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All Outputs (109)

Tangible possibilities—envisioning interactions in public space (2013)
Journal Article
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2013). Tangible possibilities—envisioning interactions in public space. Digital Creativity, 24(1), 75-87.

This article explores approaches to envisionment in the field of interaction design. Design fictions are introduced as a method to articulate future possibilities. Three case studies are described which explore interaction in public space. The fictio... Read More about Tangible possibilities—envisioning interactions in public space.

Aspects of lifelikeness: a framework for optional interactions with public installations (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Helgason, I., Smyth, M., & Speed, C. (2012, September). Aspects of lifelikeness: a framework for optional interactions with public installations. Presented at Designing Interactive Systems DIS 2012, Newcastle, UK

This poster presents a framework for the design and evaluation of “optional interactions” with publicly sited, non-utilitarian installations. These kinds of encounters, where an engaging experience of interaction itself is the design goal, can be reg... Read More about Aspects of lifelikeness: a framework for optional interactions with public installations.

Sketching concatenative synthesis: audiovisual Isomorphism in reduced modes. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tsiros, A., LePlâtre, G., & Smyth, M. (2012, July). Sketching concatenative synthesis: audiovisual Isomorphism in reduced modes. Presented at 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference

This paper presents a prototype allowing the control of a
concatenative synthesis algorithm using a 2D sketching
interface. The design of the system is underpinned by a
preliminary discussion in which isomorphisms between
auditory and visual phen... Read More about Sketching concatenative synthesis: audiovisual Isomorphism in reduced modes..

Imagining urban interactions: strategies for exploring future design landscapes. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2011, July). Imagining urban interactions: strategies for exploring future design landscapes. Presented at 25th BCS Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

For designers, attempting to respond to unknown design spaces can be a daunting task. This paper describes a series of workshops that presented rapid ethnographic design methods in city streets as a way of exploring human behaviours, and recording th... Read More about Imagining urban interactions: strategies for exploring future design landscapes..

The city in cinema: how popular culture can influence research agendas. (2011)
Journal Article
Smyth, M., Helgason, I., Mitrovic, I., & Zaffiro, G. (2011). The city in cinema: how popular culture can influence research agendas. Procedia Computer Science, 7, 110-113.

Where can researchers find inspiration for the transformative applications, concepts and infrastructures that they believe will characterise the next decade? One approach to predicting the future is to reflect on the visions of the future that have b... Read More about The city in cinema: how popular culture can influence research agendas..

Critical Design: Is It Just Designers Doing Ethnography or Does It Offer Something More for Interaction Design? (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smyth, M., Speed, C., & Brynskov, M. (2011, September). Critical Design: Is It Just Designers Doing Ethnography or Does It Offer Something More for Interaction Design?. Presented at 13th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal

The panel will discuss the contribution of Critical Design to the field of Interaction Design and reflect on the insights that it provides on interaction.

Digital Blur: Creative Practice at the Boundaries of Architecture, Design and Art (2010)
Smyth, M. (2010). P. Rodgers, & M. Smyth (Eds.). Digital Blur: Creative Practice at the Boundaries of Architecture, Design and Art. Libri Publishing

Digital Blur brings together some of the world's leading practitioners and thinkers from the fields of art, architecture and design, all of whom share a common desire to exploit the latest computing technologies in their creative practice.

Introduction to the special section Innovative Interactions, papers from Create10 Dialogues in interaction design: complexity, hybridity and the relationship between research and practice (2010)
Journal Article
Smyth, M. (2010). Introduction to the special section Innovative Interactions, papers from Create10 Dialogues in interaction design: complexity, hybridity and the relationship between research and practice. Digital Creativity, 21(4), 233-237.

A brief overview of the field of Interaction Design is provided in order to contextualise the Create10 conference. The conference was held at Edinburgh Napier University in June/July 2010 and attracted over 120 delegates. The papers that comprise thi... Read More about Introduction to the special section Innovative Interactions, papers from Create10 Dialogues in interaction design: complexity, hybridity and the relationship between research and practice.

Informing the design of the future urban landscape. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2010, August). Informing the design of the future urban landscape. Presented at DIS '10, Aarhus, Denmark

The urban spaces of the future will be saturated with both visible and hidden media that gather and transmit information. How we as physical beings connect with, interpret and shape this increase of data residing in our environment will be a signific... Read More about Informing the design of the future urban landscape..

Presence for everyone - a short guide to presence research. (2009)
Smyth, M. (2009). D. Benyon, M. Smyth, & I. Helgason (Eds.). Presence for everyone - a short guide to presence research. Centre for Interaction Design

Every day in countless interactions you and I use media to immerse ourselves in virtual environments of information, gaming, video, and social networking. For these moments we are not fully present in our rooms, offices, and streets. Connected by int... Read More about Presence for everyone - a short guide to presence research..

Fragments of place : revealing sense of place through shared phone images. (2009)
Digital Artefact
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2009). Fragments of place : revealing sense of place through shared phone images

Is an interactive new media art installation that explores how the sharing of images, normally hidden on mobile phones, can reveal more about people's sense of place and this ultimately shared experience. Traditional views on sense of place, as exemp... Read More about Fragments of place : revealing sense of place through shared phone images..

Presence and consciousness. (2009)
Book Chapter
Turner, P. (2009). Presence and consciousness. In D. Benyon, M. Smyth, & I. Helgason (Eds.), Presence for everyone: a short guide to presence research (21-24). Peach Consortium

Towards a new disciplinary framework for contemporary design practice. (2009)
Journal Article
Dykes, T. H., Rodgers, P. A., Dykes, T., Rodgers, P., & Smyth, M. (2009). Towards a new disciplinary framework for contemporary design practice. CoDesign, 5(2), 99-116.

This paper argues for a consistent and new design-specific disciplinary framework that will provide a better understanding of emergent design practice. Design today is characterised by a blurring of traditional design domains (Sanders 2006) and desig... Read More about Towards a new disciplinary framework for contemporary design practice..

Product Scotland: bringing designers, anthropologists, artists and engineers together. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rodgers, P., Rogers, J., Anusas, M., Milton, A., Pengelly, J., Whittet, C., Marshall, J., Titley, W., Colvin, A., Smyth, M., Charles, C., & Kasprzak, M. (2008, August). Product Scotland: bringing designers, anthropologists, artists and engineers together

This paper describes the work of Product Scotland, a collaborative network of product designers, anthropologists, artists and engineers based in Scotland. One of the key aims of the Product Scotland network is to achieve research excellence through k... Read More about Product Scotland: bringing designers, anthropologists, artists and engineers together..

Fragments of place. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smyth, M., Helgason, I., & Benyon, D. (2008, October). Fragments of place

Through the sharing and display of personal mobile phone images, the installation invites viewers to explore the connected nature of their sense of place.

Ensemble: embodied experiences in a sound and jewellery installation (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kettley, S., Smyth, M., Arvind, D. K., Greig, F., McGregor, I., & Paechter, B. (2007, December). Ensemble: embodied experiences in a sound and jewellery installation. Presented at Create 07

ensemble - an interactive collection of networked jewellery with gesturally determined, real time sonic output

Plotting affect and premises for use in aesthetic interaction design: towards evaluation of the everyday. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kettley, S., & Smyth, M. (2006, September). Plotting affect and premises for use in aesthetic interaction design: towards evaluation of the everyday. Presented at HCI Conference 2006

This short paper presents an experimental approach to the difficulty of evaluating interactive systems as artefacts for everyday life. The problem arises from the event-like nature of the user-centred evaluation session, as distinct from ‘being’ or t... Read More about Plotting affect and premises for use in aesthetic interaction design: towards evaluation of the everyday..

Supporting design communities: designers' perspectives. (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Joel, S., Smyth, M., & Rodgers, P. (2006, September). Supporting design communities: designers' perspectives

Localised un-structured design communities can benefit the designer and the design
process [1]. To explore the concept of community and its impact on design, a series of
semi-structured interviews were conducted. The interview responses were given... Read More about Supporting design communities: designers' perspectives..