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All Outputs (216)

Patient-derived measures of GI endoscopy: a meta-narrative review of the literature (2015)
Journal Article
Brown, S., Bevan, R., Rubin, G., Nixon, C., Dunn, S., Rees, C., Panter, S., & Rees, C. J. (2015). Patient-derived measures of GI endoscopy: a meta-narrative review of the literature. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 81(5), 1130-1140.

Background and Aims
GI endoscopy (GIE) is widely performed, with 1 in 3 people requiring an endoscopic procedure at some point. Patient experience of medical procedures is important, but, to date, experience measures of GIE are derived from clinicia... Read More about Patient-derived measures of GI endoscopy: a meta-narrative review of the literature.

Health value & perceived control over health: behavioural constructs to support Type 2 diabetes self-management in clinical practice (2015)
Journal Article
Nugent, L. E., Carson, M., Zammitt, N. N., Smith, G. D., & Wallston, K. A. (2015). Health value & perceived control over health: behavioural constructs to support Type 2 diabetes self-management in clinical practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(15-16), 2201-2210.

Aims and objectives

To explore health value and perceived control over health in relation to self-management behaviours in adults with Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Helping people to modify health related behaviour in diabetes is comple... Read More about Health value & perceived control over health: behavioural constructs to support Type 2 diabetes self-management in clinical practice.

The Influence of Age, and Cardiorespiratory Fitness on Circulating Angiogenic T Cells and CXCR4 expression (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ross, M., Malone, E., Simpson, R., & Florida-James, G. (2015, May). The Influence of Age, and Cardiorespiratory Fitness on Circulating Angiogenic T Cells and CXCR4 expression. Poster presented at American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Congress

Aging is associated with endothelial dysfunction, reduced angiogenic capabilities, and an increase in arterial stiffness. Regular exercise is known to offset the age-related decline in blood vessel number and function; however the mechanisms are not... Read More about The Influence of Age, and Cardiorespiratory Fitness on Circulating Angiogenic T Cells and CXCR4 expression.

The influence of age and cardiorespiratory fitness on circulating angiogenic T cells and CXCR4 expression (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ross, M. D., Malone, E. M., Simpson, R. J., & Florida-James, G. (2015, May). The influence of age and cardiorespiratory fitness on circulating angiogenic T cells and CXCR4 expression. Presented at Annual Congress of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Aging is associated with endothelial dysfunction, reduced angiogenic capabilities, and an increase in arterial stiffness. Additionally, regular exercise is known to offset the age-related decline in blood vessel number and function. Circulating angio... Read More about The influence of age and cardiorespiratory fitness on circulating angiogenic T cells and CXCR4 expression.

Measures of Reliability in the Kinetics of British Army Marching Drill (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Graham, S., Rawcliffe, A., Psycharakis, S., Simposn, R., & Connaboy, C. (2015, May). Measures of Reliability in the Kinetics of British Army Marching Drill. Poster presented at American College of Sports Medicine. Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA

No abstract available.

Injury, Sleep, Mood And Performance And The Role Of Mental Toughness During An Arctic Ultra-marathon (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Martindale, R., Graham, S., Connaboy, C., & McKinley, M. (2015, May). Injury, Sleep, Mood And Performance And The Role Of Mental Toughness During An Arctic Ultra-marathon. Poster presented at American College of Sports Medicine. Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA

Studies examining ultra-endurance racing in ‘extreme environments’ are sparse. However, research has shown that injury and sleep management are crucial. For example, sleep deprivation has been shown to be associated with mood, which can impact on per... Read More about Injury, Sleep, Mood And Performance And The Role Of Mental Toughness During An Arctic Ultra-marathon.

The amount of keratins matters for stress protection of the colonic epithelium (2015)
Journal Article
Asghar, M. N., Silvander, J. S. G., Helenius, T. O., Lähdeniemi, I. A. K., Alam, C., Fortelius, L. E., Holmsten, R. O., & Toivola, D. M. (2015). The amount of keratins matters for stress protection of the colonic epithelium. PLOS ONE, 10(5), Article e0127436.

Keratins (K) are important for epithelial stress protection as evidenced by keratin mutations predisposing to human liver diseases and possibly inflammatory bowel diseases. A role for K8 in the colon is supported by the ulcerative colitis-phenotype w... Read More about The amount of keratins matters for stress protection of the colonic epithelium.

The impacts of shrimp farming on land-use and carbon storage around Puttalam lagoon, Sri Lanka (2015)
Journal Article
Bournazel, J., Kumara, M. P., Jayatissa, L. P., Viergever, K., Morel, V., Morel, V., & Huxham, M. (2015). The impacts of shrimp farming on land-use and carbon storage around Puttalam lagoon, Sri Lanka. Ocean and Coastal Management, 113, 18-28.

The expansion of shrimp aquaculture in Sri Lanka over the past three decades has dramatically changed the coastal landscape, in particular by converting mangrove forests. The current study quantified these impacts in the Puttalam lagoon, an area of t... Read More about The impacts of shrimp farming on land-use and carbon storage around Puttalam lagoon, Sri Lanka.

Comprehensive In Vitro Toxicity Testing of a Panel of Representative Oxide Nanomaterials: First Steps towards an Intelligent Testing Strategy (2015)
Journal Article
Zhu, D., Farcal, L., Torres Andón, F., Di Cristo, L., Rotoli, B. M., Bussolati, O., Bergamaschi, E., Mech, A., Hartmann, N. B., Rasmussen, K., Riego-Sintes, J., Ponti, J., Kinsner-Ovaskainen, A., Rossi, F., Oomen, A., Bos, P., Chen, R., Bai, R., Chen, C., Rocks, L., …Fadeel, B. (2015). Comprehensive In Vitro Toxicity Testing of a Panel of Representative Oxide Nanomaterials: First Steps towards an Intelligent Testing Strategy. PLOS ONE, 10, Article e0127174.

Nanomaterials (NMs) display many unique and useful physico-chemical properties. However, reliable approaches are needed for risk assessment of NMs. The present study was performed in the FP7-MARINA project, with the objective to identify and evaluate... Read More about Comprehensive In Vitro Toxicity Testing of a Panel of Representative Oxide Nanomaterials: First Steps towards an Intelligent Testing Strategy.

Diet specialization in a generalist population: the case of breeding great tits Parus major in the Mediterranean area (2015)
Journal Article
Pagani-Núñez, E., Valls, M., & Senar, J. (2015). Diet specialization in a generalist population: the case of breeding great tits Parus major in the Mediterranean area. Oecologia, 179(3), 629-640.

The analysis of diet specialization provides key information on how different individuals deal with similar food and habitat constraints within populations. Characterizing parental diet specialization at the moment of breeding, and the consistency of... Read More about Diet specialization in a generalist population: the case of breeding great tits Parus major in the Mediterranean area.

‘Ethics, discourse, experience’. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Neill, C. (2015, May). ‘Ethics, discourse, experience’. Presented at Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland

Effects of etidronate on the Enpp1−/− mouse model of generalized arterial calcification of infancy (2015)
Journal Article
Huesa, C., Staines, K. A., Millán, J. L., & MacRae, V. E. (2015). Effects of etidronate on the Enpp1−/− mouse model of generalized arterial calcification of infancy. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 36(1), 159-165.

Generalized arterial calcification of infancy (GACI) is an autosomal recessive disorder of spontaneous infantile arterial and periarticular calcification which is attributed to mutations in the ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 (Enpp... Read More about Effects of etidronate on the Enpp1−/− mouse model of generalized arterial calcification of infancy.

Do sequence-space synaesthetes have better spatial imagery skills? Yes, but there are individual differences (2015)
Journal Article
Havlik, A. M., Carmichael, D. A., & Simner, J. (2015). Do sequence-space synaesthetes have better spatial imagery skills? Yes, but there are individual differences. Cognitive Processing, 16(3), 245-253.

People with sequence-space synaesthesia perceive sequences (e.g. numbers, months, letters) as spatially extended forms. Here, we ask whether sequence-space synaesthetes have advantages in visuo-spatial skills such as mental rotation. Previous studies... Read More about Do sequence-space synaesthetes have better spatial imagery skills? Yes, but there are individual differences.

MMP and TIMP temporal gene expression during osteocytogenesis (2015)
Journal Article
Prideaux, M., Staines, K. A., Jones, E. R., Riley, G. P., Pitsillides, A. A., & Farquharson, C. (2015). MMP and TIMP temporal gene expression during osteocytogenesis. Gene Expression Patterns, 18(1-2), 29-36.

Osteocytes within bone differentiate from osteoblast precursors which reside in a mineralised extracellular matrix (ECM). Fully differentiated osteocytes are critical for bone development and function but the factors that regulate this differentiatio... Read More about MMP and TIMP temporal gene expression during osteocytogenesis.

Everyday negotiations of in/securities and risks: an ethnographic study amongst Czech- and Slovak-speaking migrants in Glasgow (2015)
Guma, T. Everyday negotiations of in/securities and risks: an ethnographic study amongst Czech- and Slovak-speaking migrants in Glasgow. (Thesis). University of Glasgow.

The post-accession migration to the UK from the eight Central and Eastern European countries that joined the European Union in 2004 has attracted a significant amount of attention in public discourse as well as from scholars and policy-makers. On the... Read More about Everyday negotiations of in/securities and risks: an ethnographic study amongst Czech- and Slovak-speaking migrants in Glasgow.

Risky cultures to risky genes: The racialised discursive construction of south Asian genetic diabetes risk (2015)
Journal Article
Keval, H. (2015). Risky cultures to risky genes: The racialised discursive construction of south Asian genetic diabetes risk. New Genetics and Society, 34(3), 274-293.

Type 2 diabetes within UK South Asian populations has increasingly become the focus of health science discourse. Growing rates across the globe have been a public health concern for a number of decades. Diabetes discourse has focused on lifestyle and... Read More about Risky cultures to risky genes: The racialised discursive construction of south Asian genetic diabetes risk.

Evidence of members of the Chlamydiales in bovine abortions in England and Wales (2015)
Journal Article
Wheelhouse, N., Mearns, R., Willoughby, K., Wright, E., Turnbull, D., & Longbottom, D. (2015). Evidence of members of the Chlamydiales in bovine abortions in England and Wales. Veterinary Record, 176, 465.

Despite the economical importance and welfare issues associated with bovine abortion, as well as the potential zoonotic implications, the rate of diagnosis remains low with a cause of abortion only identified in around 22.5 per cent of submissions re... Read More about Evidence of members of the Chlamydiales in bovine abortions in England and Wales.