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All Outputs (263)

Torsion tests on small and large-scale RHS with circular wall cut-outs (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ridley-Ellis, D., Owen, J. S., & Davies, G. (2007, September). Torsion tests on small and large-scale RHS with circular wall cut-outs. Presented at 10th Intl Symp on Tubular Structures (ISTS), Madrid, Spain

The results of small and large-scale torsion tests on rectangular section tubes with circular wall perforations are presented and discussed. Perforations are shown to cause the torsional resistance to be re-duced by up to 60% and stiffness to be redu... Read More about Torsion tests on small and large-scale RHS with circular wall cut-outs.

Goodwill hunting and profit sharing: Decision-making in a newspaper chain (2007)
Journal Article
Pearson, M. (2007). Goodwill hunting and profit sharing: Decision-making in a newspaper chain. European Journal of Operational Research, 181(3), 1593-1606.

A generalised equilibrium solution to the stochastic two-echelon newsvendor problem is achievable when formulated in the context of some cooperation and coordination between the primal (retailer) and dual (manufacturer) operators. We build on previou... Read More about Goodwill hunting and profit sharing: Decision-making in a newspaper chain.

Open source mobile VPNs over converged all-IP networks (2007)
Journal Article
Liotta, A., Tyrode-Goilo, D. H., & Oredope, A. (2008). Open source mobile VPNs over converged all-IP networks. Journal of Network and Systems Management, 16(2), 163-181.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are normally used for secured communications over the Internet. The VPNs have evolved significantly over the years, leading to a range of open-source and proprietary solutions. In Converged, all-IP networks terminal mo... Read More about Open source mobile VPNs over converged all-IP networks.

Place and technology in the home. (2007)
Journal Article
Baillie, L., & Benyon, D. (2008). Place and technology in the home. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 17(2-3), 227-256.

The home is a complex environment, designed for general use but shaped by individual needs and desires. It is a place often shared by several people with different demands and requirements. It is a place embedded with technologies utilised at various... Read More about Place and technology in the home..

Computation of Electromagnetic Fields in Assemblages of Biological Cells Using a Modified Finite-Difference Time-Domain Scheme (2007)
Journal Article
See, C. H., Abd-Alhameed, R. A., & Excell, P. S. (2007). Computation of Electromagnetic Fields in Assemblages of Biological Cells Using a Modified Finite-Difference Time-Domain Scheme. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 55(9), 1986-1994.

When modeling objects that are small compared with the wavelength, e.g., biological cells at radio frequencies, the standard finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method requires extremely small time-step sizes, which may lead to excessive computation... Read More about Computation of Electromagnetic Fields in Assemblages of Biological Cells Using a Modified Finite-Difference Time-Domain Scheme.

Modeling Pedestrian Walking Speeds on Sidewalks (2007)
Journal Article
Raeside, R., & Al-Azzawi, M. (2007). Modeling Pedestrian Walking Speeds on Sidewalks. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 133(3), 211-219.

Several models have been created over the years that are used in simulation packages to predict pedestrian speed and flow on sidewalks. However, the predictive power of these models has been weak. In this paper the results of a modeling exercise in t... Read More about Modeling Pedestrian Walking Speeds on Sidewalks.

Assessing Urban Social Sustainability: Current Capabilities and Opportunities for Future Research (2007)
Journal Article
Castillo, H., Moobela, C., Price, A. D. F., & Mathur, V. N. (2007). Assessing Urban Social Sustainability: Current Capabilities and Opportunities for Future Research. International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability: Annual Review, 3(3), 39-50.

The increased importance of the concept of sustainable development combined with the need for an evidence-based approach to policy development, has created the need for reliable models and tools to guide decision-makers by robust measures of system p... Read More about Assessing Urban Social Sustainability: Current Capabilities and Opportunities for Future Research.

Modelling of a low-temperature differential Stirling engine (2007)
Journal Article
Robson, A., Grassie, T., & Kubie, J. (2007). Modelling of a low-temperature differential Stirling engine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 221(8), 927-943.

Abstract: A full theoretical model of a low temperature difference Stirling engine is developed in this paper.
The model, which starts from the first principles, gives a full differential description of the major components
of the engine: the behav... Read More about Modelling of a low-temperature differential Stirling engine.

Car driver speed choice in Scotland (2007)
Journal Article
Stradling, S. G. (2007). Car driver speed choice in Scotland. Ergonomics, 50(8), 1196-1208.

Drivers who commit driving violations, such as speeding, crash more. Driving violations reduce safety margins amplifying the impact of driver errors. Speed is placed in the context of car use and its attractions. It is argued that speed choice result... Read More about Car driver speed choice in Scotland.

Topological constraints in the evolution of idiotypic networks. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hart, E., Santos, F., & Bersini, H. (2007, August). Topological constraints in the evolution of idiotypic networks

Previous studies have shown that there is an intricate relationship between the topology of an idiotypic network and its resulting properties. However, empirical studies can only be performed by pre-selecting both a shape-space and affinity function.... Read More about Topological constraints in the evolution of idiotypic networks..

Briefing: Structural insulated panels in modern construction (2007)
Journal Article
Hairstans, R., & Kermani, A. (2007). Briefing: Structural insulated panels in modern construction. Proceedings of the ICE - Construction Materials, 160(3), 91-94.

Structural insulated panels (SIPs) are typically formed
from a thick layer of polystyrene foam sandwiched
between two layers of oriented strand board. They have
improved insulation qualities due to reduced cold bridging
effects and satisfy all ot... Read More about Briefing: Structural insulated panels in modern construction.

Tolling traffic links under stochastic assignment: Modelling the relationship between the number and price level of tolled links and optimal traffic flows (2007)
Journal Article
Stewart, K. (2007). Tolling traffic links under stochastic assignment: Modelling the relationship between the number and price level of tolled links and optimal traffic flows. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 41(7), 644-654.

The classical road-tolling problem is to toll network links such that under the principles of Wardropian User Equilibrium Assignment a System Optimising (SO) flow pattern is obtained. Stochastic assignment methods are accepted to be more realistic th... Read More about Tolling traffic links under stochastic assignment: Modelling the relationship between the number and price level of tolled links and optimal traffic flows.

Exploring motorcyclist injury severity in approach-turn collisions at T-junctions: Focusing on the effects of driver's failure to yield and junction control measures (2007)
Journal Article
Pai, C.-W., & Saleh, W. (2008). Exploring motorcyclist injury severity in approach-turn collisions at T-junctions: Focusing on the effects of driver's failure to yield and junction control measures. Accident analysis and prevention, 40(2), 479-486.

Research has suggested that motorcyclists involved in approach-turn crashes were much more injurious than any other crash-type. This paper investigates the determinants of motorcyclist injury severity resulting from such crash types that occurred at... Read More about Exploring motorcyclist injury severity in approach-turn collisions at T-junctions: Focusing on the effects of driver's failure to yield and junction control measures.

Ecological network analysis: an application to the evaluation of effects of pesticide use in an agricultural environment (2007)
Journal Article
Andras, P., Gwyther, R., Madalinski, A. A., Lynden, S. J., Andras, A., & Young, M. P. (2007). Ecological network analysis: an application to the evaluation of effects of pesticide use in an agricultural environment. Pest management science, 63(10), 943-953.

Ecological network analysis is used to evaluate the impact of pesticide use on ecological systems in the context of agricultural farmland environments. The aim is to provide support for the design of effective and minimally damaging pest control stra... Read More about Ecological network analysis: an application to the evaluation of effects of pesticide use in an agricultural environment.

Design and Analysis of Multicast Communication in Multidimensional Mesh Networks (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Al-Dubai, A., Ould-Khaoua, M., & Romdhani, I. (2007, August). Design and Analysis of Multicast Communication in Multidimensional Mesh Networks. Presented at 5th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA07), Naigara Falls, Canada

This paper addresses the issue of multicast communication in
scalable interconnection networks, using path-based scheme. Most existing multicast algorithms either assume a fixed network size, low dimensional networks or only consider the latency at... Read More about Design and Analysis of Multicast Communication in Multidimensional Mesh Networks.

Fuzzy logic based switching and tuning supervisor for a multi-variable multiple controller (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Abdullah, R. A., Hussain, A., & Polycarpou, M. M. (2007, July). Fuzzy logic based switching and tuning supervisor for a multi-variable multiple controller. Presented at 2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference, London, UK

This paper presents a novel fuzzy-logic based switching and tuning supervisor for an intelligent multiple-controller framework. The fuzzy logic based supervisor operates at the highest level of the system and makes a switching decision, on the basis... Read More about Fuzzy logic based switching and tuning supervisor for a multi-variable multiple controller.

Modelling motorcyclist injury severity by various crash types at T-junctions in the UK (2007)
Journal Article
Pai, C.-W., & Saleh, W. (2008). Modelling motorcyclist injury severity by various crash types at T-junctions in the UK. Safety Science, 46(8), 1234-1247.

Motorcyclists tend to be more vulnerable to injuries than those using other motorised vehicles and this may act synergistically with the complexity of conflicting movements between vehicles and motorcycles to increase injury severity in a junction-ty... Read More about Modelling motorcyclist injury severity by various crash types at T-junctions in the UK.

Structural analysis of zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc) thin films: X-ray diffraction study (2007)
Journal Article
Senthilarasu, S., Hahn, Y., & Lee, S.-H. (2007). Structural analysis of zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc) thin films: X-ray diffraction study. Journal of Applied Physics, 102(4), Article 043512.

X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to analyze the structure of thermally evaporated zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc) organic thin films, as functions of the substrate temperature and film thickness. A metastable α to stable β phase transformation has been ob... Read More about Structural analysis of zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc) thin films: X-ray diffraction study.

Surface morphology and structure of Ni–P, Ni–P–ZrO2, Ni–W–P, Ni–W–P–ZrO2 coatings deposited by electroless method (2007)
Journal Article
Szczygieł, B., Turkiewicz, A., & Serafińczuk, J. (2008). Surface morphology and structure of Ni–P, Ni–P–ZrO2, Ni–W–P, Ni–W–P–ZrO2 coatings deposited by electroless method. Surface and Coatings Technology, 202(9), 1904-1910.

Electroless binary Ni–P and ternary Ni–W–P alloy coatings and electroless composite (Ni–P–ZrO2 and Ni–P–W–ZrO2) nickel coatings were deposited. Baths with aminoacetic acid as the complexing agent were used. ICP measurements showed that the P content... Read More about Surface morphology and structure of Ni–P, Ni–P–ZrO2, Ni–W–P, Ni–W–P–ZrO2 coatings deposited by electroless method.