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We Speak: On the Cinematic Representation of South Asian Women in Scotland (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bilgrami, S., & Thambar, N. (2022, September). We Speak: On the Cinematic Representation of South Asian Women in Scotland. Paper presented at MeCCSA 'Silenced Voices' September 2022, Aberdeen

We Speak (Documentary Film, 6 minutes, 2022) is an audio-visual conversation between filmmaker Sana Bilgrami, and composer and musician Niroshini Thambar, about the experience of claiming space in a post-colonial world. The film reflects on the possi... Read More about We Speak: On the Cinematic Representation of South Asian Women in Scotland.

Online screening of 'I'm Still Here' (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Macleod, K., & Guma, T. (2022, September). Online screening of 'I'm Still Here'. Presented at Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference 2022, Online

Piano teachers’ perspectives on educational and professional aspects of instrumental graded exams in the United Kingdom (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Marinelli, A., & Moir, Z. (2022, September). Piano teachers’ perspectives on educational and professional aspects of instrumental graded exams in the United Kingdom. Presented at 44th International Conference of the European Piano Teachers Association (EPTA), Guimaraes, Portugal

Formal assessments in instrumental music education are much more than a snapshot-like summary of an achievement, although rarely considered within the entirety of their professional, social, economic and institutional context. Given the size of the m... Read More about Piano teachers’ perspectives on educational and professional aspects of instrumental graded exams in the United Kingdom.

Beyond Sustainability: The Music Industries Declare Emergency on Planet Earth – or do they? (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harkins, P. (2022, August). Beyond Sustainability: The Music Industries Declare Emergency on Planet Earth – or do they?. Paper presented at IASPM UK and Ireland Conference, University of Liverpool

In December last year, a number of record labels based in the UK signed the Music Climate Pact in which they committed to reducing the emission of greenhouse gases by 50% by 2030 and achieving net zero by 2050. Signatories of the pact included the th... Read More about Beyond Sustainability: The Music Industries Declare Emergency on Planet Earth – or do they?.

‘To “meddle wi’ the thistle”’: The Scottish Chapbook, Modernism, and Renaissance (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lyall, S. (2022, August). ‘To “meddle wi’ the thistle”’: The Scottish Chapbook, Modernism, and Renaissance. Paper presented at MacDiarmid at 100, Online

The first number of The Scottish Chapbook was published in August 1922 and the journal ran until November/December 1923. The most important of MacDiarmid’s several journal projects, it is significant in several ways. Edited by C. M. Grieve, the first... Read More about ‘To “meddle wi’ the thistle”’: The Scottish Chapbook, Modernism, and Renaissance.

Oral histories in the Scottish Jazz Scene (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Maclean, D. (2022, August). Oral histories in the Scottish Jazz Scene. Paper presented at Jazz Then and Now, Amsterdam

Reflections on the 35th BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference at Keele University (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Woolley, S., de Quincey, E., Flint, T., Grandison, T., Rugg, G., Fleck, R., Whittington, P., Ortolani, M., Misirli, G., & Collins, T. (2022, July). Reflections on the 35th BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference at Keele University. Presented at 35th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference (HCI2022), Keele

The following are short reflections from interactions gallery chairs, workshops organisers and members of the host organising committee.

Digi-Mapping: Creative Placemaking with Psychogeography (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Grandison, T., Flint, T., & Jamieson, K. (2022, August). Digi-Mapping: Creative Placemaking with Psychogeography. Presented at 35th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference (HCI2022), Keele University

This exhibit consists of four large (2m x 1.5 m) tactile talking maps that were co-created with primary school children in Wester Hailes Edinburgh, UK. In a collaborative partnership with local arts organisation WHALE Arts, the Digi-Mapping project s... Read More about Digi-Mapping: Creative Placemaking with Psychogeography.

Time and the Terrors of the Shoreline in Dunsany and Wells (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alder, E. (2022, July). Time and the Terrors of the Shoreline in Dunsany and Wells. Paper presented at Gothic Interruptions: 16th Biennial Conference of the International Gothic Association, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

The shoreline is a popular stage for the end of the world in fin-de-siècle fiction – it is upon a shore that H. G. Wells’s Time Traveller witnesses the final remnant of animal life, William Hope Hodgson’s Recluse discovers the meaning of eternity, an... Read More about Time and the Terrors of the Shoreline in Dunsany and Wells.

The Myth of Diegesis (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sellors, C. P. (2022, July). The Myth of Diegesis. Paper presented at International Screen Studies Conference 2022, Glasgow [Online]

Diegesis is central to film criticism, yet, at least in film studies, it is a conceptual mess. Its definition in the discipline contradicts its original meaning and relies upon poorly theorised models of story worlds, producing an ambiguous boundary... Read More about The Myth of Diegesis.

‘There it is, another code ready to be used’. Repurposing comprovisation [Lecture-recital]. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Papageorgiou, D., & Sánchez Díaz, F. (2022, June). ‘There it is, another code ready to be used’. Repurposing comprovisation [Lecture-recital]. Presented at Performance Studies Network International Conference 2022, Department of Music and Media, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

‘There it is, another code ready to be used’ is a notational environment and a system for improvisation on any instrument of the saxophone family (with or without live electronics) developed by Dimitris Papageorgiou. The project is the result of an... Read More about ‘There it is, another code ready to be used’. Repurposing comprovisation [Lecture-recital]..

Nan Shepherd, Scotland and the nature of rural modernism (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lyall, S. (2022, June). Nan Shepherd, Scotland and the nature of rural modernism. Paper presented at The 3rd World Congress of Scottish Literatures, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Step on Me Charlotte Rampling or on Arrakis No One Can Hear You Orgasm (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Artt, S. (2022, June). Step on Me Charlotte Rampling or on Arrakis No One Can Hear You Orgasm. Paper presented at Association of Adaptation Studies annual conference, University of Lisbon, Portugal

In Dune (Denis Villeneuve, 2021), the much-anticipated adaptation of the Frank Herbert series, Charlotte Rampling briefly appears as Mother Helen Mohiam, high priestess of the Bene Gesserit. Veiled in an elaborate costume, it is Rampling’s voice that... Read More about Step on Me Charlotte Rampling or on Arrakis No One Can Hear You Orgasm.

Finding the Female Users: A Feminist Historiography of the Fairlight CMI (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harkins, P., & Blackburn, M. (2022, June). Finding the Female Users: A Feminist Historiography of the Fairlight CMI. Paper presented at Rethinking the History of Technology-based Music, University of Huddersfield

The story of the Fairlight CMI, a digital synthesizer that was designed in Sydney, Australia in the mid-to-late 1970s, is dominated by a few high-profile male users: Peter Gabriel, Herbie Hancock, and Stevie Wonder. In both academic and popular histo... Read More about Finding the Female Users: A Feminist Historiography of the Fairlight CMI.

Staging the Modern Nightmare (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Milne, L. (2022, May). Staging the Modern Nightmare. Presented at Nightmare/s in the Long Nineteenth Century, Cambridge

Raymond Williams, Norman Nicholson, and rural modernity (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Frayn, A. (2022, April). Raymond Williams, Norman Nicholson, and rural modernity. Paper presented at Raymond Williams @ 100: A Centenary Conference, Manchester

This paper reads the Cumbrian poet Norman Nicholson’s writings about the impact of deindustrialisation on rural communities through the lens of Raymond Williams’s theorisation of the rural in modernity – notably The Country and the City, but also tak... Read More about Raymond Williams, Norman Nicholson, and rural modernity.

Raising HPV Vaccine Awareness and Advocacy Through STEAM Workshops (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Healey, C., MacDonald, I., Malone, E., Firth, R., & McDermott, A. (2022, April). Raising HPV Vaccine Awareness and Advocacy Through STEAM Workshops. Presented at EUROGIN 2022 - International Multidisciplinary HPV Congress, Dusseldorf, Germany