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The Evolution of Local Economic Development in South Africa: The Case of Stutterheim and Social Capital (2002)
Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W., & Nel, E. L. (2002). The Evolution of Local Economic Development in South Africa: The Case of Stutterheim and Social Capital. Economic Development Quarterly: The Journal of American Economic Revitalization, 16(1), 60-74.

Local economic development and promoting racial reconciliation have been key foci in addressing the legacy of apartheid in South Africa. This article examines what is arguably the most well-established example of local economic development in South A... Read More about The Evolution of Local Economic Development in South Africa: The Case of Stutterheim and Social Capital.

Heritage Visitor Attractions: managing revenue in the new millennium (2002)
Journal Article
Leask, A., Fyall, A., & Garrod, B. (2002). Heritage Visitor Attractions: managing revenue in the new millennium. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 8(3), 247-265.

Heritage visitor attractions represent an integral component of the tourism product in many countries. This is particularly so in Scotland, where visitor attractions of a heritage genre continue to attract more visitors than others. However, with va... Read More about Heritage Visitor Attractions: managing revenue in the new millennium.

U.K. Conference Venues: Past, Present, and Future (2002)
Journal Article
Leask, A., & Spiller, J. (2002). U.K. Conference Venues: Past, Present, and Future. Journal of Convention & Exhibition Management, 4(1), 29-54.

ABSTRACT The following paper investigates the supply and demand for conference venues in the United Kingdom (U.K.) over the past 40 years. The main data relates to trends in the type of venue facilities provided in the U.K. and how the varying marke... Read More about U.K. Conference Venues: Past, Present, and Future.

Disciplinary power and consumer research: an introduction. (2001)
Journal Article
Marsden, D. (2001). Disciplinary power and consumer research: an introduction. European Advances in Consumer Research, 5, 54-60

This paper draws on Michel Foucault’s conception of "disciplinary power" to explore some of the ways in which consumer research is implicated in modern forms of social control. According to Foucault, power in western societies is characterised less b... Read More about Disciplinary power and consumer research: an introduction..

Deconstructing consumer behaviour: theory and practice. (2001)
Journal Article
Marsden, D. (2001). Deconstructing consumer behaviour: theory and practice. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1(1), 9-21.

This paper challenges the conventional opposition, or distinction, between consumer behaviour theory and practice. This binary dualism, it is argued, is predicated on a simplistic ‘either/or’ logic that ignores the effects theory and practice have on... Read More about Deconstructing consumer behaviour: theory and practice..

Labour Market Flexibility, Human Resource Management and Corporate Performance (2001)
Journal Article
Michie, J., & Sheehan-Quinn, M. (2001). Labour Market Flexibility, Human Resource Management and Corporate Performance. British Journal of Management, 12(4), 287-306.

Labour market flexibility is often portrayed as a key to the competitive success of the UK and US economies. We surveyed several hundred firms in the UK, and using the resulting data (on over 200 manufacturing firms) this paper investigates the relat... Read More about Labour Market Flexibility, Human Resource Management and Corporate Performance.

Comparative Review of Borders: Frontiers of Identity, Nation and State, Hastings Donnan and Thomas M. Wilson. Oxford: Berg, 1999. pp. 224 and Signifying Identities: Anthropological Perspectives on Boundaries and Contested Values, Anthony P. Cohen (ed.). London: Routledge, 2000, pp. 208 (2001)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, J. (2001). Comparative Review of Borders: Frontiers of Identity, Nation and State, Hastings Donnan and Thomas M. Wilson. Oxford: Berg, 1999. pp. 224 and Signifying Identities: Anthropological Perspectives on Boundaries and Contested Values, Anthony P. Cohen (ed.). London: Routledge, 2000, pp. 208. Language and Intercultural Communication, 1(2), 162-167.

Abstract unavailable.

Licensed house manager skills/competences and the management development process in Bass Taverns (2001)
Journal Article
Brotherton, B., & Watson, S. (2001). Licensed house manager skills/competences and the management development process in Bass Taverns. Human Resource Development International, 4(4), 521-542.

The aim of this paper is to explore the nature of critical licensed house management skills within Bass Taverns. In particular, it focuses on the extent to which these are viewed as being concerned with 'soft' (behavioural) or 'hard' (technical) aspe... Read More about Licensed house manager skills/competences and the management development process in Bass Taverns.

Designing for mobility, collaboration and information use by blue-collar workers (2001)
Journal Article
Brodie, J., & Perry, M. (2001). Designing for mobility, collaboration and information use by blue-collar workers. SIGGROUP bulletin : a publication of the Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Work, 22(3), 22-27.

The uptake of mobile phones in the UK has increased exponentially in the past two years, indicating that a wider range of users are now utilising mobile technologies in different contexts than ever before. Still little is known about how mobile techn... Read More about Designing for mobility, collaboration and information use by blue-collar workers.

Formal and informal referent groups: An exploration of novices and experts in maternity services. (2001)
Journal Article
Tinson, J., & Ensor, J. (2001). Formal and informal referent groups: An exploration of novices and experts in maternity services. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1(2), 174-183.

Different social groups place varying emphasis on the importance of referent input. While referent groups are recognised as having a significant influence on purchase behaviour, attitude formation and information processing, the extent to which refer... Read More about Formal and informal referent groups: An exploration of novices and experts in maternity services..

A feminist trade union agenda? The continued significance of class, gender and race. (2001)
Journal Article
Munro, A. (2001). A feminist trade union agenda? The continued significance of class, gender and race. Gender, Work and Organization, 8(4), 454-471.

During the 1990s attempts to identify a feminist trade union agenda have focused on both the content and process of such a potential agenda. In a period in which trade unions have changed significantly, the general national agenda appears to be chang... Read More about A feminist trade union agenda? The continued significance of class, gender and race..

Small tourism business networks and destination development (2001)
Journal Article
Tinsley, R., & Lynch, P. (2001). Small tourism business networks and destination development. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 20(4), 367-378.

This paper is based on ongoing research into networking between small tourism businesses and its contribution to destination development. The fieldwork is being carried out in a peripheral rural location. A detailed conceptual framework comprising of... Read More about Small tourism business networks and destination development.

Understanding the Irish VET system: beyond neoclassicism (2001)
Journal Article
O’Donnell, D., Garavan, T. N., & McCarthy, A. (2001). Understanding the Irish VET system: beyond neoclassicism. International Journal of Manpower, 22(5), 425-444.

Neoclassical approaches continue to dominate evaluations of national skill‐formation systems. Argues for the benefits of including alternative interdisciplinary and theoretically grounded approaches in any evaluation of the Irish system as it relate... Read More about Understanding the Irish VET system: beyond neoclassicism.

Module Development Through Peer-assisted Student Support: an initial evaluation (2001)
Journal Article
Packham, G., Cramphorn, C., & Miller, C. (2001). Module Development Through Peer-assisted Student Support: an initial evaluation. Mentoring and Tutoring, 9(2), 113-124.

The importance of effective module development in terms of content and delivery is becoming increasingly significant within higher education. The majority of evaluation exercises are relatively static and reactive, predominantly utilising standardise... Read More about Module Development Through Peer-assisted Student Support: an initial evaluation.

Competencies and workplace learning: some reflections on the rhetoric and the reality (2001)
Journal Article
Garavan, T. N., & McGuire, D. (2001). Competencies and workplace learning: some reflections on the rhetoric and the reality. Journal of Workplace Learning, 13(4), 144-164.

The use of competency frameworks as a basis for workplace learning initiatives is now relatively commonplace in organisations. This is reflected in the emphasis given to competencies in the HRD literature. However, the terrain of the competency disc... Read More about Competencies and workplace learning: some reflections on the rhetoric and the reality.

The right to education in Scotland. (2001)
Journal Article
Macfarlane, L.-A. B. (2001). The right to education in Scotland. The Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 23

An overview of the right to education in Scots law and how the rights and duties within the state system might be expected to change.