the novella Ein fliehendes Pferd (A Runaway Horse) by Lake Constance author Martin Walser as ‘anti-tourist literature’. The popularity of Lake Constance as a tourist destination owes much to its beautiful natural landscape, which... Read More about Writing Home: Martin Walser's Ein fliehendes Pferd as Anti-Tourist Literature.

Dissimilarity analysis of signal processing methods for texture classification (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Qaiser, N., Hussain, M., Hussain, A., Iqbal, N., & Qaiser, N. (2005, December). Dissimilarity analysis of signal processing methods for texture classification. Presented at 2005 Pakistan Section Multitopic Conference, Karachi, Pakistan

As observed from the literature survey, there is no commonly accepted quantitative definition of visual texture. As a consequence, researchers seeking a quantitative texture measure have been forced to search intuitively for texture features, and the... Read More about Dissimilarity analysis of signal processing methods for texture classification.

A nonlinear PID-based multiple controller incorporating a multilayered neural network learning submodel (2006)
Journal Article
Zayed, A., Hussain, A., & Grimble, M. (2006). A nonlinear PID-based multiple controller incorporating a multilayered neural network learning submodel. Control and Intelligent Systems, 34, 177-184.

A new nonlinear minimum-variance adaptive proportional integral derivative (PID) based multiple controller, incorporating a multi- layered neural network learning submodel, is presented. The unknown non-linear plant is represented by an equivalent st... Read More about A nonlinear PID-based multiple controller incorporating a multilayered neural network learning submodel.