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A Different Way of Being: The Influence of a Single Antenatal Relaxation Class on Maternal Psychological Wellbeing and Childbirth Experience An Exploratory Sequential Mix-Method Study (2023)
Ghaffari, M. T. (. T. A Different Way of Being: The Influence of a Single Antenatal Relaxation Class on Maternal Psychological Wellbeing and Childbirth Experience An Exploratory Sequential Mix-Method Study. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Background: Perinatal mental health problems are prevalent, have a wide range of adverse effects on the mother and her child, and are predictors of negative childbirth experiences. Therefore, improving perinatal mental health is a global public healt... Read More about A Different Way of Being: The Influence of a Single Antenatal Relaxation Class on Maternal Psychological Wellbeing and Childbirth Experience An Exploratory Sequential Mix-Method Study.

An Investigation of Olfactory Display Technology for the enhancement of Presence within Virtual Reality Experiences (2023)
McKelvey, A. An Investigation of Olfactory Display Technology for the enhancement of Presence within Virtual Reality Experiences. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

This thesis examines the impact the inclusion of olfactory stimulus has on virtual reality (VR) for the enhancement of presence. To achieve this, a comprehensive review of past literature was undertaken. This review examines several relevant topics i... Read More about An Investigation of Olfactory Display Technology for the enhancement of Presence within Virtual Reality Experiences.

Circular Futures: an interdisciplinary approach based on Circular Economy principles and Futures Studies methods to support Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) transitioning to circularity and a futures-oriented organisation (2023)
Weigend Rodríguez, R. Circular Futures: an interdisciplinary approach based on Circular Economy principles and Futures Studies methods to support Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) transitioning to circularity and a futures-oriented organisation. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

The Circular Economy (CE) is conceived by many as paramount to decoupling economic growth from environmental impacts. Implementing this paradigm in the private sector is challenging, as it requires substantial changes at the strategic level. However,... Read More about Circular Futures: an interdisciplinary approach based on Circular Economy principles and Futures Studies methods to support Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) transitioning to circularity and a futures-oriented organisation.

Electromagnetic Side-Channel Resilience against Lightweight Cryptography (2023)
Gunathilake, N. A. Electromagnetic Side-Channel Resilience against Lightweight Cryptography. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Side-channel attacks are an unpredictable risk factor in cryptography. Therefore, observations of leakages through physical parameters, i.e., power and electromagnetic (EM) radiation, etc., of digital devices are essential to minimise vulnerabilities... Read More about Electromagnetic Side-Channel Resilience against Lightweight Cryptography.

Locating Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in the sexual health of Gay, Bisexual, and other Men who have Sex with Men (GBMSM) in Scotland: A Constructivist Grounded Theory study (2023)
Clarke, L. J. Locating Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in the sexual health of Gay, Bisexual, and other Men who have Sex with Men (GBMSM) in Scotland: A Constructivist Grounded Theory study. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Background: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the leading causal mechanism for a variety of anogenital cancers including cervical, anal, penile, and head and neck worldwide in men. There are evident health inequalities in the risk of HPV infection as a d... Read More about Locating Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in the sexual health of Gay, Bisexual, and other Men who have Sex with Men (GBMSM) in Scotland: A Constructivist Grounded Theory study.

Realist evaluation of an Integrated Pregnancy and Parenting Support Service (IPPSS) for mothers with drug and alcohol problems in Scotland (2023)
Aitken-Arbuckle, A. Realist evaluation of an Integrated Pregnancy and Parenting Support Service (IPPSS) for mothers with drug and alcohol problems in Scotland. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Integrated multidisciplinary team approaches have been widely promoted for maternity services for women with drug and alcohol problems to support sharing of information, coordination of care and improve maternal and infant outcomes. Natio... Read More about Realist evaluation of an Integrated Pregnancy and Parenting Support Service (IPPSS) for mothers with drug and alcohol problems in Scotland.

Everyday data for COVID-19 from mHealth devices: The PAIDUR framework (2023)
Brown, C. W. Everyday data for COVID-19 from mHealth devices: The PAIDUR framework. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

This work examines the use of new data from mHealth devices in algorithmic Risk Predictor tools for conditions including the early diagnosis of COVID-19. The earliest signs of COVID-19 and other viral infection were from FitBit® devices, and data fro... Read More about Everyday data for COVID-19 from mHealth devices: The PAIDUR framework.

Photovoltaic challenges and recommendations - A case study for Oman (2023)
Honnurvali, M. S. Photovoltaic challenges and recommendations - A case study for Oman. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Concerning the growth of renewables witnessed globally in the past decade and its key benefits to society many countries are placing themselves with an ambitious target to increase the share of renewables in overall energy production. Sultanate of Om... Read More about Photovoltaic challenges and recommendations - A case study for Oman.

Self-rated Health and Health Inequalities by Area Deprivation in British Nurses (2023)
Ball, W. P. Self-rated Health and Health Inequalities by Area Deprivation in British Nurses. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Unfair and avoidable inequalities in health remain pervasive & persistent in the United Kingdom. Excess Mortality has been observed in Scotland compared to the rest of the UK. Area deprivation measures have become less able to explain exc... Read More about Self-rated Health and Health Inequalities by Area Deprivation in British Nurses.

Beyond the Digital Foodscape: Scottish-based Foodies’ use of social media influencers to explore and choose food (2023)
Marshall, K. N. Beyond the Digital Foodscape: Scottish-based Foodies’ use of social media influencers to explore and choose food. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of social media influencers (SMI) on Scottish-based consumers’ food choices and foodbased identity. Social media influencers (SMIs) are prominent opinion leaders of digital foodscape whose influen... Read More about Beyond the Digital Foodscape: Scottish-based Foodies’ use of social media influencers to explore and choose food.

Impact of Organisational Culture on the Financial and Non-Financial Performance and the Moderating role of the Environment (2023)
Malik, S. Impact of Organisational Culture on the Financial and Non-Financial Performance and the Moderating role of the Environment. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

The academic literature signifies a relationship between corporate culture and performance, particularly for those firms that strive in gaining competitive advantage and long-term effectiveness. Employees with various cultural backgrounds, nationalit... Read More about Impact of Organisational Culture on the Financial and Non-Financial Performance and the Moderating role of the Environment.

An Exploration of Integrated Reporting and Its Applicability: A Stakeholder Perspective (2023)
Zhou, T. An Exploration of Integrated Reporting and Its Applicability: A Stakeholder Perspective. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Integrated reporting (IR) is an emerging corporate practice shaped by market forces and regulations. The organisations (IIRC, 2021; IDSA, 2016) and scholars (Abeysekera, 2013; Branwijck, 2012; and Eccles & Krzus, 2010) developed the five IR approache... Read More about An Exploration of Integrated Reporting and Its Applicability: A Stakeholder Perspective.

Informational Value and Abnormal Stock Returns: An Event Study of EU-Wide Stress Tests from 2010 to 2018 (2023)
Gauer, K. Informational Value and Abnormal Stock Returns: An Event Study of EU-Wide Stress Tests from 2010 to 2018. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Since the global financial crisis (2007-2009), supervisory stress testing has become increasingly important. Previous studies of banks’ abnormal stock returns in response to EU-wide stress test results have produced inconsistent and contradictory res... Read More about Informational Value and Abnormal Stock Returns: An Event Study of EU-Wide Stress Tests from 2010 to 2018.

The Awareness of Biases in our Intuition: Understanding Influences on Decision-Making in User-Centred Agile Requirements Engineering (2023)
Krombholz, R. The Awareness of Biases in our Intuition: Understanding Influences on Decision-Making in User-Centred Agile Requirements Engineering. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

During recent decades, software development in all industries has experienced an impactful change from feature focused and sequentially planned to usercentred and agile approaches. Reasons are continuously evolving technologies and with it fast chang... Read More about The Awareness of Biases in our Intuition: Understanding Influences on Decision-Making in User-Centred Agile Requirements Engineering.

Digital Marketing in Small and Medium Enterprises: Evidence from the Industrial Supplies Sector in Singapore (2023)
Chin, K. Y. Digital Marketing in Small and Medium Enterprises: Evidence from the Industrial Supplies Sector in Singapore. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

In this digital age, technology has affected many company businesses, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs). From the perspective of resource-based theory (RBT), SMEs inherently possess limited resources reducing the companies’ competitivenes... Read More about Digital Marketing in Small and Medium Enterprises: Evidence from the Industrial Supplies Sector in Singapore.

Risk Management of the “Belt and Road Initiative” Projects – An Empirical Study on Investments of the Chinese State- Owned-Banks in the Region (2023)
Kong, L. Risk Management of the “Belt and Road Initiative” Projects – An Empirical Study on Investments of the Chinese State- Owned-Banks in the Region. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

This thesis attempts to examine the current risk issues of state-owned banks for their involvement in the ‘Belt and Road’ projects, and to develop a unique risk management framework. It is found in the literature that financial policies and intermedi... Read More about Risk Management of the “Belt and Road Initiative” Projects – An Empirical Study on Investments of the Chinese State- Owned-Banks in the Region.

The Lost Cohort: A Phenomenological Study of mainstream officer development within the Royal Air Force (2023)
Macpherson, C. J. The Lost Cohort: A Phenomenological Study of mainstream officer development within the Royal Air Force. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

This thesis reports on a phenomenological study into the development of mainstream officers within the Royal Air Force (RAF) and explores what training and education opportunities are available to those not selected for executive streaming. The study... Read More about The Lost Cohort: A Phenomenological Study of mainstream officer development within the Royal Air Force.

The Absent Voice: an examination of the experiences of women in Scottish civil courts in child contact cases involving domestic abuse (2023)
Baker, G. C. The Absent Voice: an examination of the experiences of women in Scottish civil courts in child contact cases involving domestic abuse. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

The Absent Voice is a qualitative examination of the application of the law on domestic abuse and child contact in Scottish family courts. Findings drawn from its interpretivist methodological approach offer a new understanding of practices and proce... Read More about The Absent Voice: an examination of the experiences of women in Scottish civil courts in child contact cases involving domestic abuse.

Talent Management in the Jamaican BPO Industry: A phenomenological study of relationship challenges and prospects (2023)
Blackwood, J. A. Talent Management in the Jamaican BPO Industry: A phenomenological study of relationship challenges and prospects. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Talent Management (TM) is viewed as a key driver of competitive advantage. Yet a continued focus on tangible TM outcomes serves to ignore its unintended consequences, specifically on employee relationships. This study aims to explore how TM contribut... Read More about Talent Management in the Jamaican BPO Industry: A phenomenological study of relationship challenges and prospects.

Fired Up, Not Burnt Out: An Exploration of Resilience Behaviours in Third Sector Leadership (2023)
Armstrong, P. A. Fired Up, Not Burnt Out: An Exploration of Resilience Behaviours in Third Sector Leadership. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

This thesis explores resilience behaviours in Third Sector leadership. It first considers what leaders identify as resilience, then explores which perceived behaviours impact on resilience. From the findings and analysis of this exploration, conclusi... Read More about Fired Up, Not Burnt Out: An Exploration of Resilience Behaviours in Third Sector Leadership.