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Smart specialisation strategies in the post-linear era of research and innovation (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Deakin, M., Mora, L., & Reid, A. (2017, October). Smart specialisation strategies in the post-linear era of research and innovation. Presented at 10th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development

Smart specialisation can be considered an entrepreneurial discovery process which makes it possible to identify where regions can benefit from specialising in specific areas of science and technology. The European Commission suggests the development... Read More about Smart specialisation strategies in the post-linear era of research and innovation.

Undermining our data: implications for trust in the population census (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Killick, L., Duff, A. S., Deakin, M., & Hall, H. (2017, June). Undermining our data: implications for trust in the population census. Paper presented at Information: interactions and impact (i3)

This paper draws on empirical work conducted as part of a multi-method research study funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). It is concerned with public perceptions of an online population census and adds to prior work exploring... Read More about Undermining our data: implications for trust in the population census.