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Pensions, financialisation, and the psychological contract - how do ‘experts’ make pension choices and whom do they trust to provide pension information? (2024)
Burrows, T. Pensions, financialisation, and the psychological contract - how do ‘experts’ make pension choices and whom do they trust to provide pension information?. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Higher life expectancy and recent changes to legislation have brought the issue of occupational pensions to greater prominence. How people make pension choices, what information they use, and whom they trust when doing this are therefore important is... Read More about Pensions, financialisation, and the psychological contract - how do ‘experts’ make pension choices and whom do they trust to provide pension information?.

Anti-adhesive and anti-biofilm potential of extra-cellular biosurfactants produced by mycolate actinobacteria of the suborder Corynebacterineae against biofilm-forming human pathogens (2024)
Hodar, J. H. Anti-adhesive and anti-biofilm potential of extra-cellular biosurfactants produced by mycolate actinobacteria of the suborder Corynebacterineae against biofilm-forming human pathogens. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Microbial biosurfactants, amphipathic surface-active compounds, are promising candidates for the prevention and control of clinical biofilms and unlike their chemical counterparts exhibit low toxicity and are biodegradable. Members of mycolic acid-co... Read More about Anti-adhesive and anti-biofilm potential of extra-cellular biosurfactants produced by mycolate actinobacteria of the suborder Corynebacterineae against biofilm-forming human pathogens.

The interaction of regulatory T-cells and osteoclasts in health and ageing (2024)
Lopera-Burgueno, R. The interaction of regulatory T-cells and osteoclasts in health and ageing. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are part of the adaptive immune system, and their main role is to maintain peripheral tolerance. Emerging evidence suggests that Tregs play a key role in regulating healthy bone mass by driving bone repair and regeneration... Read More about The interaction of regulatory T-cells and osteoclasts in health and ageing.

The impact of environmental and cultural factors within a Scottish football club on the motivational attributes of professional footballers and coaches (2024)
Collison, L. A. The impact of environmental and cultural factors within a Scottish football club on the motivational attributes of professional footballers and coaches. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

This project aimed to explore the motivational characteristics of individuals working within a Scottish Championship football club, and how they are influenced by the club environment and culture.

Methods: A multi-phase design was used. Phase 1 us... Read More about The impact of environmental and cultural factors within a Scottish football club on the motivational attributes of professional footballers and coaches.

Identification and whole genome analysis of cefotaxime resistant Escherichia coli recovered from a tertiary treatment wastewater treatment plant discharge point (2024)
Black, L. Identification and whole genome analysis of cefotaxime resistant Escherichia coli recovered from a tertiary treatment wastewater treatment plant discharge point. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) act as reservoirs for antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and may facilitate transmission of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) between bacterial populations including pathogens that in turn may persist in wider aq... Read More about Identification and whole genome analysis of cefotaxime resistant Escherichia coli recovered from a tertiary treatment wastewater treatment plant discharge point.

Microplastics in organic waste-derived materials: quantification, and assessment of associated bacterial community and its antimicrobial resistance (2024)
Rimmaudo, A. Microplastics in organic waste-derived materials: quantification, and assessment of associated bacterial community and its antimicrobial resistance. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

This study aimed to quantify and characterise microplastics in organic-rich waste materials: biosolids, compost, and anaerobic digestates, and investigate their associated bacterial community and potential role in the spreading of AMR. A cost-effecti... Read More about Microplastics in organic waste-derived materials: quantification, and assessment of associated bacterial community and its antimicrobial resistance.

Characterisation of microbial communities associated with potato cyst nematodes in a suppressive soil and the bicontrol potential of selected isolates (2024)
Jones, A. L. Characterisation of microbial communities associated with potato cyst nematodes in a suppressive soil and the bicontrol potential of selected isolates. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Potato cyst nematodes Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis (PCN) pose a growing threat to global potato production. As chemical nematicides are increasingly removed from market, novel, environmentally sound methods are needed to manage PCN populati... Read More about Characterisation of microbial communities associated with potato cyst nematodes in a suppressive soil and the bicontrol potential of selected isolates.

Development of a novel 3D culture system to understand bone-cartilage crosstalk in osteoarthritis (2024)
Hughes, D. J. Development of a novel 3D culture system to understand bone-cartilage crosstalk in osteoarthritis. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic degenerative disease of the articulated joint that affects approximately 10% of men and 18% of women over the age of 60 globally. There is no cure for OA, and current treatments aim to attenuate the symptoms e.g., non... Read More about Development of a novel 3D culture system to understand bone-cartilage crosstalk in osteoarthritis.

Genetic assessment and development of genomic resources for Nubian ibex conservation management in Oman (2024)
Al Ghafri, M. K. S. Genetic assessment and development of genomic resources for Nubian ibex conservation management in Oman. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

The Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana) is listed as Vulnerable according to IUCN Red List. It is patchily distributed across parts of Africa and Arabia, including Oman where it is present in isolated populations in central and southern region of the country... Read More about Genetic assessment and development of genomic resources for Nubian ibex conservation management in Oman.

A critical examination of the values and ethics of Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) (2024)
Osborne, T. P. A critical examination of the values and ethics of Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence (CfE). (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

The thesis offers a new perspective through which to analyse CfE, by focusing on values and ethics, and the value pluralism of Isaiah Berlin.

The record suggests CfE is a blended, instrumentalist mix of values and ethics. I argue that ‘joined-up’... Read More about A critical examination of the values and ethics of Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence (CfE).

Pioneering television food and cooking programmes: overlooked content, controversy, and contributions to innovation in British television production 1936-1976 (2024)
Geddes, K. Pioneering television food and cooking programmes: overlooked content, controversy, and contributions to innovation in British television production 1936-1976. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Early television food and cooking programmes from the period 1936-1976 remain a neglected area of media history research, despite their inclusion in the broadcasting schedules from the very beginning of television broadcasts in Britain. This thesis c... Read More about Pioneering television food and cooking programmes: overlooked content, controversy, and contributions to innovation in British television production 1936-1976.

The effects of age and fitness status on circulating angiogenic T-cells (2024)
Stephen, L. R. A. The effects of age and fitness status on circulating angiogenic T-cells. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Advancing age is associated with a decline in immune cell function, both immunological function and potential for immune cells to participate in tissue repair. Discrete subsets of T-cells, such as CD31+ T cells, also known as angiogenic T cells (TANG... Read More about The effects of age and fitness status on circulating angiogenic T-cells.

Communities of constraint: An ethnographic study of Tibetan refugees navigating protracted displacement and everyday vulnerability in Nepal (2024)
Schwartz, K. R. Communities of constraint: An ethnographic study of Tibetan refugees navigating protracted displacement and everyday vulnerability in Nepal. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Since the beginning of the Tibetan refugee crisis in 1959, discourses surrounding the Tibetan diaspora have emphasized their resilience in the face of hardship and characterized the group as a ‘successful’ refugee population in displacement. This the... Read More about Communities of constraint: An ethnographic study of Tibetan refugees navigating protracted displacement and everyday vulnerability in Nepal.

The effect of mandatory GHG Disclosure regulation on GHG disclosure quality, corporate financial and environmental performance : a UK study (2023)
Wang, C. The effect of mandatory GHG Disclosure regulation on GHG disclosure quality, corporate financial and environmental performance : a UK study. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

As one of the main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, firms must take primary responsibility for emission reduction. The major motivation of this study is that the government, as a legislative, may supervise and control corporate emissions by... Read More about The effect of mandatory GHG Disclosure regulation on GHG disclosure quality, corporate financial and environmental performance : a UK study.

Harnessing the silver tsunami: An investigation into the benefits and challenges of senior entrepreneurship in Singapore (2023)
Chee, H. Harnessing the silver tsunami: An investigation into the benefits and challenges of senior entrepreneurship in Singapore. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Singapore is a fast-ageing society and recent Government data indicates that Singapore is facing an impending ‘silver tsunami’. Many researchers have raised the alarm on the problems that such an ageing Singaporean population would bring and how it w... Read More about Harnessing the silver tsunami: An investigation into the benefits and challenges of senior entrepreneurship in Singapore.

Exploring adolescent fast bowling: a mixed methods approach (2023)
Hislen, S. Exploring adolescent fast bowling: a mixed methods approach. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Introduction: Limited mixed methods research has been conducted into the physical and skills requirements of a developing fast bowler.

Methods: This mixed methods study explored the interrelationship between the physical and skill requirements in... Read More about Exploring adolescent fast bowling: a mixed methods approach.

Blockchain-based Authentication and Access Control Mechanism for Internet of Things (IoT) (2023)
Abubakar, M. A. Blockchain-based Authentication and Access Control Mechanism for Internet of Things (IoT). (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Authentication and access control are critical in addressing IoT security and privacy issues. However, due to resource overhead, most legacy authentication and authorisation mechanisms are not suitable for resource-constrained IoT devices (Meneghello... Read More about Blockchain-based Authentication and Access Control Mechanism for Internet of Things (IoT).

The thermal monitoring and management of lithium-ion batteries (2023)
Alcock, K. M. The thermal monitoring and management of lithium-ion batteries. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Battery Thermal Management Systems (BTMSs) are critical for the safe operation of Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIBs), especially in high-use applications such as electric vehicles (EVs). BTMSs are generally in charge of two major functions: monitoring batt... Read More about The thermal monitoring and management of lithium-ion batteries.

Electromagnetic Side-Channel Resilience against Lightweight Cryptography (2023)
Gunathilake, N. A. Electromagnetic Side-Channel Resilience against Lightweight Cryptography. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

Side-channel attacks are an unpredictable risk factor in cryptography. Therefore, observations of leakages through physical parameters, i.e., power and electromagnetic (EM) radiation, etc., of digital devices are essential to minimise vulnerabilities... Read More about Electromagnetic Side-Channel Resilience against Lightweight Cryptography.

Circular Futures: an interdisciplinary approach based on Circular Economy principles and Futures Studies methods to support Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) transitioning to circularity and a futures-oriented organisation (2023)
Weigend Rodríguez, R. Circular Futures: an interdisciplinary approach based on Circular Economy principles and Futures Studies methods to support Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) transitioning to circularity and a futures-oriented organisation. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University

The Circular Economy (CE) is conceived by many as paramount to decoupling economic growth from environmental impacts. Implementing this paradigm in the private sector is challenging, as it requires substantial changes at the strategic level. However,... Read More about Circular Futures: an interdisciplinary approach based on Circular Economy principles and Futures Studies methods to support Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) transitioning to circularity and a futures-oriented organisation.