Human identification factors in ear prints and photographs
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sholl, S., & Vanezis, P. (2000, July). Human identification factors in ear prints and photographs. Poster presented at International Association for Craniofacial Identification: 9th Biennial Meeting
All Outputs (4576)
Implications of European Union expansion for peripheral regions. (2000)
Book Chapter
McQuaid, R. W. (2000). Implications of European Union expansion for peripheral regions. In H. Kohno, P. Nijkamp, & J. Poot (Eds.), Regional cohesion and competition in the age of globalization (284-308). Edward Elgar Publishing
The Human Rights Act 1998 and Determining Paternity: Re O and J (Paternity: Blood Tests) (2000)
Journal Article
Clucas, R. (2000). The Human Rights Act 1998 and Determining Paternity: Re O and J (Paternity: Blood Tests). Nottingham Law Journal, 9(2), 56-68
The New Unionism and the New Bargaining Agenda: UNISON–Employer Partnerships on Workplace Learning in Britain (2000)
Journal Article
Munro, A., & Rainbird, H. (2000). The New Unionism and the New Bargaining Agenda: UNISON–Employer Partnerships on Workplace Learning in Britain. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 38(2), 223-240. model of new unionism has been developed which is characterized by features such as the servicing of members as customers and a shift to co-operative industrial relations. The UNISON–employer partnerships in workplace learning in the UK initially a... Read More about The New Unionism and the New Bargaining Agenda: UNISON–Employer Partnerships on Workplace Learning in Britain.
Human resource issues in international hospitality, travel and tourism: a snapshot (2000)
Journal Article
D'Annunzio-Green, N., Maxwell, G., & Watson, S. (2000). Human resource issues in international hospitality, travel and tourism: a snapshot. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 12(3), 215-216. the research done to support the writing of a new text on human resources issues in the international field of tourism and hospitality. Pinpoints the 34 current
areas of interest and those identified as of strategic importance for the futu... Read More about Human resource issues in international hospitality, travel and tourism: a snapshot.
Joint ventures in China – accounting implications (2000)
Journal Article
Blake, J., Gao, S. S., & Wraith, P. (2000). Joint ventures in China – accounting implications. Managerial Finance, 26(5), 1-11. 1979, China has encouraged foreign investment, particularly through the medium of
the joint venture.
Experience of the operation of these foreign joint ventures has highlighted some key features
of the Chinese business environment. These inc... Read More about Joint ventures in China – accounting implications.
The influence of transport on industrial location choice: a stated preference experiment (2000)
Journal Article
Leitham, S., McQuaid, R. W., & Nelson, J. D. (2000). The influence of transport on industrial location choice: a stated preference experiment. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 34(7), 515-535. preference experiments are introduced and applied to an investigation of the influence of road transport and other factors on industrial location in terms of the ex ante decision making process. The experiments, based upon repeated hypothetica... Read More about The influence of transport on industrial location choice: a stated preference experiment.
Utilitarianism and the Identity of the Indian Forest Service (2000)
Journal Article
Hannam, K. (2000). Utilitarianism and the Identity of the Indian Forest Service. Environment and History, 6(2), 205-228. paper discusses the historical identity of the Indian Forest Service, the elite environmental organisation which controlled and managed nearly a third of India during the late nineteenth century. This organisation has been widely criticised by n... Read More about Utilitarianism and the Identity of the Indian Forest Service.
An introduction to franchising (2000)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (2000). An introduction to franchising. In Franchising Hospitality Services (3-21). Butterworth-HeinemannAbstract not available.
Hotels (2000)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (2000). Hotels. In Franchising Hospitality Services (170-191). Butterworth-HeinemannAbstract not available.
Is McDonalidization inevitable? Standardization and differentiation in food and beverage organisations (2000)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (2000). Is McDonalidization inevitable? Standardization and differentiation in food and beverage organisations. In Strategic Questions in Food and Beverage Management (48-64). Butterworth-HeinemannAbstract not available.
From Here to Diversity: Equal Opportunities Training in the Civil Service (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McMillan, J., & Cunningham, R. (2000, April). From Here to Diversity: Equal Opportunities Training in the Civil Service. Paper presented at Political Studies Association Annual Conference, London School of Economics
Regional Civil Services? Government Offices for the English Regions and the Civil Service in Scotland (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McMillan, J., & Massey, A. (2000, April). Regional Civil Services? Government Offices for the English Regions and the Civil Service in Scotland. Paper presented at Political Studies Association Annual Conference, London School of Economics
Contemporary HRD research: a triarchy of theoretical perspectives and their prescriptions for HRD (2000)
Journal Article
Garavan, T. N., Gunnigle, P., & Morley, M. (2000). Contemporary HRD research: a triarchy of theoretical perspectives and their prescriptions for HRD. Journal of European industrial training, 24(2/3/4), 65-93. some of the key debates within the HRD literature and considers the extent to which HRD can be described as a field of study. The paper addresses the issues raised in the contributions that make up this special issue and identifies a broad... Read More about Contemporary HRD research: a triarchy of theoretical perspectives and their prescriptions for HRD.
An exploratory statistical analysis of financial measures (2000)
Journal Article
Watson, A., & Tunaru, R. (2000). An exploratory statistical analysis of financial measures. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 11(2), 101-110. graphical models are a class of models encompassing both graphical log-linear models of association for contingency tables and graphical Gaussian models. They are used to model complex conditional independence relationships between the variable... Read More about An exploratory statistical analysis of financial measures.
Unusual Venues as Conference Facilities (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Leask, A., & Hood, G. (2000, February). Unusual Venues as Conference Facilities. Paper presented at Convention/Expo VIINo abstract available.
Historic houses – the marketing reality. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Thomson, J. R. (2000, January). Historic houses – the marketing reality. Paper presented at Historic Houses Conference
Future skill needs of managers (2000)
Preprint / Working Paper
Winterton, J., Parker, M., Dodd, M., McCracken, M. G., & Henderson, I. Future skill needs of managersThe main aim of the study was to identify and evaluate the nature of changes affecting managers and issues that will influence the effective future provision of management development in the UK. The report focuses on the nature of the skills that man... Read More about Future skill needs of managers.
Marketing orientation and its impact on product development in the Scottish software Industry. (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cuthbert, A., & Thomson, J. R. (1999, September). Marketing orientation and its impact on product development in the Scottish software Industry. Presented at IMP Conference (15th): Interactions, Relationships And Networks: Towards The New MillenniumIn this paper, the authors discuss and evaluate marketing orientation and its impact on product development in the Scottish software industry. Spektra Systems Limited is used as a case in point. The authors carry out a wide literature review encompas... Read More about Marketing orientation and its impact on product development in the Scottish software Industry..
The local economic impact of the Scottish Parliament. (1999)
Book Chapter
McQuaid, R. W. (1999). The local economic impact of the Scottish Parliament. In J. McCarthy, & D. Newlands (Eds.), Governing Scotland: Problems and prospects, the economic impact of the Scottish Parliament (149-166). Ashgate Publishing