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“To use or not to use” - Mobile technology in nature-based tourism experience (2023)
Journal Article
Nautiyal, R., Polus, R., Tripathi, A., & Shaheer, I. (2023). “To use or not to use” - Mobile technology in nature-based tourism experience. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 43, Article 100667.

This study investigates the role of mobile technology in the three stages (pre-visit, during-visit, and post-visit) of nature-based tourism (NBT) experiences. By employing collaborative autoethnography and reflexive thematic data analysis, this resea... Read More about “To use or not to use” - Mobile technology in nature-based tourism experience.

Upskilling the Workforce (2023)
Book Chapter
Rice-Stevenson, R., & Ahammed, S. U. (2023). Upskilling the Workforce. In S. Chakravarti (Ed.), Innovations in Teacher Development, Personalized Learning, and Upskilling the Workforce (48-63). IGI Global.

This chapter explores the use of the live project (LP) as a context within which to develop the employability skills of undergraduate business students. Learners worked in partnership with businesses to solve a real business problem. Working in small... Read More about Upskilling the Workforce.

Using Rubrics as Feedforward Tools for Subject Contextualized Dialogue (2023)
Book Chapter
Richards, K., & Pilcher, N. (2023). Using Rubrics as Feedforward Tools for Subject Contextualized Dialogue. In C. Gonsalves, & J. Pearson (Eds.), Improving Learning Through Assessment Rubrics: Student Awareness of What and How They Learn (229-247). IGI Global.

This chapter outlines an approach to using rubrics in a feedforward process using dialogue between teachers and students that takes place before students hand in their assignments. As such, it aims to complement existing research demonstrating the va... Read More about Using Rubrics as Feedforward Tools for Subject Contextualized Dialogue.

Transcultural awareness and multimodality in YouTube videos among international students in higher education, Thailand (2023)
Journal Article
Sangiamchit, C., & Victoria, M. (2023). Transcultural awareness and multimodality in YouTube videos among international students in higher education, Thailand. Journal of Language and Culture, 42(1), 178-208

YouTube is one of the biggest and most popular global online video sharing and social media platforms. Owing to its multimodal features and rich user generated contents covering hugely diverse themes, it has the power to bring together billions of vi... Read More about Transcultural awareness and multimodality in YouTube videos among international students in higher education, Thailand.

Economic Growth and Financial Development: Evidence from Panel Cointegration Tests in Emerging Countries (2023)
Journal Article
Gültekin, M., & Umutlu, M. (2023). Economic Growth and Financial Development: Evidence from Panel Cointegration Tests in Emerging Countries. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, 13(1), 101-126.

In This study analyzes the long-run relationship between economic growth (EG) and financial development (FD) in 27 emerging countries over the period 1980 to 2018 by employing the Johansen-Fisher panel cointegration method. The study also performs th... Read More about Economic Growth and Financial Development: Evidence from Panel Cointegration Tests in Emerging Countries.

Message in a Bottle of Wine from Emerging Markets. Is the Country of Origin Still a Relevant Cue in Consumers’ Perceptions? (2023)
Journal Article
Guardato, A., Osei, C., Feri, A., & Tjandra, N. C. (2023). Message in a Bottle of Wine from Emerging Markets. Is the Country of Origin Still a Relevant Cue in Consumers’ Perceptions?. Transnational Business and Management, 1(1), 1-17.

Research shows that country of origin (COO) has a significant impact on product evaluations and purchasing behaviour. However, there is a lack of clarity regarding the effects of COO on Generation Y within the wine industry. Therefore, this study aim... Read More about Message in a Bottle of Wine from Emerging Markets. Is the Country of Origin Still a Relevant Cue in Consumers’ Perceptions?.

Mapping community engagement with the festival city through creative and participative methods (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Todd, L. (2023, June). Mapping community engagement with the festival city through creative and participative methods. Presented at Festival Sustainability Symposium: Facing the Sector's Headwinds, Edinburgh

I will present details of two interdisciplinary and collaborative research studies that used creative and participative methods within a public engagement methodology. Both aimed to gain an understanding of community stakeholders’ engagement with Edi... Read More about Mapping community engagement with the festival city through creative and participative methods.

Looking to Livestock: Gauging the Evolution of the EU's Agri-Climate Law and Policy (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Williams, R. (2023, June). Looking to Livestock: Gauging the Evolution of the EU's Agri-Climate Law and Policy. Paper presented at Society of Legal Scholars 2023 Conference, Oxford

Increasingly, awareness of climate impacts from the agricultural sector is growing. In the EU, it is reported that 11.3% of the total greenhouse gas emissions and over 80% of ammonia atmospheric and nitrogen emissions stem from its agricultural secto... Read More about Looking to Livestock: Gauging the Evolution of the EU's Agri-Climate Law and Policy.

The collaboration dilemma in smart city projects: Time to ask the right questions (2023)
Journal Article
Thabit, S., & Mora, L. (2024). The collaboration dilemma in smart city projects: Time to ask the right questions. Organization, 31(7), 1058-1069.

This Connexions article links collaboration in smart city projects, a contemporary and undertheorised social challenge, with theories on assemblage thinking, organisation, and public value creation. Using this multidisciplinary lens, we critically an... Read More about The collaboration dilemma in smart city projects: Time to ask the right questions.

The oil price-inflation nexus: The exchange rate pass-through effect (2023)
Journal Article
Ding, S., Zheng, D., Cui, T., & Du, M. (2023). The oil price-inflation nexus: The exchange rate pass-through effect. Energy Economics, 125, Article 106828.

Crude oil prices have been considered one of the key drivers of inflation worldwide, reaching a peak in 2022. Inflation targeting plays a pivotal role in such a high inflation episode. In this vein, the exchange rate is a key channel in transmitting... Read More about The oil price-inflation nexus: The exchange rate pass-through effect.

Changing Public Opinion on Fashion and Age: Unpacking Narrative Strategy in Instagram Message Posts of 50+ Fashion Influencers (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Logan-McFarlane, A., & Samsioe, E. (2023, June). Changing Public Opinion on Fashion and Age: Unpacking Narrative Strategy in Instagram Message Posts of 50+ Fashion Influencers. Paper presented at Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), Lund University, Sweden

Our study aims to investigate how narrative strategy can be employed to change public opinion on age in the Western beauty and fashion market. Our unique contribution lies in the interpretation of Instagram message post content to reveal how composit... Read More about Changing Public Opinion on Fashion and Age: Unpacking Narrative Strategy in Instagram Message Posts of 50+ Fashion Influencers.

A decision support system for selection and risk management of sustainability governance approaches in multi-tier supply chain (2023)
Journal Article
Jamalnia, A., Gong, Y., Govindan, K., Bourlakis, M., & Mangla, S. K. (2023). A decision support system for selection and risk management of sustainability governance approaches in multi-tier supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 264, Article 108960.

Lower-tier suppliers' sustainability noncompliance and focal company's failure at meeting the expectations of the stakeholders to extend sustainability towards lower-tier suppliers carry multiple risks, tangible and intangible, to the focal company.... Read More about A decision support system for selection and risk management of sustainability governance approaches in multi-tier supply chain.

Urban Consolidation Centres (2023)
Book Chapter
Akgün, E., & Monios, J. (2023). Urban Consolidation Centres. In J. Monios, L. Budd, & S. Ison (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Urban Logistics (295-304). Routledge.

This chapter presents a definition of Urban consolidation centres (UCCs) and an overview of their activities and service offerings. It descibes a case study of a successful UCC in Gothenburg, Sweden followed by a reflection on the challenges of setti... Read More about Urban Consolidation Centres.

Exploding the Archives: lost histories of advertising the atom (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mercer-Jones, E. (2023, June). Exploding the Archives: lost histories of advertising the atom. Paper presented at Shaking the Archive, Queen Margaret University

Recent years have seen a growing interest in what is left out of an archive as much as what is put in: the silences and the absences. Why is information we might expect to find in an archive sometimes not there at all, the questions we might have abo... Read More about Exploding the Archives: lost histories of advertising the atom.

Higher Accountability Framework for the Muslim Charities: Assessing Accountability Performance of Muslim Charities in the UK (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Avdukic, A., Awan, A. M., Abu Ghunmi, D., & Khaleel, F. (2023, June). Higher Accountability Framework for the Muslim Charities: Assessing Accountability Performance of Muslim Charities in the UK. Paper presented at 14th EIASM Workshop on the Challenges of Managing the Third Sector, University of Aberdeen

This paper cross-examines the performance of Muslim charities against the mandates given by donors and beneficiaries. The mandate is conceptualised using framework of maqasid Shari’ah: a set of principles of Shariah accountability. The Muslim chariti... Read More about Higher Accountability Framework for the Muslim Charities: Assessing Accountability Performance of Muslim Charities in the UK.