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Working for Families (2007)
Mcquaid, R., Bond, S., & Fuertes, V. (2007). Working for Families. Edinburgh: Scottish Government

This report presents an evaluation of Phase 1 of the Working for Families Fund (WFF) covering 2004-06. WFF was established to invest in new initiatives to improve the employability of parents who have difficulties in participating in the labour marke... Read More about Working for Families.

Western Isles Ferry fares mechanism study: a report for Conhairle nan Eilean Siar. (2006)
McQuaid, R. W., Greig, M., Baird, A., & Pedersen, R. N. (2006). Western Isles Ferry fares mechanism study: a report for Conhairle nan Eilean Siar

The study assessed the ferry operation under the existing fare structure and identified potential fare and operational models that could be applied or adapted to the Western Isles ferry routes. Recommendations were made on the most effective ferry fa... Read More about Western Isles Ferry fares mechanism study: a report for Conhairle nan Eilean Siar..

Jobs for the boys and the girls: promoting a smart, successful and equal Scotland – the final report of the Scottish component of the EOC’s general formal investigation into occupational segregation. (2005)
Thomson, E., Campbell, J., Gillespie, M., & McKay, A. (2005). Jobs for the boys and the girls: promoting a smart, successful and equal Scotland – the final report of the Scottish component of the EOC’s general formal investigation into occupational segregation

Examines the concentration of men and women in different occupations in Scotland. Identifies the reasons for gender stereotypical career choices in Scotland. Outlines the economic impact of occupational segregation. Discusses Scottish and EU measures... Read More about Jobs for the boys and the girls: promoting a smart, successful and equal Scotland – the final report of the Scottish component of the EOC’s general formal investigation into occupational segregation..

Disabilities and Poverty. (2005)
MacPherson, S. (2005). Disabilities and Poverty

Many of us will remember, albeit with varying degrees of clarity and happiness, those
days at school when we received the yearly ‘report card’ to take home for inspection.
While the format of these varied between schools and different areas of the... Read More about Disabilities and Poverty..

The importance of transport in business location decisions-scoping study. (2003)
McQuaid, R. W., Greig, M., Smyth, A., & Cooper, J. A. (2003). The importance of transport in business location decisions-scoping study

The aim of this project was to review current literature of issues considered by businesses in choosing where they locate / relocate and in particular, the significance and importance to which transport is a factor within that decision-making process... Read More about The importance of transport in business location decisions-scoping study..

Digital television for all: A report on accessibility and inclusive design. Appendix E - Investigating the inclusivity of digital television set-top box receivers (2003)
Clarkson, J., & Keates, S. (2003). Digital television for all: A report on accessibility and inclusive design. Appendix E - Investigating the inclusivity of digital television set-top box receivers. The Generics Group

This report contains a summary of work carried out by the Inclusive Design team at the University of Cambridge on behalf of The Generics Group. It describes the team?s audit of digital television (DTV) equipment with regard to its accessibility. The... Read More about Digital television for all: A report on accessibility and inclusive design. Appendix E - Investigating the inclusivity of digital television set-top box receivers.

Employee Voice and Training at Work: An Analysis of Case Studies and WERS98: (579712011-001) (2003)
Rainbird, H., Sutherland, J., Edwards, P., Holly, L., & Munro, A. (2003). Employee Voice and Training at Work: An Analysis of Case Studies and WERS98: (579712011-001). PsycEXTRA Dataset: Department of Trade and Industry

Developed institutions of employee voice are rare across British industry. Case study evidence suggests that approaches to training are more effective when management and employees are jointly involved in decision-making. They also reveal tension bet... Read More about Employee Voice and Training at Work: An Analysis of Case Studies and WERS98: (579712011-001).

An assessment of the economic impact of the Skye Bridge tolls: research report. (2002)
McQuaid, R. W., & Greig, M. (2002). An assessment of the economic impact of the Skye Bridge tolls: research report

Outlines the background leading to the commissioning of this report from Napier University,
reviews the findings which point to the present Bridge tolls regime as suppressing the economy of
Skye, and presents the case for early reduction in the lev... Read More about An assessment of the economic impact of the Skye Bridge tolls: research report..

Age Management Case Study 2 - Business Services
Fuertes, V., Egdell, V., & McQuaid, R. W. (2012). Age Management Case Study 2 - Business Services. Edinburgh, Scotland: European Commission

Demographic changes will continue to see populations across Europe and the world getting older, making an older
workforce’s contribution to the labour market both valuable and imperative. Currently there are a number of barriers
to paid employment... Read More about Age Management Case Study 2 - Business Services.

Beyond the state: the future of international criminal law.
Moran, C. F. (2014). Beyond the state: the future of international criminal law. Edinburgh: International Crimes Database

This work examines the development of international criminal law, and by default the
International Criminal Court, towards the protection of the individual. The link to State planning,
policy or officialdom appears to be waning and the discourse ha... Read More about Beyond the state: the future of international criminal law..

A critical assessment of mountaineering tourism on Lenin Peak, Kyrgyzstan: Current issues and potential solutions
Komissarov, V., & Taylor, S. (2019). A critical assessment of mountaineering tourism on Lenin Peak, Kyrgyzstan: Current issues and potential solutions. Kyrgyzstan: Kyrgyz Republic Ministry of Culture, Communication and Tourism

This report was produced for the Ministry of Culture, Communication and Tourism of the Kyrgyz Republic. It provides an assessment of the environmental and economic impacts of tourism located on and around the 7,134 metres Lenin Peak on the Kyrgyzsta... Read More about A critical assessment of mountaineering tourism on Lenin Peak, Kyrgyzstan: Current issues and potential solutions.