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All Outputs (136)

The midwifery curriculum: introducing obstetric emergency simulation (2008)
Journal Article
Norris, G. (2008). The midwifery curriculum: introducing obstetric emergency simulation. British Journal of Midwifery, 16(4), 232-235.

Employing high fidelity simulations of obstetric emergencies for student midwives has great teaching and learning potential. Simulations can provide student midwives with a learning experience that facilitates knowledge application to midwifery prac... Read More about The midwifery curriculum: introducing obstetric emergency simulation.

Are student nurses safe transfusion practitioners? (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Donaldson, J. H., Pirie, L., & Smith, F. C. (2008, April). Are student nurses safe transfusion practitioners?. Presented at 1st International Congress Croation Nurses Society of Anaesthesia, Reanimation, Intensive Care and Transfusion

Student nurses' knowledge retention of safe transfusion practice following a standardised teaching and learning program, and a short simulated exercise is ascertained. It is suggested that the approach is reliable in ensuring a safe knowledge base in... Read More about Are student nurses safe transfusion practitioners?.

'Doing' in secure settings. (2008)
Book Chapter
Hunter, E., & McKay, E. A. (2008). 'Doing' in secure settings. In C. Craik, K. H. Lim, & G. Richards (Eds.), Advancing Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Practice (79-88)

What have we been ‘doing’? A historical review of occupational therapy. (2008)
Book Chapter
McKay, E. A. (2008). What have we been ‘doing’? A historical review of occupational therapy. In C. Craik, K. H. Lim, & G. Richards (Eds.), Advancing Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Practice (3-16)

This chapter will consider the growth of occupational therapy and its unique relationship with the early development of psychiatry. It will briefly examine the parallel historical development of psychiatry and occupational therapy. It will also demon... Read More about What have we been ‘doing’? A historical review of occupational therapy..

Audio-visual recording of patient–GP consultations for research purposes: A literature review on recruiting rates and strategies (2008)
Journal Article
Themessl-Huber, M., Humphris, G., Dowell, J., Macgillivray, S., Rushmer, R., & Williams, B. (2008). Audio-visual recording of patient–GP consultations for research purposes: A literature review on recruiting rates and strategies. Patient Education and Counseling, 71(2), 157-168.

To identify ethical processes and recruitment strategies, participation rates of studies using audio or video recording of primary health care consultations for research purposes, and the effect of recording on the behaviour, attitudes and... Read More about Audio-visual recording of patient–GP consultations for research purposes: A literature review on recruiting rates and strategies.

Quality of life among survivors of prolonged critical illness; a mixed methods study (2008)
Journal Article
Ramsay, P., Huby, G., Thompson, A., & Walsh, T. (2008). Quality of life among survivors of prolonged critical illness; a mixed methods study. Critical care : the official journal of the Critical Care Forum, 12(Suppl 2), P508.

Survivors of prolonged critical illness (requiring ≥ 14 days ventilation) experience the highest prevalence and severest forms of critical illness-related morbidity. This study examines the degree to which generic questionnaires reflec... Read More about Quality of life among survivors of prolonged critical illness; a mixed methods study.

A Clinical Decision (2008)
Journal Article
Kuipers, Y. (2008). A Clinical Decision. MIDIRS midwifery digest, 18(1), 35-38

Making the transition from 'being delivered' to 'giving birth' A literature review and reflection on the potential for introducing the UK model of 'caseload midwifery' to the Netherlands midwifery (2008)
Journal Article
Kuipers, Y. (2008). Making the transition from 'being delivered' to 'giving birth' A literature review and reflection on the potential for introducing the UK model of 'caseload midwifery' to the Netherlands midwifery. MIDIRS midwifery digest, 17(1), 35-40

This article reviews the literature about the use of caseload midwifery based on the UK model and explores the best
way to implement this into Dutch community midwifery

Community learning disability teams: developments, composition and good practice: A review of the literature (2008)
Journal Article
Slevin, E., Truesdale-Kennedy, M., McConkey, R., Barr, O., & Taggart, L. (2008). Community learning disability teams: developments, composition and good practice: A review of the literature. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 12(1), 59-79.

This paper presents the findings from a literature review related to community learning disability teams (CLDT). There is a paucity of evidence-based literature on the effectiveness of CLDTs with much of the existing literature being inspirational, t... Read More about Community learning disability teams: developments, composition and good practice: A review of the literature.

Intrauterine growth and survival in cerebral palsy (2008)
Journal Article
Hemming, K., Hutton, J., Bonellie, S., & Kurinczuk, J. J. (2008). Intrauterine growth and survival in cerebral palsy. Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition, 93, F121-F126.

Background and objectives: Deviations in birth weight from an optimum, thought to be just above average for gestational age, are known to increase both the risk of developing cerebral palsy and the risk of developing cerebral palsy of a more severe f... Read More about Intrauterine growth and survival in cerebral palsy.

Triumph over the barricades and put the evidence into practice (2008)
Journal Article
Hollins Martin, C. J. (2008). Triumph over the barricades and put the evidence into practice. British Journal of Midwifery, 16(2), 76-81.

In some instances midwives find it difficult to implement research into practice (Albers, 2001). For example, evidence informs of the benefits of providing continuous support during labour (Hodnett et al, 2003), yet one midwife to one woman is not co... Read More about Triumph over the barricades and put the evidence into practice.

Training in dual diagnosis interventions (the COMO Study): randomised controlled trial (2008)
Journal Article
Hughes, E., Wanigaratne, S., Gournay, K., Johnson, S., Thornicroft, G., Finch, E., Marshall, J., & Smith, N. (2008). Training in dual diagnosis interventions (the COMO Study): randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 8, Article 12.

Despite the high prevalence of co-morbid substance use among mental health service users (dual diagnosis), very few mental health workers in the UK have had training and/or clinical experience to equip them to deliver targeted interventio... Read More about Training in dual diagnosis interventions (the COMO Study): randomised controlled trial.

Objective measurement of physical activity and sedentary behaviour: review with new data (2008)
Journal Article
Reilly, J. J., Penpraze, V., Hislop, J., Davies, G., Grant, S., & Paton, J. Y. (2008). Objective measurement of physical activity and sedentary behaviour: review with new data. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 93(7), 614-619.

Objective methods are being used increasingly for the quantification of the amount of physical activity, intensity of physical activity and amount of sedentary behaviour in children. The accelerometer is currently the objective method of choice. In t... Read More about Objective measurement of physical activity and sedentary behaviour: review with new data.

Saving Mothers’ Lives (formerly Why Mothers die): Reviewing maternal deaths to make motherhood safer 2003–2005 (2008)
Journal Article
Mander, R., & Smith, G. D. (2008). Saving Mothers’ Lives (formerly Why Mothers die): Reviewing maternal deaths to make motherhood safer 2003–2005. Midwifery, 24(1), 8-12.

The Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths (CEMDs) in the UK have a long, honourable and frequently rehearsed history. They originated in the early days of the twentieth century and became formalised in 1952 ( Weindling, 2003 ; Lewis, 2004 ). Th... Read More about Saving Mothers’ Lives (formerly Why Mothers die): Reviewing maternal deaths to make motherhood safer 2003–2005.

The patient experience of being a delayed discharge (2008)
Journal Article
Kydd, A. (2008). The patient experience of being a delayed discharge. Journal of Nursing Management, 16(2), 121-126.

To explore what life was like for frail older people, classed as ‘delayed discharges’.
Delayed discharge or ‘bed blocking’ is when a patient is inappropriately occupying a hospital bed. Most delayed discharges are frail older pe... Read More about The patient experience of being a delayed discharge.

Advancing occupational therapy in mental health practice. (2008)
McKay, E. A., Craik, C., Lim, K. H., & Richards, G. (Eds.). (2008). Advancing occupational therapy in mental health practice

Advancing Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Practice looks at the contribution that occupational therapists make to the lives of clients living with mental illness. It examines current practice developments and the innovative research that is sha... Read More about Advancing occupational therapy in mental health practice..