Policy Synthesis and Integrative Report on Youth Self-Employment in Europe
Preprint / Working Paper
Sheehan, M., McNamara, A., Ortlieb, R., Weiss, S., Masso, J., Paes, K., Tverdostup, M., Kindsiko, E., Pocztowski, A., Buchelt, B., Pauli, U., González Menéndez, M. C., Cueto, B., Hinks, R., Meager, N., Fohrbeck, A., & Swift, S. Policy Synthesis and Integrative Report on Youth Self-Employment in Europe. Brighton
This report summarises the main objectives and findings underpinning all three deliverables of Work Package 7 (WP7) of the EU STYLE project 'Business start-ups and youth self-employment'. In Europe, the rate of youth unemployment is high (20 per cent... Read More about Policy Synthesis and Integrative Report on Youth Self-Employment in Europe.