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All Outputs (15)

Poverty mapping and sustainable transport: A neglected dimension (2015)
Journal Article
Grieco, M. (2015). Poverty mapping and sustainable transport: A neglected dimension. Research in Transportation Economics, 51, 3-9.

Building upon work conducted for the UNHabitat on the social sustainability of urban mobility and for UNECLAC on transport poverty in Latin America, this paper identifies the utility of poverty mapping in developing sustainable transport systems. The... Read More about Poverty mapping and sustainable transport: A neglected dimension.

Transport, the poor and moving towards low-carbon societies. (2013)
Journal Article
Grieco, M. (2013). Transport, the poor and moving towards low-carbon societies. Bulletin FAL, 318, 1-8

The discussion of poverty and transport globally, and within Latin America
and the Caribbean with its “high degree of residential segregation of
contemporary Latin American cities”,1 must increasingly take place within
the context of the social su... Read More about Transport, the poor and moving towards low-carbon societies..

Shadow factories, shallow skills? an analysis of work organisation in the aircraft industry in the Second World War (2011)
Journal Article
Little, S. E., & Grieco, M. (2011). Shadow factories, shallow skills? an analysis of work organisation in the aircraft industry in the Second World War. Labor History, 52, 193-216.

The relationship between design and the determination of social and skill practices has been under-considered within the literature. This paper investigates the relationship between design and skill transmission in the context of the Second World War... Read More about Shadow factories, shallow skills? an analysis of work organisation in the aircraft industry in the Second World War.

Identifying time-space constraints: a neglected element of the development discourse (2011)
Journal Article
Grieco, M., & Crowther, D. (2011). Identifying time-space constraints: a neglected element of the development discourse. Social responsibility journal, 7, 638-648.

Purpose – The purpose of this article is to provide conceptual provocation in the context of collective expertise on the identification of time-space constraints – a conceptual provocation that pushes understandings of routines and practices and the... Read More about Identifying time-space constraints: a neglected element of the development discourse.

Gender and health: a social movement’s agenda for Big Pharma. (2010)
Journal Article
Grieco, M. (2010). Gender and health: a social movement’s agenda for Big Pharma. Wagadu, 8,

Social movements have an important new campaigning and organizing competence in new information communication technologies. These technologies also enable the members of social movements to readily research the accuracy of information: knowledge be... Read More about Gender and health: a social movement’s agenda for Big Pharma..

Unions, technologies of coordination, and the changing contours of globally distributed power (2010)
Journal Article
Hogan, J., Nolan, P., & Grieco, M. (2010). Unions, technologies of coordination, and the changing contours of globally distributed power. Labor History, 51, 29-40.

This article explores the emergence and significance of new technologies of coordination for globally distributed social movements attempting to shape the power relationship between themselves and the forces of international business. It challenges t... Read More about Unions, technologies of coordination, and the changing contours of globally distributed power.

Big Pharma, social movements, international labour and the internet: critical perspectives on coordination. (2010)
Journal Article
Little, S. E., & Grieco, M. (2010). the internet: critical perspectives on coordination. Labor History, 51, 71-86.

There is a new political space within the dynamics of global organization. The technological needs of
globalised capitalism have spawned a new information communication technology which has the
capacity to enable and enhance the globalising of labo... Read More about Big Pharma, social movements, international labour and the internet: critical perspectives on coordination..

Edinburgh and the politics of congestion charging: negotiating road user charging with affected publics (2005)
Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W., & Grieco, M. (2005). Edinburgh and the politics of congestion charging: negotiating road user charging with affected publics. Transport Policy, 12(5), 475-476.

The citizens of Edinburgh have just rejected a congestion charging scheme for this capital city. This short postscript examines the case for a full post-mortem, a post-mortem which must include the participation of those who said no.

Globalisation, collective action and counter‐coordination: The use of the new information communication technology by the Malaysian labour movement (2005)
Journal Article
Grieco, M., & Bhopal, M. (2005). Globalisation, collective action and counter‐coordination: The use of the new information communication technology by the Malaysian labour movement. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 1(2/3), 109-122.

This article aims to explore the use of new information communication technology by the Malaysian labour movement. New information communication technologies are undoubtedly globalising, but these same technologies can also be used by labour to retri... Read More about Globalisation, collective action and counter‐coordination: The use of the new information communication technology by the Malaysian labour movement.

Scatters and clusters in time and space: implications for delivering integrated and inclusive transport (2003)
Journal Article
Hine, J., & Grieco, M. (2003). Scatters and clusters in time and space: implications for delivering integrated and inclusive transport. Transport Policy, 10(4), 299-306.

This paper calls for a refinement in the literature on social exclusion/inclusion, and an alteration in the counterpart policy practices, in order to take account of 'scatter' and 'cluster' dimensions in the patterning of transport deprivation. Disag... Read More about Scatters and clusters in time and space: implications for delivering integrated and inclusive transport.

Enabling and Managing Greater Access to Transport Data Through Metadata (2002)
Journal Article
Wigan, M., Grieco, M., & Mine, J. (2002). Enabling and Managing Greater Access to Transport Data Through Metadata. Transportation research record, 1804, 48-55.

MetadatA—information about data sets—allow clear understanding of exactly what the elements and structure of a given data set entail. Metadata in conjunction with XML-based specifications, schemas, and tools allow a high level of automated and valida... Read More about Enabling and Managing Greater Access to Transport Data Through Metadata.