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Online tools and their Impact on young people. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gibson, G., McCusker, P., & Taylor-Smith, E. (2010, June). Online tools and their Impact on young people. Paper presented at ECEG 2010 10th European Conference on eGovernment

The emergence of social media tools and the enthusiasm by which young people have embraced theses tools as one of their primary modes of interaction is well documented in many current studies. One side effect of this growth is recognition that there... Read More about Online tools and their Impact on young people..

Financial trajectories: how parents and children discussed the impact of the recession (2010)
Journal Article
MacLean, A., Harden, J., & Backett-Milburn, K. (2010). Financial trajectories: how parents and children discussed the impact of the recession. Contemporary Social Science, 5, 159-170.

This paper presents findings from a qualitative longitudinal study which investigated processes of negotiation between parents and their primary school-aged children in addressing issues raised by working parenthood. Three waves of fieldwork were con... Read More about Financial trajectories: how parents and children discussed the impact of the recession.

Future Perfect (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Morgan, A., Deane, A., & Flint, T. (2010, June). Future Perfect. Paper presented at Create 10

A workshop exploring the process of creating an immersive location based game driven by narrative. The game is specifically designed to be portable with minimal effort to tailor a meaningful experience in any city-based location.

Developing the community environmental health role of the nurse (2010)
Journal Article
Carnegie, E., & Kiger, A. (2010). Developing the community environmental health role of the nurse. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(6), 298-305.

This paper is a report from one phase of an exploratory case study. It investigated the environmental health concerns of members of communities within one city in the North East of Scotland. Individual interviews with stakeholders (n=21) and four foc... Read More about Developing the community environmental health role of the nurse.

Constructing citizenship through suffragette prison diaries (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schwan, A. (2010, June). Constructing citizenship through suffragette prison diaries. Paper presented at 7th Biennial International Auto/Biography Association Conference, University of Sussex

No abstract available.

Intrusion detection using GSAD model for HTTP traffic on web services (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jamdagni, A., Tan, Z., Nanda, P., He, X., & Liu, R. P. (2010, June). Intrusion detection using GSAD model for HTTP traffic on web services. Presented at Proceedings of the 6th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference on ZZZ - IWCMC '10

Intrusion detection systems are widely used security tools to detect cyber-attacks and malicious activities in computer systems and networks. Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) is used for new applications without much interference. In this paper, w... Read More about Intrusion detection using GSAD model for HTTP traffic on web services.

Managing supply risk with early supplier involvement (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tsvetkova, V., Ojiako, G., & Chipulu, M. (2010, June). Managing supply risk with early supplier involvement. Paper presented at 2010 INFORMS Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Society Annual Conference, Haifa, Israel

Age-related differences on cognitive overload in an audio-visual memory task (2010)
Journal Article
Murray, J., & Thomson, M. E. (2011). Age-related differences on cognitive overload in an audio-visual memory task. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 26(1), 129-141.

The present study aimed to provide evidence outlining whether the type of stimuli used in teaching would provoke differing levels of recall across three different academic age groups. One hundred and twenty-one participants, aged 11–25 years, were gi... Read More about Age-related differences on cognitive overload in an audio-visual memory task.

Not what you know, nor who you know, but who you know already: Examining Online Information Sharing Behaviours in a Blogging Environment through the Lens of Social Exchange Theory (2010)
Journal Article
Hall, H., Widen, G., & Paterson, L. (2010). Not what you know, nor who you know, but who you know already: Examining Online Information Sharing Behaviours in a Blogging Environment through the Lens of Social Exchange Theory. Libri, 60(2), 117-128.

This paper focuses on the extent to which online information sharing practice is socially motivated. A key interest is how knowledge of the existing social connections between actors may predict their information sharing behaviour when they move into... Read More about Not what you know, nor who you know, but who you know already: Examining Online Information Sharing Behaviours in a Blogging Environment through the Lens of Social Exchange Theory.

Book review: Handbook of Organization Development Thomas G. Cummings (ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2009. 720 pp. £95.00 (hbk). ISBN 9780761928126 (2010)
Journal Article
McGuire, D. (2010). Book review: Handbook of Organization Development Thomas G. Cummings (ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2009. 720 pp. £95.00 (hbk). ISBN 9780761928126. Management Learning, 41(3), 345-347.

Book review: Handbook of Organization Development Thomas G. Cummings (ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2009. 720 pp ISBN 9780761928126

Quality of experience management in mobile content delivery systems (2010)
Journal Article
Agboma, F., & Liotta, A. (2012). Quality of experience management in mobile content delivery systems. Telecommunication Systems, 49(1), 85-98.

This study contributes towards the relatively new but growing discipline of QoE management in content delivery systems. The study focuses on the development of a QoE-based management framework for the construction of QoE models for different types of... Read More about Quality of experience management in mobile content delivery systems.

Spreading the word: Creating a dynamic LTA strategy (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McLatchie, J. (2010, June). Spreading the word: Creating a dynamic LTA strategy. Paper presented at Taking Forward Change in Technology-Enhanced Learning, Bolton, UK

Social networks, age cohorts and employment (2010)
Journal Article
Gayen, K., McQuaid, R., & Raeside, R. (2010). Social networks, age cohorts and employment. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 30(5/6), 219-238.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the association of social networks with being in work, contrasting those under age 50 with those over 50 years.

Design/methodology/approach – A case study is undertaken of a local labour market... Read More about Social networks, age cohorts and employment.

The Slow Death of Formal Learning: A Polemic (2010)
Journal Article
McGuire, D., & Gubbins, C. (2010). The Slow Death of Formal Learning: A Polemic. Human Resource Development Review, 9(3), 249-265.

Over recent years, approaches to education and training have become more informal, situated, outcome focused and experiential. Within this context, formal learning now plays a greatly diminished role, being supplanted by activity-based and technologi... Read More about The Slow Death of Formal Learning: A Polemic.

Vibrational performance of metal-webbed timber floors. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhang, B., Weckendorf, J., Kermani, A., & Fillingham, T. (2010, June). Vibrational performance of metal-webbed timber floors. Presented at 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering

Metal web engineered timber joists have been largely used nowadays to replace traditional solid timber joists for constructing intermediate-span timber floors in low-rise houses and long-span floors in commercial buildings. Vibrational criteria becom... Read More about Vibrational performance of metal-webbed timber floors..

Beam and post system for non-residential multi-storey timber buildings – Conceptual framework and key issues (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tlustochowicz, G., Kermani, A., & Johnsson, H. (2010, June). Beam and post system for non-residential multi-storey timber buildings – Conceptual framework and key issues. Presented at 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering

In Sweden, there has been a long tradition of using timber in the construction of housing and in recent years, timber structural systems are increasingly used in multi-storey and large span buildings. The main focus of the majority of timber co... Read More about Beam and post system for non-residential multi-storey timber buildings – Conceptual framework and key issues.

Optimisation of an oak container (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Savage, N., Kermani, A., & Zhang, H. (2010, June). Optimisation of an oak container. Presented at 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering

Traditional containers such as barrels, used in the transportation and storage of food and liquid, have been constructed from timber for thousands of years. The design of the container has evolved over time and the original design specifications have... Read More about Optimisation of an oak container.

Structural performance of external timber cladding. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Crawford, D., Hairstans, R., & Davies, I. (2010, June). Structural performance of external timber cladding. Presented at 11th World Conference on Timber Engineering

Although timber cladding has been used for centuries, the current design guidance for timber cladding has received very little research attention with regards to structural performance. Due to the growing demand in several countries for medium rise t... Read More about Structural performance of external timber cladding..

The development of a hybrid racking panel - appraisal of methods for strength and stiffness calculation. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Leitch, K., & Hairstans, R. (2010, June). The development of a hybrid racking panel - appraisal of methods for strength and stiffness calculation. Presented at 11th World Conference on Timber Engineering

Throughout the U.K, Timber Platform Frame is increasingly being utilized in the high volume, low cost housing market. Here, the client’s desire for fully detached housing often leads to narrow properties with openings concentrated in the shorter wall... Read More about The development of a hybrid racking panel - appraisal of methods for strength and stiffness calculation..