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Toilet graffiti: What can we learn from the visual languaging in the stalls? (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, M. (2023, September). Toilet graffiti: What can we learn from the visual languaging in the stalls?. Paper presented at DN29 Visiolinguistics: Panoramas of Languaging and Visuality, Online

Academic research has conceptualised toilet graffiti or latrinalia (Dundes, 1966) as a ‘symbol of a sociological subculture, juvenile delinquency, and regulatory problem’ (Halsey & Young, 2006);as a ‘communal public diary’ (Kurniawan & Anderson, 2008... Read More about Toilet graffiti: What can we learn from the visual languaging in the stalls?.

Interrogating Racialized “Cultural Authenticity” Discourses Among Language-Learner Tourists in Australia (2023)
Journal Article
Stanley, P., & Wight, A. C. (2024). Interrogating Racialized “Cultural Authenticity” Discourses Among Language-Learner Tourists in Australia. Journal of Travel Research, 63(6), 1511-1526.

This study considers cultural adaptation through tourism, focusing on language-travelers: hybrid education-tourism consumers whose voices remain relatively silent in tourism studies. Qualitative, semi-structured interviews were undertaken with studen... Read More about Interrogating Racialized “Cultural Authenticity” Discourses Among Language-Learner Tourists in Australia.

Re-configuring the jigsaw puzzle: Balancing time, pace, place and space of work in the Covid-19 era (2023)
Journal Article
Grant, K., McQueen, F., Osborn, S., & Holland, P. (2024). Re-configuring the jigsaw puzzle: Balancing time, pace, place and space of work in the Covid-19 era. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 45(3), 794-815.

Drawing on the principles of Conservation of Resources (COR) theory and the Work–Home Resources (W-HR) model, this research captured the lived experiences of 19 parents from across Scotland during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. The data were derive... Read More about Re-configuring the jigsaw puzzle: Balancing time, pace, place and space of work in the Covid-19 era.

An Exploration of Attitudes and Perceptions of Freight Operators in Ireland toward adopting Bio-methane Fuelled Heavy Good Vehicles (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kanellos, N., Plant, E., Zhnag, X., & Abraham, V. (2023, September). An Exploration of Attitudes and Perceptions of Freight Operators in Ireland toward adopting Bio-methane Fuelled Heavy Good Vehicles. Presented at Logistics Research Network Conference 2023, Edinburgh, UK

Road transport accounts for 75% of all transport related emissions. Within road transport, road freight contributes around 40% of the emissions, posing significant obstacles to achieving decarbonisation goals (deSaxe et al., 2023). Cleaner energy fue... Read More about An Exploration of Attitudes and Perceptions of Freight Operators in Ireland toward adopting Bio-methane Fuelled Heavy Good Vehicles.

Hokkien Chinese diaspora visitors’ image construction of their ancestral hometown: the role of the tourist gaze (2023)
Journal Article
Wang, Q., & Witte, A. (2023). Hokkien Chinese diaspora visitors’ image construction of their ancestral hometown: the role of the tourist gaze. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 18(6), 768-784.

This study examines how diaspora tourists’ secondary and primary image of their ancestral home is constructed and how the tourist gaze is implied within. The study focuses on the Hokkien Chinese diaspora travelling to their ancestral hometown of Quan... Read More about Hokkien Chinese diaspora visitors’ image construction of their ancestral hometown: the role of the tourist gaze.

Agroecology as Catalyst for Smallholder Farming Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change: Caribbean Region (2023)
Book Chapter
Roop, R., Weaver, M., Fonseca, A. P., & Matouq, M. (2023). Agroecology as Catalyst for Smallholder Farming Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change: Caribbean Region. In W. L. Filho, N. Aguilar-Rivera, B. Borsari, P. R. de Brito, & B. Andrade Guerra (Eds.), SDGs in the Americas and Caribbean Region (405-427). Springer.

Agriculture production emits approximately 29% of greenhouse gases, contributing to climatic changes. These changes increase pests and disease outbreaks according to the frequency and severity of droughts and floods, which results in crop failures an... Read More about Agroecology as Catalyst for Smallholder Farming Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change: Caribbean Region.

The effects of visibility on solidarity: Post-pandemic online organising for the good (work) life amongst creative freelancers (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Patrick-Thomson, H. (2023, September). The effects of visibility on solidarity: Post-pandemic online organising for the good (work) life amongst creative freelancers. Paper presented at British Academy of Management 2023 Conference, Brighton

Many creatives freelance in pursuit of the good life: but their independence comes at the price of job security. This paper explores how creative freelancers organised via Facebook to support one another in the wake of the pandemic. It asks: How do... Read More about The effects of visibility on solidarity: Post-pandemic online organising for the good (work) life amongst creative freelancers.

Innovative Approaches in Smallholder Farming Systems to Implement the Sustainable Development Goals (2023)
Book Chapter
Roop, R., Weaver, M., Fonseca, A. P., & Matouq, M. (2023). Innovative Approaches in Smallholder Farming Systems to Implement the Sustainable Development Goals. In W. Leal Filho, N. Aguilar-Rivera, B. Borsari, P. R. de Brito, & B. Andrade Guerra (Eds.), SDGs in the Americas and Caribbean Region (971-998). Springer.

The identified 169 targets in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) refer to agriculture and smallholder farmers’ contributions toward eliminating human hunger globally between 2015 and 2030. Notwithstanding the potential of smallholder farming, t... Read More about Innovative Approaches in Smallholder Farming Systems to Implement the Sustainable Development Goals.

‘Reverse gaze’ in spiritual tourism: fact or myth? (2023)
Journal Article
Polus, R. (online). ‘Reverse gaze’ in spiritual tourism: fact or myth?. Tourism Recreation Research,

The term ‘reverse gaze’ is used in tourism academia to describe the interaction between tourist photographers and local subjects, which challenges traditional power dynamics in tourism. However, further research is needed to explore this concept with... Read More about ‘Reverse gaze’ in spiritual tourism: fact or myth?.

Examining Port City Development As A Strategy To Attract Cruise Visitors (2023)
Journal Article
Selvaduray, M., Bandara, Y. M., & Yunus, N. (2023). Examining Port City Development As A Strategy To Attract Cruise Visitors. Journal of Maritime Logistics, 3(1),

The expansion of urban development and commercial centers within the geographical boundaries of ports and cities has significantly contributed to the growth of national income. However, maritime-based countries face the challenge of staying competiti... Read More about Examining Port City Development As A Strategy To Attract Cruise Visitors.

Climate theory & managerial decisions on cross-border mergers (2023)
Journal Article
Siganos, A. (2024). Climate theory & managerial decisions on cross-border mergers. British Accounting Review, 56(1), Article 101260.

We explore the significance of climate theory concerning managerial decisions in cross-border mergers. We report that temperature offers a good familiarity proxy showing that country pairs that experience little (large) distance in temperature experi... Read More about Climate theory & managerial decisions on cross-border mergers.

A Safety Assessment Model for Handling Dangerous Goods in Port Operations: The Key Role of Detection Capability (2023)
Journal Article
Tseng, P.-H., & Pilcher, N. (2023). A Safety Assessment Model for Handling Dangerous Goods in Port Operations: The Key Role of Detection Capability. Journal of marine science and engineering, 11(9), Article 1704.

Recently, resilience studies have been emphasized in the port field, recognizing that many high-risk and unsafe factors in ports might bring serious disasters and economic losses. One major cause of significant losses is accidents from fires, explosi... Read More about A Safety Assessment Model for Handling Dangerous Goods in Port Operations: The Key Role of Detection Capability.

Societal trust and bank opacity (2023)
Journal Article
Kladakis, G., Bellos, S. K., & Skouralis, A. (2023). Societal trust and bank opacity. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 31(5), 770-783.

This paper aims to examine the relationship between societal trust and bank asset opacity using an international sample of banks.

The authors use an international data set of banks and panel regressions. For r... Read More about Societal trust and bank opacity.

Sustainable Tourism and Disaster Recovery: A Case Study of Scotland and the Republic of Ireland (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hejjas, K., & Maguire, K. (2023, August). Sustainable Tourism and Disaster Recovery: A Case Study of Scotland and the Republic of Ireland. Paper presented at International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST), Madrid, Spain

With tourism central to the strategic plans of Scotland and Ireland, both countries aim to address issues of sustainability. Research finds that crisis, like Covid-19, can be used to improve existing conditions beyond their pre-disaster state, sugges... Read More about Sustainable Tourism and Disaster Recovery: A Case Study of Scotland and the Republic of Ireland.

Reflections on COP27: How do technological innovations and economic freedom affect environmental quality in Africa? (2023)
Journal Article
Sakariyahu, R., Lawal, R., Etudaiye-Muhtar, O. F., & Monsuru Ajide, F. (2023). Reflections on COP27: How do technological innovations and economic freedom affect environmental quality in Africa?. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 195, Article 122782.

Studies in literature argue that technological innovation is a crucial component that could provide an enduring solution to the effects of climate change. However, we argue in this study that technology-driven climate solutions may not be sustainable... Read More about Reflections on COP27: How do technological innovations and economic freedom affect environmental quality in Africa?.

Freedom and Empowerment in International Volunteering: The Story of Angi (2023)
Journal Article
Polus, R., & Carr, N. (2023). Freedom and Empowerment in International Volunteering: The Story of Angi. Tourism Cases,

This case study examines the intersection of freedom and empowerment in the context of international volunteering, focusing on Angi’s personal narrative and her perception of these concepts. Angi’s journey serves as a compelling illustration of how i... Read More about Freedom and Empowerment in International Volunteering: The Story of Angi.

Competitiveness throughout the seaport-hinterland: a container shipping analysis (2023)
Journal Article
de Almeida Rodrigues, T., Maria de Miranda Mota, C., Ojiako, U., Chipulu, M., Dweiri, F., & Marshall, A. (2024). Competitiveness throughout the seaport-hinterland: a container shipping analysis. Maritime Policy and Management, 51(6), 1170-1189.

With customers looking for the highest level of services and reduction of cost on international trade of goods, shippers have recently begun to focus on the inland leg of containerized import/export, making the competition advance between ‘seaport ag... Read More about Competitiveness throughout the seaport-hinterland: a container shipping analysis.

Maritime museums vs seaport museums navigating the evolution from maritime port business to the maritime tourism industry (2023)
Journal Article
Selvaduray, M., Bandara, Y. M., & Yunus, N. (2023). Maritime museums vs seaport museums navigating the evolution from maritime port business to the maritime tourism industry. Journal of Maritime Logistics, 3(1), 46-73.

Ocean-based countries has more advantages compare to a landlock regions where there face challenges on the access to the oceanography activities. Beyond major maritime trading and transportation business, maritime tourism business is one of the econo... Read More about Maritime museums vs seaport museums navigating the evolution from maritime port business to the maritime tourism industry.

Employee perceptions of wellbeing interventions (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gilek, M. (2023, August). Employee perceptions of wellbeing interventions. Presented at International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) 21st Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands