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The patient experience of being a delayed discharge

Kydd, Angela



To explore what life was like for frail older people, classed as ‘delayed discharges’.
Delayed discharge or ‘bed blocking’ is when a patient is inappropriately occupying a hospital bed. Most delayed discharges are frail older people who are waiting until a care home bed is available for them to move to. This paper explores what life was like for some people who were living in such a state of transition.
An ethnographic approach was employed, using a variety of methods. This paper discusses one of the methods used; participant observation on a ward for older people classed as delayed discharge. The researcher visited the ward for over a year, field notes and interviews were transcribed and the data analysed using thematic analysis.
The frail older people were anxious about their futures. Not one voiced their anxieties to staff and the findings showed they felt unsupported during this critical and final stage in their lives.
In order to support frail older people undergoing a major life event, staff need to be aware of the effect of the stress involved for those who know they have to move on and yet have no control over their destiny.


Kydd, A. (2008). The patient experience of being a delayed discharge. Journal of Nursing Management, 16(2), 121-126.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 4, 2008
Online Publication Date Feb 4, 2008
Publication Date Feb 4, 2008
Deposit Date Aug 5, 2016
Journal Journal of Nursing Management
Print ISSN 0966-0429
Electronic ISSN 1365-2834
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 16
Issue 2
Pages 121-126
Keywords delayed discharge, frail older people, participant observation, transition
Public URL

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