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All Outputs (4576)

The Role of Employee Voice on Mental Health and Wellbeing: The Case of Poland (2023)
Book Chapter
Gilek, M. (2023). The Role of Employee Voice on Mental Health and Wellbeing: The Case of Poland. In T. Ajibade Adisa, C. Mordi, & E. Oruh (Eds.), Employee Voice in the Global North: Insights from Europe, North America and Australia (141-165). Palgrave Macmillan

Mental health is recognised as an important workplace issue that can contribute to a wide range of individual and organisational outcomes (Arnold et al., Work psychology: Understanding human behaviour in the workplace. Pearson, 2020; Cooper & Dewe, W... Read More about The Role of Employee Voice on Mental Health and Wellbeing: The Case of Poland.

Netnography and volunteer tourism: Critical reflections on conducting online research during a global pandemic (2023)
Journal Article
Polus, R., & Carr, N. (2023). Netnography and volunteer tourism: Critical reflections on conducting online research during a global pandemic. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 56, 42-45.

COVID-19 curtailed a significant amount of research in the field, forcing social scientists to consider the future of fieldwork. Netnography seems to offer a covid-resistant alternative to traditional fieldwork methods. This paper expands knowledge o... Read More about Netnography and volunteer tourism: Critical reflections on conducting online research during a global pandemic.

Public value for whom? Winners and losers in Edinburgh's short-term let licensing scheme (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Anastasiadou, C., & McMillan, J. (2023, June). Public value for whom? Winners and losers in Edinburgh's short-term let licensing scheme. Paper presented at Regional Studies Association Annual Conference 2023 - Transforming Regions: Policies and Planning for People and Places, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Stemming from a project seeking to explore whether Public Administration’s public value framework may be a useful conceptual framework to inform tourism policy making, the authors studied the introduction of short-term let (STL) licensing regulation... Read More about Public value for whom? Winners and losers in Edinburgh's short-term let licensing scheme.

Guest editorial: Special issue introduction repurposing and repositioning events: real, responsible and revolutionary futures (2023)
Journal Article
Abreu Novais, M., Ali-Knight, J., Holmes, K., Lockstone-Binney, L., Robertson, M., & Stewart, H. (2023). Guest editorial: Special issue introduction repurposing and repositioning events: real, responsible and revolutionary futures. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 14(2), 137-140.

[Abstract unavailable.]

The mean-variance relation: A story of night and day (2023)
Journal Article
Wang, W. (2023). The mean-variance relation: A story of night and day. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 86, Article 101796.

The traditional financial framework theorizes a positive mean-variance relation, which, however, is not fully supported by empirical evidence. We provide a new explanation for the weak mean-variance relation by separately testing the relation overnig... Read More about The mean-variance relation: A story of night and day.

Promoting Learners' Engagement and Motivation in a Technology-Mediated Learning Environment During COVID-19 and Beyond (2023)
Book Chapter
Huzooree, G., & Doargajudhur, M. (2023). Promoting Learners' Engagement and Motivation in a Technology-Mediated Learning Environment During COVID-19 and Beyond. In J. A. Bilodeau, & L. W. Hughes (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Creating Motivational Online Environments for Students. IGI Global.

The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to the drastic shift from traditional face-to-face teaching to an upsurge of online learning at all levels of education worldwide. The adoption of digital technologies continues to rise and impacts learning in hi... Read More about Promoting Learners' Engagement and Motivation in a Technology-Mediated Learning Environment During COVID-19 and Beyond.

Festival hiatus, resilience and innovation during COVID-19: learnings from the Edinburgh festivals (2023)
Journal Article
Ali-Knight, J., Kerr, G., Stewart, H., & Holmes, K. (2023). Festival hiatus, resilience and innovation during COVID-19: learnings from the Edinburgh festivals. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 14(2), 170-188.

In this paper, we explore how Edinburgh’s key Festivals have adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their response presents the emergence of more innovative festival delivery models and a different imagining of the festival space.

Design/met... Read More about Festival hiatus, resilience and innovation during COVID-19: learnings from the Edinburgh festivals.

The Arcade at Cheltenham Science Festival (Curator) (2023)
Exhibition / Performance
Kerr, G. The Arcade at Cheltenham Science Festival (Curator). [Exhibition]. Exhibited at Cheltenham Science Festival. 6 June 2023 - 11 June 2023

Welcome to The Arcade! Get your tokens ready to make, break and create. Test out your skills on our fun, creative and two-player challenges. Come along to The Arcade to play games of the past, present and future. Plus, hang out with our cyber cracker... Read More about The Arcade at Cheltenham Science Festival (Curator).

Menstruation and Gender-Based Violence (2023)
Book Chapter
Whitecross, R. (2023). Menstruation and Gender-Based Violence. In P. Ali, & M. M. Rogers (Eds.), Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide (311-321). Springer.

Acknowledging the universality of menstruation in 2019, human rights experts noted that ‘the stigma and shame generated by stereotypes around menstruation have severe impacts on all aspects of women’s and girls’ human rights’ (United Nations, Interna... Read More about Menstruation and Gender-Based Violence.

Upsurges of Consumer Brand Loyalty towards Online Travel Websites: Case of (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chaichi, K., John, L., Sebian, B., & Maritz, G. (2023, May). Upsurges of Consumer Brand Loyalty towards Online Travel Websites: Case of Paper presented at Consumer Behaviour in Tourism Symposium 2023, Breda, The Netherlands

In the last decade, the internet has radically changed the hospitality tourism industry. (Pencarelli, 2020; Chiang, 2020; Capriello & Riboldazzi, 2020). The internet has become a Powerful tool for communication and sales for travel companies. Online... Read More about Upsurges of Consumer Brand Loyalty towards Online Travel Websites: Case of

CIE Report: Bridging the gap (2023)
Buchmann, A., Backhaus, C., Anderman, M., Plant O'Toole, E., Weaver, M., Neye, C., & Florida-James, G. (2023). CIE Report: Bridging the gap. Cycling Industries Europe

Welcoming the Displaced: an exploration of how refugees are welcomed to Scotland/UK (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Urie, G., & Moysidou, M. (2023, May). Welcoming the Displaced: an exploration of how refugees are welcomed to Scotland/UK. Paper presented at Imagining and Experiencing Hospitalities in a Mobile World, Edinburgh Napier University

This research project explores the concept of welcome experienced by refugees when entering Scotland/UK. The UK has recently seen an increase in refugees entering the country due to ongoing conflicts around the world. This has led to a growth in awar... Read More about Welcoming the Displaced: an exploration of how refugees are welcomed to Scotland/UK.

From sea to source: The journey of the Biobío River (2023)
Journal Article
Kelly, J. (2023). From sea to source: The journey of the Biobío River. Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, 60, 141–151

This piece follows the journey of the Biobío river in southern Chile, from its mouth in the city of Concepción up to its source in the Andes, the homeland of the Pehuenche indigenous people. Written in the format of a travelogue, the piece is the fir... Read More about From sea to source: The journey of the Biobío River.

Encounters with the other: Imagining the hospitable tourist gaze (2023)
Exhibition / Performance
Todd, L. Encounters with the other: Imagining the hospitable tourist gaze. 31 May 2023 - 31 May 2023

As an artists and academic researcher my artwork invites viewers to encounter ‘the other’ (Levinas, 1986) by reflecting upon hospitality in the context of the tourist gaze. Much tourism research is concerned with the ocular nature of tourism and the... Read More about Encounters with the other: Imagining the hospitable tourist gaze.

Identifying a research agenda for postgraduate taught education in the UK: lessons from a machine learning facilitated systematic scoping review (2023)
Journal Article
Macleod, G., Dozier, M., Marvell, R., Matthews-Smith, G., Macleod, M. R., & Liao, J. (2024). Identifying a research agenda for postgraduate taught education in the UK: lessons from a machine learning facilitated systematic scoping review. Oxford Review of Education, 50(1), 95-112.

This research aimed to describe and evaluate research on the Postgraduate Taught (PGT) sector in the UK from January 2008 to October 2019. The focus on PGT allowed a detailed analysis of an often overlooked part of the HE sector. Methodologically, th... Read More about Identifying a research agenda for postgraduate taught education in the UK: lessons from a machine learning facilitated systematic scoping review.

Future proofing the Integrity of Assessments against the Power of Artificial Intelligence (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khaleel, F., & Harte, P. (2023, May). Future proofing the Integrity of Assessments against the Power of Artificial Intelligence. Presented at U!REKA Connects 2023, Amsterdam

The participants will learn about the difference in AI and traditional cheating. We will explore how we can use and develop on our existing knowledge and practices of authentic assessments to mitigate the risk of all types of plagiarism, including th... Read More about Future proofing the Integrity of Assessments against the Power of Artificial Intelligence.

The Art of Planetary Maintenance: South Asian Religions and Sustainability (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khaleel, F., & Avdukic, A. (2023, May). The Art of Planetary Maintenance: South Asian Religions and Sustainability. Paper presented at South Asian Anthropocenes, Edinburgh

In this session, we will explore the mindset and practices on human, social and environmental sustainability that are created by and embedded in the South Asian religions and socio-cultural systems. South Asia as a region is religiously and culturall... Read More about The Art of Planetary Maintenance: South Asian Religions and Sustainability.