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All Outputs (37)

Design and Fabrication of Absorptive/Reflective Crossed CPC PV/T System (2018)
Journal Article
Aykapadathu, M., Nazarinia, M., & Sellami, N. (2018). Design and Fabrication of Absorptive/Reflective Crossed CPC PV/T System. Designs, 2(3), Article 29.

A crossed compound parabolic concentrator (CCPC) is a non-imaging concentrator which is a modified form of a circular 3D compound parabolic concentrator (CPC) obtained by orthogonal intersection of two 2D CPCs that have an optical efficiency in line... Read More about Design and Fabrication of Absorptive/Reflective Crossed CPC PV/T System.

Natural convective heat transfer in a walled CCPC with PV cell (2017)
Journal Article
Li, W., Paul, M. C., Sellami, N., Mallick, T. K., & Knox, A. (2017). Natural convective heat transfer in a walled CCPC with PV cell. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 10, 499-516.

The natural convective heat transfer phenomenon in an isolated, walled CCPC with PV cell is studied experimentally at 1000 W/m2 irradiance and 28.5 °C ambient temperature as well as 0°, 10°, 20°, 30° and 40° incidences in indoor laboratory by using s... Read More about Natural convective heat transfer in a walled CCPC with PV cell.

Six-parameter electrical model for photovoltaic cell/module with compound parabolic concentrator (2016)
Journal Article
Li, W., Paul, M. C., Sellami, N., Sweet, T., Montecucco, A., Siviter, J., Baig, H., Gao, M., Mallick, T., & Knox, A. (2016). Six-parameter electrical model for photovoltaic cell/module with compound parabolic concentrator. Solar Energy, 137, 551-563.

It is known that compound parabolic concentrators (CPCs) can improve electrical performance of a photovoltaic (PV) flat-plate system. However, a lumped electrical model of a PV cell/module with CPC for assessing performance under different operating... Read More about Six-parameter electrical model for photovoltaic cell/module with compound parabolic concentrator.

Facile Surfactant-Free Synthesis of p-Type SnSe Nanoplates with Exceptional Thermoelectric Power Factors (2016)
Journal Article
Han, G., Popuri, S. R., Greer, H. F., Bos, J.-W. G., Zhou, W., Knox, A. R., Montecucco, A., Siviter, J., Man, E. A., Macauley, M., & others. (2016). Facile Surfactant-Free Synthesis of p-Type SnSe Nanoplates with Exceptional Thermoelectric Power Factors. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55(22), 6433-6437.

A surfactant-free solution methodology, simply using water as a solvent, has been developed for the straightforward synthesis of single-phase orthorhombic SnSe nanoplates in gram quantities. Individual nanoplates are composed of {100} surfaces with {... Read More about Facile Surfactant-Free Synthesis of p-Type SnSe Nanoplates with Exceptional Thermoelectric Power Factors.

A novel absorptive/reflective solar concentrator for heat and electricity generation: An optical and thermal analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Meng, X.-L., Sellami, N., Knox, A. R., Montecucco, A., Siviter, J., Mullen, P., Ashraf, A., Samarelli, A., Llin, L. F., Paul, D. J., & et al. (2016). A novel absorptive/reflective solar concentrator for heat and electricity generation: An optical and thermal analysis. Energy Conversion and Management, 114, 142-153

The crossed compound parabolic concentrator (CCPC) is one of the most efficient non-imaging solar concentrators used as a stationary solar concentrator or as a second stage solar concentrator. In this study, the CCPC is modified to demonstrate for th... Read More about A novel absorptive/reflective solar concentrator for heat and electricity generation: An optical and thermal analysis.

Ba6−3x Nd8+2x Ti18O54 Tungsten Bronze: A New High-Temperature n-Type Oxide Thermoelectric (2015)
Journal Article
Azough, F., Freer, R., Yeandel, S. R., Baran, J. D., Molinari, M., Parker, S. C., Guilmeau, E., Kepaptsoglou, D., Ramasse, Q., Knox, A., & others. (2016). Ba6−3x Nd8+2x Ti18O54 Tungsten Bronze: A New High-Temperature n-Type Oxide Thermoelectric. Journal of Electronic Materials, 45, 1894-1899.

Semiconducting Ba6−3x Nd8+2x Ti18O54 ceramics (with x = 0.00 to 0.85) were synthesized by the mixed oxide route followed by annealing in a reducing atmosphere; their high-temperature thermoelectric properties have been investigated. In conjunction wi... Read More about Ba6−3x Nd8+2x Ti18O54 Tungsten Bronze: A New High-Temperature n-Type Oxide Thermoelectric.

Coupled heat transfer performance of a high temperature cup shaped porous absorber (2015)
Journal Article
Meng, X.-L., Xia, X.-L., Zhang, S.-D., Sellami, N., & Mallick, T. (2016). Coupled heat transfer performance of a high temperature cup shaped porous absorber. Energy Conversion and Management, 110, 327-337.

In this article, a newly designed volumetric solar receiver (VSR) using cup-shaped Al2O3 porous absorber is studied through numerical simulations and experimental verification. The absorber achieves several advantages including lower heat loss and hi... Read More about Coupled heat transfer performance of a high temperature cup shaped porous absorber.

Multiphysics simulations of a thermoelectric generator (2015)
Journal Article
Li, W., Paul, M. C., Montecucco, A., Knox, A. R., Siviter, J., Sellami, N., Meng, X.-L., Fernandez, E. F., Mallick, T. K., Mullen, P., & et al. (2015). Multiphysics simulations of a thermoelectric generator. Energy Procedia, 75, 633-638.

Transient multiphysics simulations are performed to investigate the thermal and electric performance of a thermoelectric generator (TEG) module placed between hot and cold blocks. Effects of heat radiation, thermal and electric contact on the TEG are... Read More about Multiphysics simulations of a thermoelectric generator.

Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment: Part 1 – The experiment (2015)
Journal Article
Sellami, N., Dewar, M., Stahl, H., & Chen, B. (2015). Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment: Part 1 – The experiment. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 38, 44-51.

The dynamic characteristics of CO2 bubbles in Scottish seawater are investigated through observational data obtained from the QICS project. Images of the leaked CO2 bubble plume rising in the seawater were captured. This observation made it possible... Read More about Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment: Part 1 – The experiment.

Trapping light escaping from the edges of the optical element in a Concentrating Photovoltaic system (2014)
Journal Article
Baig, H., Sellami, N., & Mallick, T. K. (2015). Trapping light escaping from the edges of the optical element in a Concentrating Photovoltaic system. Energy Conversion and Management, 90, 238-246.

The encapsulant is an important element used for mechanical bonding and optical coupling between the concentrator and the solar cell in a typical concentrating photovoltaic system. In this work we explain the concept of trapping the light escaping th... Read More about Trapping light escaping from the edges of the optical element in a Concentrating Photovoltaic system.

Performance modeling and testing of a building integrated concentrating photovoltaic (BICPV) system (2014)
Journal Article
Baig, H., Sellami, N., & Mallick, T. K. (2015). Performance modeling and testing of a building integrated concentrating photovoltaic (BICPV) system. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 134, 29-44.

Building Integrated Concentrating Photovoltaics (BICPV) is a promising solution leading toward self-sustaining buildings. In this work, we have evaluated the performance of one such system carrying out detailed modeling and indoor experiments. The sy... Read More about Performance modeling and testing of a building integrated concentrating photovoltaic (BICPV) system.

Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment: Part 2 – Modelling (2014)
Journal Article
Dewar, M., Sellami, N., & Chen, B. (2015). Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment: Part 2 – Modelling. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 38, 52-63.

An oceanic two-phase plume model is developed to include bubble size distribution and bubble interactions, applied to the prediction of CO2 bubble plume and CO2 solution dynamics observed from the recent QICS field experiment in the Scottish sea at A... Read More about Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment: Part 2 – Modelling.

Performance analysis of a dielectric based 3D building integrated concentrating photovoltaic system (2014)
Journal Article
Baig, H., Sellami, N., Chemisana, D., Rosell, J., & Mallick, T. K. (2014). Performance analysis of a dielectric based 3D building integrated concentrating photovoltaic system. Solar Energy, 103, 525-540.

The use of concentrating photovoltaic systems (CPV) in building integration has spurred towards the development of newer products, which have the potential to offer the convenience of pleasing architecture and day lighting along with simultaneous pro... Read More about Performance analysis of a dielectric based 3D building integrated concentrating photovoltaic system.

Optical characterisation and optimisation of a static Window Integrated Concentrating Photovoltaic system (2013)
Journal Article
Sellami, N., & Mallick, T. K. (2013). Optical characterisation and optimisation of a static Window Integrated Concentrating Photovoltaic system. Solar Energy, 91, 273-282.

In this work, three different geometrical properties have been considered to develop a new solar concentrator design for Window Integrated Concentrating Photovoltaic (WICPV). They are (i) elliptical entry aperture; (ii) hyperbolic profile section and... Read More about Optical characterisation and optimisation of a static Window Integrated Concentrating Photovoltaic system.

Optical efficiency study of PV crossed compound parabolic concentrator (2012)
Journal Article
Sellami, N., & Mallick, T. K. (2013). Optical efficiency study of PV crossed compound parabolic concentrator. Applied Energy, 102, 868-876.

Static solar concentrators present a solution to the challenge of reducing the cost of Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) by reducing the area of solar cells. In this study a 3-D ray trace code has been developed using MATLAB in order to determi... Read More about Optical efficiency study of PV crossed compound parabolic concentrator.

Optical characterisation of 3-D static solar concentrator (2012)
Journal Article
Sellami, N., Mallick, T. K., & McNeil, D. A. (2012). Optical characterisation of 3-D static solar concentrator. Energy Conversion and Management, 64, 579-586.

The focus of this research is to develop a solar concentrator which is compact, static and, at the same time, able to collect maximum solar energy. A novel geometry of a 3-D static concentrator has been designed and coined the Square Elliptical Hyper... Read More about Optical characterisation of 3-D static solar concentrator.

Performance analysis of a reflective 3D crossed compound parabolic concentrating photovoltaic system for building façade integration (2012)
Journal Article
Mammo, E. D., Sellami, N., & Mallick, T. K. (2013). Performance analysis of a reflective 3D crossed compound parabolic concentrating photovoltaic system for building façade integration. Progress in Photovoltaics, 21(5), 1095-1103.

A reflective 3D crossed compound parabolic-based photovoltaic module (3D CCPC PV) was designed and its electrical and optical performance was analyzed for building integrated photovoltaic applications. A maximum power concentration of 3.0× was achiev... Read More about Performance analysis of a reflective 3D crossed compound parabolic concentrating photovoltaic system for building façade integration.